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Everything posted by JoeMan

  1. This is really sad. Hopefully Melvin can help you get some type of resolution. I certainly wouldn't just move on if I was you. I also wouldn't return to get my stitches removed. Any general practitioner can remove stitches. They completely took advantage of you and I wouldn't be able to hold myself back from telling them how I feel if I returned.
  2. I'll point you to this I won't be going back and forth anymore because I don't want to give anyone a reason to shut this post down. We've gone off the rails some here and we aren't going to solve anything going back and forth. I'm glad the op reached out to the clinic and I wish him luck. I remain concerned that he's being censored here and I don't want to give further reason to censor him further by having his post closed.
  3. Look, you guys are free to think what you want. Eugenix did no wrong! The OP screwed up completely. You're not changing your mind and I'm not changing mine. I'm still of the opinion that both parties have some blame here. I'm just trying to remain open minded and not be so quick to disregard the OP. If you agree on a HL I'd still expect a better result.
  4. Yes that's exactly what I said. You can't open your mind to the possibility that he trusted the design from Eugenix to yield a better result? Who knows how it played out is what I'm saying. But you guys feel free to pile on the OP as you see fit.
  5. I know it's a repair job but what I'm saying is you're assuming that this is the reason for the HL design. We don't really know why they drew it this way. Maybe they didn't have to go so low. Maybe the OP asked for it. Who knows?
  6. Looking really good! Looking forward to a great result here.
  7. To me this shows bias towards the clinic. An experienced clinic can make mistakes and many if not all do from time to time. You talk as if Eugenix can do no wrong. I didn't say they wasted grafts but possibly could've gone higher. Saying its a repair case is just your assumption on HL design. We don't know what the reason for going lower was. Only the OP and the clinic know. We also don't know why more beard grafts weren't used like we see from many of their cases. Many unanswered questions here that we'll likely never know. I'm not saying Eugenix was wrong here because we don't know all of these details. Saying he's a difficult case when this is what Eugenix is supposed to be world leaders in seems to dismiss what we've seen from them in the past. I bet if he was a new client right now in his current state, they'd figure out a way to work their magic because this is what they're known for.
  8. It's not like they all drew a hairline. Maybe the other clinics wouldn't have gone so far down. We all know these are just estimates. I fail to see how any of this adds to anything other than trying to badger the op. People complain about this being 6 pages long but continue to pile on in my opinion. This of course triggers a reply by the OP. He told his story. We can all draw our own conclusions. I believe both sides have some fault which is usually the case in most arguments/disagreements. I think he probably should've reached out to the clinic for more support before this post. Melvin reached out for him and he is correct in that this was kinda where many people (Eugenix included) turned against him. The document he was asked to sign wasn't just any document and most of us wouldn't sign it. Some of us still have questions about the NDA document that seems to have been shared with Melvin. I still wonder why he's censored now which seems unwarranted IMO. In any event, what's done is done. He's not looking for a repair from them but if I was Eugenix I'd offer it because then at least they put out the olive branch. Once he declines, they can easily close this case out and say that they at least tried. Seems like a quick and easy solution to me.
  9. How will you know if it works? Are you measuring your hair growth rate? Just curious what would be a sign that the growth you received wasn't just typical growth?
  10. @AJ_HT I do find this weird that I can not message you either. I'd like to understand the logic behind what appears to be limiting access for the OP to communicate with others. I'd like to believe this is a glitch but it seems extremely unlikely.
  11. Finasteride is not really going to regrow your hair. It mainly prevents further loss so not seeing results so to speak is normal. If you didn't have side effects, you'd be wise to get back on it.
  12. I believe Dr. Nader in Mexico has been mentioned here before. Search his name and results should pull up. Personally I think Europe has better Dr's though.
  13. After looking at your pictures better, maybe they are expecting Finasteride to grow some of the weak hair in the crown area. You still have quite a large area to cover as your left side (right in pictures) looks like it's more depleted? I'm thinking 4,500 with some crown work but not much. But I can't see the temple area well. Can you post temple areas?
  14. If I was you I'd do this in 2 procedures. Frontal area in 1st pass then the crown area. You can potentially get some grafts in the crown in the 1st pass I believe but I wouldn't go for a 5k graft procedure. What Dr did you choose? Are they claiming full coverage Frontal area and crown with 3800?
  15. Something seems a miss since the OP signed the original paperwork for his 1st surgery with Eugenix at least thats my take on this. Only on his 2nd procedure was he refusing to sign this. They still seem to have performed the procedure. Now if it was a regular surgery document then why would any Dr perform a procedure without a signature?
  16. Even just pictures you sent to them for evaluation might be helpful.
  17. When paying for what's considered a top clinic, I don't believe he needs to know such things. He should do his homework, I agree, but if they led him to believe that 2500 was sufficient then the clinic misled him. Of coarse I agree that the OP should elaborate more on this to ensure that he wasn't told that he can only expect low density.
  18. Do you have pictures before surgery?
  19. Even if so, you can clearly see his before and after pictures. The very front is thin afterwards. This is the area where they lowered the HL and no hair was present before. If they didn't have enough grafts then why not take more from the beard? I stand by my statement after seeing cases like @Gatsby on here where they literally jumped through hoops to get the job done. While his case and results are unknown, it just shows what they are capable of if willing.
  20. Why would they lower the hairline? Why even touch the mid scalp? If the donor is depleted then a more conservative approach would be beneficial I believe. This would yield maximum density in the frontal area which we all know is what we see first. Lowering the hairline seems like it was a miscalculation by the clinic in my opinion if the donor couldn't support it. Maybe the OP insisted on a lower HL but it just seems to me like they somehow miscalculated. If he had additional beard hair, why not pull more?
  21. @AJ_HT can you post this document? Sounds like something most people wouldn't sign.
  22. After hearing both sides, I do believe that Eugenix maybe miscalculated the grafts required. I also agree that I wouldn't return after they seem to have blamed you in a way to Melvin. To me it didn't seem like you were even asking for free work from them which was implied, although in my opinion, I believe the remedy for a reputable clinic such as Eugenix would be to attempt to resolve it in a less confrontational manner. To me the yield looks low in the front and I can understand why you aren't happy. If this was a less touted clinic, I believe most people on this site would say that the result was less than optimal. While I understand that Eugenix churns out good work normally, I believe that this case fell short. Reading the text the OP posted, Eugenix seems to imply that mid scalp will be filled as well. Being disappointed with the mid scalp at 8 months seems legit as very few grafts were placed there. Waiting for the front to grow in is something I've seen several experts say in this forum. @AJ_HT I wish you luck going forward. If it was me, I'd look for a repair from a different top clinic but if you've depleted your donor, maybe this is not worth it.
  23. Makes sense. Hopefully they stand behind their work because this does fall short of what we have seen from them.
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