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Everything posted by davidn

  1. Hey Dude, Take a deep breath, you will be fine. Consult with a great smp Artist and pose all your questions. Try Paul Clark, Creative Scalps or Mens Ink Milano. They will sort you out!
  2. Low hairline: - Removing will create scarring - Time is your enemy in Terms of realism - higher graft count which has to be used everywhere else in future High hairline: - Can always lower it if you dont lose any hair in next 20 years - even if you progress into full blown nw 7 will look natural stand-alone - save grafts for future work
  3. Guys, Dude was a norwood 7 who improved his looks by a lot. He will mature into the hair line over his life, and it will look natural.. I would rather make hairline height compromises than just have hairs in the frontal third..
  4. Actually it turned out pretty well! Did dr give you guesstimate how many grafts left?
  5. In a way, I think your journey also shows the improvements of options balding people had over the years. Today, you can just shave it off and even though it's not for everyone, it is socially accepted. We also went from scalp reductions and plugs to follicular units and strip to fue and bht. Also we went from onion juice to Finasteride and Minoxidil and finally hair systems have come a long way and smp steadily improves in realism. Funny to think what happened in one balding men lifetime. Now, on to the next stages (looking at you Stemson)!
  6. It can be done better for now, but 1) the hairline might look a bit out of place when patient becomes older. You can lower a hair line but removing grafts is risky.. 2) this hair loss thing will continue, his crown might dip, lateral humps might fall. You need grafts for the future. He already had advanced hair loss and as you said, he is not that old as you said.. might continue.. So better safe than sorry
  7. If its a good one.. If its a bad one you might end up a social outcast.
  8. Personally I would favor the surgeon who takes a lot of time for consultation, is trying to understand your goals etc. But obviously Bisanga is a top-notch choice. PS: Really liked that he told you that if hair loss progresses, to shave it off. Very ethical!
  9. Ah yes, would also be interested in which clinic you have consulted with who first considered you not a candidte and then changed their opionion due to donor improvement with Finasteride except hlc?
  10. Hey mate, Thanks for sharing. Work looks good. Maybe I would have recommend to work from hair line to back and do mid scalp instead of crown, but let's see. You seem to have a lot of donor left and a good beard too, and you can always color your hair!
  11. I can see the outline already of a great result. You went to an excellent clinic and it pays off.
  12. First of all, its a good step that you go for in-person consultations. You do the right thing. Personally I would wait a year on the meds, you gather more data about its efficacy for you, instead of doing a surgery and praying. Also, would you be able to show some pictures of your donor? Really interested how blonde low-density donor looks like (and compare to mine). If not, no worries, respect your privacy!
  13. This will become interesting! So, the plan is to do a 2nd surgery on crown?
  14. I thought I have seen everything in the hair transplant world.. 🤣 what a determination.
  15. I knew he would come up 🤣 saw him at an Airport in cyprus 2 months ago. He also had smp. It looks decent enough in real life (the smp).
  16. It has to be applied in the right density, size of the dots, and most inportantly, into the right layer of the skin. Top-ups are like 800 USD or so. Anyway good luck in whatever you choose!
  17. Hey Dude. This is crazy. Dont do It. It is very hard to find a good, professional smp artist already. There are hundreds of artists doing this professional with hundreds of hours of experience and still being sh**. There are many things that can go wrong with smp too, you can go too deep so the tattoo turns blue, oversaturate so it turns into a helmet, etc. There are smp treatments for 2-3 k USD and I am sure you can find a way to make this money. I guarantee you now, if you buy a machine and let your wife smp your head, this will end in disaster, 100% and your future will include painful laser sessions which you have to pay for anyway.
  18. Lol how views have changed regarding oral Minoxidil..🤣
  19. Since I pull all my life energy from this thread,I know the answer John previously gave. For further questions about Johns transplants dont hesitate to reach out. All the best, Johns Secretary Here the answer: "Dr P and Dr Arika recon I have 2000 scalp grafts and 4000+ beard left to use for improving density in the years to come. "
  20. Oh wow. You were such a good responder to fin already.. What I have always wanted to ask you mate.. 1) how did friends and family react? Were they completely shocked with what was achieved? 2) How did your life change through the hair? Do you feel more self-confident? Do you feel like people treat you a lil bit different?
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