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Everything posted by Fue3361

  1. Max density is very high these days. I know Thiago Bianco says he is able to go over 100fu/cm2 in rare cases where it is warranted. In my case, he did over 80 with no issues and great survivability. Here's mine: I've seen a case from Konior going for 100ish as well.
  2. Your case is much easier than mine. Temples are the hardest part and the part that can make it look the most unnatural. I think you don't need a transplant and that it looks good already. But you're 32, and you know what you want better than I do. People told me I didn't need one, and I still got one. You'd need fewer grafts than me, I used 3.3k I'm sure you can pull off a great look with under 2500. But I don't think under 2k grafts would work, because you really want it to be very dense, otherwise it will look off. An aggressive, lower hairline, requires high density. It just is what it is.
  3. Yeah. From my understanding, Dr. Leal is so booked (like 2-3+ years) that he's not taking on any new clients, and only accepts old clients (for touchups/future surgeries) or friends of previous clients. He's currently opening sister clinics with all surgeons he's personally trained to what he considers his standard. Has 1 clinic already open, with another in the works.
  4. If you want to close in the forehead in terms of width, you're looking at a massive amount of grafts. I think if that's the plan, you can't really afford to lower the hairline much at all, as you do seem to be receding. I'm a big fan of Pekiner's hairlines, think you can't go wrong with him.
  5. Thought experiment. The donor area thins over time. My personal easy conclusion: Hair transplant will thin over time most likely at least the same rate as donor does, especially if not on meds.
  6. My clinic started me on oral Minoxidil the same day of Surgery.
  7. Any elite surgeons will do a good job of adding density. Adding density is more difficult and more dangerous because it has the potential to mess up existing hairs in that area. But overall, when it comes to adding density to an easy case such as your own, just get the best doctor you can afford. There's no "specialization" for adding density. It's literally a part of every surgery (when transplanting into the transition zone of recipient and existing hair).
  8. I was given the same thing. 2.5 in my case. Having spent over 10k USD… I’d never consider not following my doctor’s post op instructions. Even if it is not necessary, do you really want to forever wonder “I wonder if the Minox would have given me a bit of a more dense result…”
  9. Oh yeah, you can expect a lot of improvement in the next few months.
  10. I think it looks good. But also, I think it looks meh if the density is on the lower end. Usually the peak itself naturally tends to be somewhat dense in people. I think this guys has a good peak done (that’s his 6 month mark):
  11. Do you want to wear your hair long, or do you like the buzz cut? If you like the Buzz cut, personally, I'd not get a hair transplant. But yeah, if you want it long, there are doctors that can do very good work. But due to the very low dip of your crown, you should be very careful with your donor management, so make sure the Dr. you choose is a highly skilled one that will not waste grafts.
  12. 20-30k is an excellent budget for the amount that you need. You can pretty much do it with any doctor you choose. One thing to consider is that you have very thick hair, so you'll probably want someone capable of dense packing it well, otherwise it will stick out like a sore thumb. Problem is, most good surgeons, they literally all have super long waiting lists if they're doing 1 patient a day. H&W do lots of surgeries, so I wouldn't be surprised if they had an earlier opening. IDK, if I wanted it done soon, I'd go with H&W. Are they the absolute best money can buy? Nope, but they're still well up there. And the absolute best money can buy will probably have 2-3 year waiting list.
  13. I put a drop on each eyebrow and rubbed it in well. And I just remembered! I micro-needled them occasionally too! But that was painful!
  14. I had to stop because my eyebrows blew up. Here look at before/after: And that’s 6 months of I think twice a day. I had to stop due to too much growth for my taste.
  15. Consider a small drop of minoxidil on your eyebrows every day. Within 6 months they can double+ in density. It’s insanely easy and effective.
  16. Dr. Thiago prefers to do the temporal points the way he did them on me. I think it is a personal preference for surgeons. Most temporal points I've seen him do are more similar to mine. I actually like the more angular look. Not necessarily for my case, but for many others. It's a cheaper way (cheaper in terms of graft number) to narrow the forehead than when done more vertically like mine.
  17. Yeah, mine was done the way you're showing: Here's an easier way to see the design itself:
  18. I had mine done with Thiago Bianco in Brazil. Here's my temporal points and my new hairline now after 1.5 years:
  19. Great results! Hell yeah brother! Also, temporal points look so damn good! What are you having done next?
  20. Temporal points when done right are a game changer. If you can find a good surgeon for it, definitely do it! I went with temporal reconstruction and am VERY glad I did. As for which Dr. in Europe, no idea who is best for temporal points in EU.
  21. Can be either or. Both are possible. You can't foresee everything, no matter how many tests you do. Sometimes, even if surgeon does everything well, unforeseen circumstances can lead to necrosis. Sometimes, it's absolutely surgeon's fault for doing crap work as well.
  22. Even if they don't have much experience with hair transplants, they should have experience with bodyhair and facial hair, and how that effects skin pigmentation treatment. I'd be shocked if they never ran into someone with pigmentation problems around the beard area. So I doubt a HT would be a big factor when discussing treatment options. Just find someone that works with aesthetic problems.
  23. I think I read somewhere a long time ago that if you continuously shave the area, you slowly file down the skin height back to normal height over the months. But not sure if this is true or not.
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