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Everything posted by AlexMeister21

  1. I would be excited if I had Freitas for my first procedure. Good on you for doing your research and choosing a good doctor. For me, I was a bit nervous before my first procedure but I was ready to get it over with because I had been dealing with combovers and hair loss for more than a decade at that point. Choosing Freitas, you're in good hands and you'll likely find that the surgery isn't as bad as you are probably expecting.
  2. I just put baby shampoo on the grafts and let it sit for a while and then start rubbing in a circular motion to get the scabs out. It should be okay if they aren't removed all at once. I think I gradually started getting them out around day 10 and got them all out by around day 14 or something.
  3. Dr. Nader is probably the best low budget doc that is near the US. You can stay in Texas by the border and his staff drives you over to their clinic in Reynosa.
  4. Thanks, good luck with your surgery. Since my last post, I've noticed some more grafts have sprouted, very thin for now. Will be updating every month.
  5. 8.5 hours is quick for 3,000+ grafts. They really are very coordinated in how they operate. I guess you just have to see if you develop any swelling, but doesn't seem like many Laorwong patients do. Enjoy your time in Bangkok. Really can't wait to go back myself.
  6. Happy for you. How long did the procedure take and did you feel any pain at all during it? If you're currently not feeling any pain, then you'll most likely be fine. I didn't even need to take the pain killers Laorwong gave me. And looks like they gave you a black bandana too, lol. I was looking everywhere in Bangkok for a black bandana but couldn't find one.
  7. I'm sorry, but it's not reasonable to assume that the reason all these people up and out after dropping a review for Diep is because they aren't familiar with how forums work. It's because their main intention is promotion. Whether that's an okay thing to do or not is subjective. I just find it strange that so many of these people have the same exact pattern and verbatim. So many reviews that are posted one after another on here and then Yelp on the same day seems suspicious to me if there isn't much motivation or incentive involved on the patient's end. I don't see that happening with any other doctor. It's also strange that all these reviews say the same thing, praising Diep and staff, talking about how the post-op instructions are detailed, saying how you will look 15 years younger after 9 months, saying how easy it is to schedule a consultation with MHTAClinic, etc. It's like all of them have anterograde amnesia and can't remember any details after their procedure with Diep. When future threads like this are created, I think it's fair if other members impose their own disclaimers if the thread indeed turns out to be a hit-and-run. There are good Diep results,yes, but there are also good results for Tarscan, hair mills, and Bosley patients. The biggest issue is that Diep and company are well, well aware of all the criticisms being made, but they make excuses and act as if they're being victimized. It's dangerous if a doctor does not care to improve when they have produced so many poor results.
  8. I 100% am not skeptical just because he claims he is happy with his result. I'm skeptical because his writing was low-effort, only praised Diep and staff and did not go into detail about his procedure or journey, which is similar to the past 10-20 Diep threads of this nature. I genuinely want to see a review of Dr. Diep where the result actually turns out good. The last one was probably WS2020 while the rest have been these hit-and-run threads where it is unknown if they are genuine or not. There's also hair2022, but he's been MIA. I have more experience with Diep and his staff than the average person here does and I know you do as well. I just find it a coincidence that they have these gaps of no reviews being posted for them, but then all of a sudden, you see several pop up and they all sound the same. As I mentioned before, I know that there were several that popped up after I left my own reviews and Allison called me to discuss. You reached out to Diep to address the criticisms being made against him, but he declined to respond. I bring up to Allison about Diep's removal from the Surgeon's Recommended List, and she gives an egotistical response of how they weren't removed and they requested to be taken off to distance themselves from HRN. If it weren't for the 20 or 21-year-old that had a poor result by Diep, he'd very likely still be on the recommended list to this day.
  9. I very much would appreciate it if genuine Diep patients come here and post their reviews. The problem is that the genuineness of this thread is questionable. It makes sense why there was initial skepticism on this thread because it is way too similar to the other threads of this nature. As mentioned before, I've seen you crack down on very detailed threads for Pekiner because of suspicions of incentivization. I know you had your own history with Diep and don't believe there are any incentives from these hit-and-run threads being created. In the Diep threads posted above, you're defending the users who only post once and never return. Why are so many of these threads being created and specifically for Diep? I don't see this occurring with any other doctor here on these forums.
  10. I just think there should be more done to protect members of this community from these kind of threads. At the very least, it would be nice to have a disclaimer on these low-effort threads from newly created accounts just based on Diep's history and the frequency that these types of posts occur and have the same outcome. Obviously, most members here are well-aware of Diep's controversy, but there may be other people who are doing research and may not understand all the controversy. I was once that ill-educated guy, came here and saw some bad things being posted about Diep, but also saw good things being posted and people vouching or standing up for him and then thinking all the bad results had to just be flukes. I don't blame anyone for my decisions to go to Diep, but I can see how others may be influenced disingenuously from these promotional threads.
