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Everything posted by JoeMan

  1. I had my bloodwork done locally in the US about 2 weeks before I went to Europe. I think for the most part they're ensuring that you are healthy enough and fit for surgery along with HIV risks. It's really not a big deal but if you're worried, go get your own done now to ensure nothing is wrong. I get mine done annually just to ensure everything is good.
  2. For what it's worth, I feel like I'm just turning a corner at a little over 6 weeks. Redness subsiding and some of the hairs that didn't shed are growing. I feel like by week 8 I won't be wearing a hat anymore so you're probably right behind me. This is not to say that it will be thick but I guess it's just becoming less obvious that anything was done.
  3. I'll read it tomorrow but thanks for the article! I've definitely been skeptical of PRP since I've had a few Dr's talk me out of it but like I said, this was for tendon tears and not hair related.
  4. If you're willing to go to Europe, they have some excellent Dr's and they're much cheaper than the US. I'd look at Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Ferreira, Dr. Pinto and Dr. De Freitas for your 2nd procedure. In US, Dr Cooley looks interesting to me or H&W in Canada.
  5. Mind me asking the cost for this procedure? If you'd rather not say then I understand.
  6. But when good Dr's have bad days, they step up and admit it. Try their best to accommodate and remedy the situation. Not offer 200 grafts if you buy another 2k.
  7. Can you provide a link to the studies? I've had several Dr's talk me out of it for various injuries. They all basically said that while it can't hurt, the science doesn't show it's very helpful. I've read a few articles that also suggested similar findings. This wasn't for hair of course. I feel like it's the new thing that many Dr's and clinics make lots of money off of. If it works for hair, how often would you need to receive an injection?
  8. Sorry you feel like you were scammed. Can you post pictures? Maybe just telling people not to go there at all would be best since it sounds like a place that you wouldn't recommend.
  9. 2 days! That's a lot of grafts in 1 day. Which clinics are you looking at?
  10. For 18k you can easily go to Europe and see a world renowned Dr. I've never heard of this Dr in Atlanta but for the price, I'd go to Europe. Dr. Biçer in Turkey in 2€ a graft. Better Dr's in my opinion are: Dr. Pinto in Portugal 2.6€ a graft Dr. Ferreira in Portugal 3€ a graft Dr. De Freitas in Spain 3.5€ for 1st 1k grafts then 2.5€ afterwards. Dr. Bisanga in Belgium 4€ or 5€? These are just examples of some top Dr's prices so you can get an idea of the price difference. Your money will go further in Europe.
  11. In my opinion PRP is a little over rated so I wouldn't put money into it. I don't have any knowledge about the laser so can't say anything about it. I don't believe either one can hurt though so if you have the money to blow then you can try them. If you're comfortable with a shaved head then I would definitely just keep that because surgery is always risky. I have seen on this forum @Gatsby case where Eugenix used body hair for his case. Look him up. His case will show you that Eugenix can and will dig deep to solve tough cases.
  12. I also think Dr. Bisanga has some involvement in an Athens clinic where he's training other Dr's. When I was looking, this was a slightly cheaper option but I'm not sure what the rate was or if he's still doing this.
  13. If you're looking for a better price expand your search to Europe. You'll pay less for better Dr's. Top Dr's in the US are very expensive. In my opinion, your money goes further in Europe. Can you share pictures and some information about your case such as goals? Are you taking medications for hair loss?
  14. That's what makes Dr's Pinto, Ferreira and De Freitas so appealing. Their prices are reasonable, great results and no Tax added. Well at least no tax for the first 2. Not sure about Dr. De Freitas.
  15. I think Eugenix might be able to get you full coverage but they'd be able to tell you best.
  16. Where are you going for the procedure? You're very young for this in my opinion. What are your goals?
  17. You look like a really good candidate for Eugenix. It's hard to tell how thick the back is because your hair is short. Is it diffuse? I would look to get a consultation with Eugenix and they can tell you more but it doesn't look like something they can't handle.
  18. No problem! Have fun on your trip and let us know if you are able to squeeze in a consultation. Good luck!
  19. What an amazing result! Just started following this and I ordered some vitamins you've recommended. I'm already taking vitamin D, Zinc and Liver pills but adding collagen, msm and hyaluronic acid. Thanks for all of the information. Hopefully it all jump starts my hair lol
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