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Posts posted by Berba11

  1. Donor area will hopefully improve over time, but the small concentrated area that they took grafts from is pretty poor in my opinion. They should be extracting more homogenously across the entire donor, using the sides as well. It's a bit odd that they didn't address your midscalp as well, unless this has been planned as a two-step surgery?

    Who was the clinic?

  2. 51 minutes ago, LondonGirl2024 said:

    @Berba11 @Gatsby @jjalay @HairFunk hey guys….. I had my FUT HT on Monday with Dr Ted Miln…. I might do a post in a few days depending on how I feel as I have a bit of swelling and the stitches are absolutely killing me lol but I can’t believe I actually did it 😊😊😊

    Well done! I hope everything goes well for you. When you feel up to it, it would definitely be great to see your journey documented on the forum. I think you'd be one of the first Dr Ted Miln cases on the forum, and certainly the first female case.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, Reecee said:

    When they did mine they left me with the slits unfilled overnight then did the insertions the next day. I'm not sure if this was their standard procedure or due to them being too busy to complete the transplant on the same day. They were very busy around the time of my transplant 

    This has been standard practice for years at Eugenix. Their surgeries do seem to take longer in general (I speak from personally experience as well), and to their credit their techs will slow right down or stop implantation if a patient is oozing a bit too much. One of the advantages of doing slits first is that you aren't committed to having all your grafts implanted in the same day if there are issues like excess oozing etc, as slits can remain open for up to 72 hours.

  4. 23 hours ago, Lenzman said:

    Do people really fall for this type of marketing? 


    100%, for the simple reason that 99.9% of prospective HT patients know nothing substantial about what good hair restoration requires and looks like, and there's no independent body that sets a clear standard for what passes as acceptable work and holds surgeons accountable to that standard.

    • Like 3
  5. 27 minutes ago, deadman said:

    Thanks for insight, are you just talking about frontal hairline? If yes, to fix it, do they like do repair HT in which they reposition grafts? Or Extract more grafts from the back?

    I'm talking about that entire 2cm strip of hairline. There's two surgical approaches to fixing a hairline:

    1. Implant more grafts in front of the problem grafts in order to hide previous bad work.

    2. Punch out all of the bad grafts, raising the hairline over the course of two or three session, before rebuilding the hairline in a more natural way.

    I think in your case you need the second option, because trying to camouflage the current hairline will be difficult as your current hairline looks too low to begin with (so putting more grafts in front of it will be a problem), and virtually all of the grafts they've used are angled poorly meaning they won't blend as well with newly implanted 'good' grafts. Furthermore, trying to camouflage the hairline will require taking more grafts from the donor, whereas punching out the hairline means you can reuse those grafts further back, and then use a much smaller number of soft single grafts to rebuild the new hairline.

    Here's a case from start to finish to give you an idea:

    And here's another case from this week:


    • Like 2
  6. 39 minutes ago, patronovski said:

    Only HT patients can see.

    And even then, only if we're looking at zoomed in pictures and trying to find any evidence of extraction! @track_rat- everything here looks clean as a whistle. No evidence of surgery at all, and I say that as someone who needs to get a better hobby than looking at bloke's heads on the internet everyday!

    • Like 1
  7. It's hard to say if it will be enough and if you'll be happy. The only thing we can say is that you'll be 2,000 grafts better off than you are now if everything grows in, and that will yield a positive improvement from where you are.

    Personally you'd be taking a load off your shoulders by not hoping that this 2,000 graft surgery is the be all and end all, but rather to view it as one more step on the ladder. You may need or want another pass down the line, but this one should get you the frontal third and first portion of the midscalp looking good, leaving a lsightly thinner crown that will resemble a natural "back to front" balding pattern.

    Who is the surgeon?

  8. Just now, Noble001 said:

    Plan going to Istanbul because Dr. Das did what she thought was best instead of doing what I wanted 

    I understand that, but that's not the point I was making nor the question I was asking. Why would you go to that particular city for a HT? Which highly regarded surgeon with a body of work showcasing excellent results with afro hair are you expecting to find in Istanbul? To my knowledge, there simply aren't any. So you'd be putting yourself at risk for reasons I don't understand.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, GeneralNorwood said:

    One recommended surgeon is repairing after another recommended surgeon's failed HT. Very interesting.

    Actually the second time - @track_rathas been undergoing a repair as well (and crushing it!). Obviously this isn’t the place to discuss that case as this is Tommy’s space, but it has been noted. 

    @Tommy1991- I note that in Feriduni’s other similar cases on here, they are all fully shaven heads whereas you’ve had a no shave version. Interested to know what if any discussion there was around that? Did your case lend itself to no shave or did you simply have the choice either way? The no shave option will certainly help you navigate the next 6 months more easily I think. 

