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Everything posted by TheGreatPretender

  1. He is. He actually recommended me to start 1MG of Finasteride from Monday to Friday but I told them I was already on it for 2 years besides topical Minoxidil for 1. They essentially told me to continue the medication. But I have also heard from patients that I liked to get agressive and recommending oral dutasteride and Minoxidil for the mix.
  2. Thanks man. The doctor does give anti depressants on the day of the surgery to calm patients down from what I have been told so that may help. My only fear is the post op process and how painful sleeping is according to most people. Also some horror stories about people banging their heads. I will fly off at the morning after my last day and fortunately I have been told by the clinic that I should be fit to fly off so hopefully it won't be too bad. I will also be taking one of my parents to help me with the process so there's also that. Hopefully the saline solution will help me to speed up healing and I can get home safely without the scratch of a sound.
  3. No need for a transplant. If Finasteride isn't enough to hold ground switch to dutasteride. Transplants aren't the cure Saddly and it's always best to get it stable before even considering the thought of surgery.
  4. I would still urge you to reconsider going down the surgical path. Not trying to actively discourage you but you have to consider the risks/rewards implications that come with a surgery. I am only a week before my proccedure with De Freitas and I can tell you de anxiety I have felt so far hasnt equaled anything I have been through in my entire life, there are a lot of factors that go into consideration when you go for a HT and you got to understand that not all implanted folicles will grow back after being implanted, there is a risk of transection and permanent loss of your native hair especially in diffuse thinning cases. But my baldness is way too advanced to not consider surgical means while yours is not. If I saw you down the street I wouldnt probably be able to tell you had hair loss which means that meds have been helping you maintain what you currently have and at least keep yourself presentable to the outer world. If you decided to grow it out it would be 99% impossible to tell any signs of thinning and I think you should try to at least wear it that way that makes you comfortable because you certainly have options where many dont. I completly understand the need to recover lost ground and the depression that comes with it, but in my view your hair already looks great and it wouldnt really make a top tier difference as someone with more advanced form of balding would. Again not trying to discourage, only trying to give some advise.
  5. Pekiner, Gur, Yaman, Bicer, Turan or Keiser. Lots of names to look at. Please do yourself a favour and dont chose to go into any of the hairmills. Also as the other user said scroll through other forums such as Italian and Spanish ones, lots of info in there besides here. There is also a recommended list for you to peek if youd like.
  6. I'd say the us may hold better names then UK such as Hason and Wong, Konior, Bloxham etc. But I still feel like Europe is the way to go such as Spain, Portugal and Belgium. You will also find better prices in there for similar/better results.
  7. Perfect result once again. Dr.Ahmad never fails to impress. I wouldn't bother much with the crown in his place, his result already looks natural and in case he decides to grow his hair out then he could maximise coverage even more.
  8. You seem to still have a good head of hair. I can see some slight recession from the corners howeaver your overall density seems pretty good plus you seem to look great with the long hairstyle which I quite envy. But needless to say that fighting with Minoxidil, Keto and Vitamins is mostly delaying the problem and not really adressing it at the root cause or stopping it on its tracks. This is why I would highly advise you to get on Finasteride ASAP if you want to keep your hair. The side effects are rare and most people settle in quite well and are able to maintain it for ages without having to worry anymore about their heads. Of course you can always check with a doctor but you are an excelent candidate for Fin at the very least.
  9. This is expected at the two month mark with pretty much every surgery. You will usually "lose" those grafts after the first month, sometimes even earlier then that. I wouldnt really fret for the shedding, its mostly at the 4th month that you can start to expect some "real" growth from those folicles, its always best to adjust expectations when you build your own "internal" timeline. Native hair can also be affected with shock loss especially in diffuse thinners so that is something that would also be in part "normal" if you will. As @Melvin- Moderator says, it gets worse before it gets better.
  10. Long enough to get anchored. It will grow back in a couple of months so chill.
  11. To me looks a lot like transplanted hair to be honest...Should regrow in a couple of months.
  12. Honestly it's a hell of a work. I think Couto is really great for the hairtypes he operates and excels where many can't. If I saw that man down the street I wouldn't tell he had surgery at all.
  13. For what's worth I kind of envy having your density. Guys like me would have settled with what you currently have and called it a day. You could easily grow out some serious locks with your caliber and make it look like it thickened out, that alone would be enough for me. But well, different stokes for different folks I guess. It's not good but it could be worse.
  14. Unless you got afro hair I would chose Pinto.
  15. Yes. Not too late though as you still got some density. I would be looking on to start Finasteride asap.
  16. Don't think so. But it will likely give you some discomfort. Another thing to mention besides hitting your head is making sure you don't constantly tilt it forward. Oh and another thing I forgot to mention. They also advise you to drink a lot of water before and after the surgery so having a water bottle next to you will help. I know this may sound paranoid of me but since I am also leaving in the next day I actually asked for a wheelchair assistance just to prevent fatigue to catch up with me, especially since I leave early in the morning. It will help me getting priority and possibly bumping over other people along the way.
  17. I had similar worries. The clinic responded that I can alsk the board assistance for cold ice to be directly applied on the forehead.
  18. This may be just shock loss. Two months is way to early to take conclusions. Sometimes hairmills can get you elite level results provided you are lucky so I would still wait a couple more before getting into conclusions. There have been a couple of reports here of great results even in hairmills so don't lose out all hope. There is still time for you to get it right.
  19. I am sorry you got side effects. Hopefully oral will do better, you can also use Minoxidil to help it a bit more. I wish you all the best man and know you are not alone and there are people like me that share your pain everyday.
  20. Starting day 10 you should be able to wear hats easily, this was at least what they told me in my pre op docs, I suspect the same applies for OP.
  21. I understand your feelings and a lot of them is something that I have experienced, especially when you are talking about isolation only in a much, much larger scale. Howeaver based on your pics you can take solace on the fact that many of us (me included) wouldnt mind being in your position right now. You seem to have good hair and judging by them alone it seems sooner or later you will get fixed so try to focus on that. It sucks to be were you are now but there have been people that have been on it for 8 years, speaking from experience... In the meantime remember to take the meds. You got this.šŸ˜‰
  22. Curious... Most curious. Of course by now the folicles should be more then secure but it's interesting the "Z" like curve it does in the end. I actually have a theory. Your upper part of the hair was implanted in a certain direction. However the bottom part which grew over 1mm (post transplant) is how much the hair grew shortly before being pushed out by the folicle, hense why you see the hook like shape.
  23. Would you say that the crown is the slowest spot to grow hair? Seems there is a bit of contradictory info regarding the growth in that particular so Im slightly curious.
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