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Everything posted by FUT4000

  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4622412/ "not yet scientifically proven" Yet here i am providing you the same scientifically proven link again. The being positive remark had nothing to do with hair loss, it has to do with your toxic style of commenting to people's posts on this forum that has gone unchecked.
  2. Which brand hand microscope is that, really good quality!
  3. https://www.cvs.com/shop/mederma-advanced-scar-gel-prodid-210683 I keep seeing this brand at top of the lists. do you guys know about it?
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4622412/ "patients presented clinical improvement in the mean number of hairs, with a mean increase of 33.6 hairs in the target area and a mean increase in total hair density of 45.9 hairs per cm2 compared with baseline values. No side effects were noted during treatment. " Dude you would have found that with a little Google search. you seem angry and bitter in every one of your posts for some reason.
  5. Plasma rich protein is not bs there are multiple studies that show it releases growth factors that enhances tissues regeneration and healing.
  6. Has anyone found a good scar ointment/lotion to apply to either FUE or FUT scars after HT?
  7. yea more than 5 scoops of any supplement a day is going to cause all types of problems lol
  8. You would think protein would enhance cell growth (including hair transplants), due to its metabolic chemistry. Can you ask Dr. Pinto where we can find the research he's talking about?
  9. Do you use minoxidil on the whole scalp or just the crown?
  10. dr diep requires pictures of the back of your head, he knows if you have good donor or not, how is that a red flag lol
  11. my man get you a barber that doesnt give you a two tone haircut like that. you have to taper or blend it in which will soften the look on the hairline. i believe melvin has a video for cutting your own hair.
  12. By your screen name you're in the bay, have you tried contacting Dr. Diep?
  13. Your primary care physician can prescribe finasteride. HIMS is fairly more expensive than going through your insurance and your PCP.
  14. Your whole body is not sterile. Unless you put toppik on leg hair then you can keep it on your head
  15. I know its variable on each doctor and each patient's profession, but if you're able to wear surgical caps at work, when would the soonest advisable back to work date after surgery be?
  16. I just looked at your blog and after your first and second transplant everything looked decent. What happened after that? why did you get additional HT procedures? Looking at the quality of your hair I believe you have something metabolically going on possibly. Have you had blood work done?
  17. Even though you are giving an honest opinion, doesnt mean its necessarily the right one. You are telling him hes not a candidate for HT because he is experiencing sexual side effects from finasteride? He still takes them dude, and you dont have to absolutely be on finasteride to get a HT. You maximize your chances of success of course, but you cannot tell him hes not a good candidate because of the sides.
  18. I feel you on situations like that. Those people are extremely immature, but they have insecurities too. They aren’t as obvious as ours probably but we’re not the type of people to make fun of them for it. You’ll meet a lot of good people in life like on these forums that help with things like this. You’re not alone!
  19. Good choice! I’m scheduled with him next month!
  20. You don't need friends like that. Make your circle smaller trust me you will be happier
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