    • Like 3
  10. 55 minutes ago, Rossybop said:

    I won't be able to wait 5 years without doing something about it. Its doing my head in and definitely thinning out. I'm thinking of going for hair systems instead.

    I was supposed to write “I’m not saying wait 5 years…” (and then go on to say give it 12 months). 

    I can’t really believe you can’t style your hair. The pictures clearly show enough hair for styling purposes and crucially you have enough hair - more than enough - to get the benefits of a nicely framed face. Your situation is pretty good overall as it stands, but there’s the question mark of what will happen now you’re not taking DHT inhibitors. 

    The key point is that you’ve only been off the meds for a short period of time. I’m struggling to find fault in my suggestion: wait a year to assess the speed of your hair loss now that you’re med free and then make a decision. The idea that you’re even considering a hair system with that much hair on your head is pretty nuts I have to say. It’s just totally unnecessary, will be at least as much hassle as you’re finding your hair loss to be and, to be blunt, will look worse (because systems can often look a bit naff). 

  11. 8 hours ago, Rossybop said:

    To me its noticeable and its really bugging me a lot. Its definitely a lot worse off than it was 2.5 years ago.

    It feels thin and sparse too. I would be much happier to buff it up and make it thick and full. If I could get a good result with 1500 grafts and get another 4 - 5 years out of it before needing my next top up I'll go for it.

    The issue though is that you don’t know if you’ll get a good 4-5 years out of it. You’ve been off the meds for less than a year, which isn’t very long. You don’t know if your hair loss will suddenly pick up speed. 

    Of course it’s noticeable to you, just as my own areas of ongoing hair loss and weakness are noticeable to me (even if less so to others). The question is whether it makes best sense to pull the trigger now or to exercise a little more patience in order to better plan for the longer term. To me it’s a total no brainer - better to wait for a bit and see where your hair loss is heading now that you’re off the meds. I’m saying wait for 5 years, but giving things an extra 12 months to see where you’re at and try and get a handle on where you might be heading would be wise. In the meantime you can look into various surgeons & take consultations etc and make good use of that time. 

  12. 3 hours ago, Rossybop said:

    I had a 2,040 FUE transplant with Saifi in December 2020. Results were great for about 18 months then I started noticing my hair was not looking as good. I used finasteride and minoxidil for 3 years until July 2023 but then jumped on dutasteride in July 2023 - October 2023. I quit the meds because of awful sides. Now I take no medication.

    Should I get another HT or would I be as well off shaving my hair? How many grafts would I need? I've thought about hair systems, maybe they'd be good, but the maintenance is a bummer.






    Your current situation is still very, very good from these photos and I’m not seeing any need to get another HT yet. 

    Personally I would give it plenty more to time see how things develop. If you lose hair quickly, then another HT will at least be worthwhile. If you lose hair very slowly then you know things are stabilised somewhat and can proceed on that basis. 

    What you don’t really want to do is get a small HT now and then lose more hair quickly and need another one. Chasing down hair loss with constant surgeries isn’t ideal if you can help it. 

    As it stands, no one would know you’re losing hair (unless you deliberately try to expose the weaker areas as in these photos) and it seems there’s no reason to make any hasty decision in terms of shaving it or getting another HT

    • Like 1
  13. 4 hours ago, Slickster76 said:

    Oh yeah? How is the cost vs Pitella?

    Is Dr Sever as good with high Norwoods as Pitella, as far as results?

    The best thing to do is search for cases on here and other forums, YouTube etc and also schedule a consultation with Dr Sever via Skype or in-person. Cost is around 5 Swiss Francs per graft I believe. 

  14. This conversation is descending into silly territory.

    The point of these high "off-schedule" price points is to act as a deterrent for most people, because his schedule is booked 3 years ahead just for a consultation alone and that backlog is otherwise hard to address whilst not putting a total stop to new bookings. There's a point at which the clinic/Dr needs to either stop taking on any more consultations for a while in order to clear the backlog, or create a 'limiting factor', such as a higher barrier to entry to use his services. That's fairly normal across many business practices; you charge a premium under certain conditions, such as someone wanting a job done yesterday that you wouldn't ordinarily be able to do. If a customer (or in this case, patient) is willing to make it worthwhile for the business to deviate from their standard practices, then many businesses will accommodate. Businesses also often charge less or will offer discounts in exchange for added convenience of flexibility.

    The question then comes down to... Is a £900 consultation worth the money? Depends. Zarev's consultations are famously long and detailed. You could make an argument that paying that much for the consultation and the information about your scalp, hair loss, donor resources and so on is fair game in and of itself. You could also make a case for paying the extra for the consultation but using this information by choosing another excellent surgeon who charges less and is available sooner, meaning that Zarev consultation cost ends up being not as big as it sounds when taken together with the cost of cheaper surgery. The information from that consultation will be invaluable whatever you do and which ever surgeon you end up choosing.

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