  11. I think this can be classified as a hit-and-run post, though there's more effort on the OP's end. The photos posted by Mohammad are clearly from a genuine Diep patient, but I don't think the intention or motivations here are that genuine. Mohammad has made clear his intention to leave, and that intention was clear to me from the beginning based on the writing and the behavior. Perhaps he feels bullied and no longer wishes to be here, but I would bet there would have been no response out of him had there not been the pressure or skepticism put onto this thread. Just look at the history of all these other threads and how they turned out. They all sound the same and have the same behavior and even posting the same review on Yelp on the same day. Why would so many people go through this effort, having the same behavior and patterns if there's no incentive for them to do so? Why don't we see this type of behavior from obviously genuine Diep patients such as WS2020?
  12. I don’t think there’s much bullying or harassment going on here, certainly skepticism. I think it’s reasonable to have skepticism if there were numerous Diep posts in the past that just praise the doc, staff, but don’t go into detail about their procedure or 12-month growth process and then the OP may stay for a day or two but never returns again. If Mohammad’s initial post were more detailed about his procedure or sounded more personal, then there wouldn’t be any skepticism. There would also be less skepticism if this same review wasn’t found on Yelp. The last 20 or so of these Diep reviews had the same intention of promotion across numerous platforms. May I ask why several of these Diep threads were deleted in the recent past?
  13. At the risk of being banned or silenced, I don't think this thread is that genuine. The behavior and writing is just too similar. I don't think it's beyond Diep and company to have some influence in these types of reviews being posted. It's just strange that Mohammad's review was removed from Yelp and then another one took its place that pretty much sounds like an advertisement for MHTAClinic. I personally have had experiences with them where I left negative reviews on Yelp, RealSelf and then 2 hours later, I receive a phone call from Allison to discuss partial refund and signing NDA agreement. After declining, coincidentally, two positive reviews popped up on both platforms to overshadow mine, which both reviews have also, for some reason, been removed from Yelp. I'm just trying to protect other people from being disingenuously influenced here and I wish you'd be more mindful of that as well. I've seen you or some other moderator delete these type of Diep threads before, so I don't know if you noticed similar IP addresses or something else was in violation for those threads. I've also seen you lock obviously genuine threads for great doctors like Pekiner because you believed they were being incentivized, but for some reason you still seem to defend Diep to some degree.
  14. Interestingly, Mohammad's review got removed from Yelp while another one took its place. https://www.yelp.com/biz/medical-hair-transplant-and-aesthetics-los-gatos?hrid=D3IFswnlTdLom5yPGb58eg&utm_campaign=www_review_share_popup&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=(direct)
  15. Looking forward to your surgery post. I think you should make a new thread because it would be easier for people in the future seeking Laorwong to find your surgery update as the first post in the thread as opposed to having to sift through to find it.
  16. Nerves is understandable. This is a big surgery, but you're in good hands. Should probably take it easy first few days to avoid any potential complications. I personally stayed in until all the hair washes were done, but I heard other Laorwong patients going out with bandana pretty soon after surgery. If you're doing FUE, it should just look like you've had a buzz cut by day 3-5.
  17. Looks like you're having fun lol. Can't wait to go back to Bangkok. Should be a pretty easygoing procedure for you. Laorwong makes it feel like a 8-12 hour dental procedure. Maybe get some pad thai or check out ICONSIAM afterwards 🤠
  18. Your scar is somewhat wide-ish but manageable and you have thick hair where I'm sure it wouldn't be much of an issue. Do you have any other current photos of your hairline? How many grafts were used and how involved was Dr. Diep in your surgery? Also is there a reason why you opted for FUT over FUE?
  19. I understand. I hope Mohammad can respond and quell all doubts. It would be nice to have another Diep patient here on the forums. However, every single Diep thread that has been created like this, the OP does not stay or respond to any further inquiries. They just stop by, drop a review and leave. Seeing that the same review has been posted on Yelp, I'm assuming the intention is the same here. Hopefully Mohammad can break that pattern.
  20. It's hard to feel reviews like this are genuine when there have been so many reviews with similar verbatim coming from newly joined members with no post history. Dr. Diep is a controversial surgeon and for very good reason. I obviously have had a bad experience with them and spoke with both Diep and his wife Allison for hours on the matter and all they did was defend their clinic. I don't think anyone here would want any potential patient to be subjected to a doctor that doesn't prioritize patient satisfaction or stand by their work. Perhaps Mohammad A is a genuine patient. It really is hard to tell when verbatim and behavior is so similar to other reviews like this. As a former Diep patient, I know they ask patients to send in photos of their FUT scar and schedule a follow-up about 1-2 months after surgery. If Mohammad can supply current photos of scar and hair in different lighting, then I will apologize to him.
  21. Do you have photos of your scar now? I know Diep asks patients to send him photos of their scar 1-2 months post-op. Also, could you post another photo of your hair in different lighting, please? Interior car lighting is quite favorable.
  22. Same review posted on Yelp on same day, just like the other reviews that look and smell like this one. Located in Los Gatos, CA. https://www.yelp.com/biz/medical-hair-transplant-and-aesthetics-los-gatos?hrid=e1lGhbny9y7czWzogjh9sQ&utm_campaign=www_review_share_popup&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=(direct) Edit: Review was removed by Yelp.
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