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Posts posted by Berba11

  1. 11 minutes ago, Antman said:

    Thank you for the feedback, may I ask your basis for the reason. I merely just want to know. Plus this is a large reputable hospital not clinic 

    Purely on the grounds that it doesn’t seem to be somewhere with any patient verification of quality results, which makes it a massive risk. 

    It being a hospital makes zero difference, as does its size. 

  2. Other posters will doubtless take a different view but personally I’d save the money on the PRP. I don’t think there’s any compelling evidence that it does anything worth parting with your money over. 

    It may have some benefits from a surgical perspective, but I guess I’d ask… What are you/your partner hoping to achieve from PRP?

  3. 42 minutes ago, Odysseus said:

    I'm sure I'll post photos eventually, but I'm finding that I take really bad, unhelpful photos when trying to photograph my own head.

    Have you asked Eugenix to send you your pre and post op photos? They'll send them to you no problems at all. Would be great to see the work. Problems you encountered during surgery aside, you'll still likely end up with a great result in any case so would be cool to see some pics.

  4. On 3/15/2024 at 12:59 PM, Kixinit said:

    Hmm, 5 months would've hoped for some more density.

    All the best for the months ahead

    What? At 5 months?

    OP this is looking right on course as far as I can tell and you’ve gotten yourself a pretty dramatic improvement from where you started (never lose sight of that!). 

    You’ve come through the first big growth phase in great shape and you will hopefully notice another round of larger improvement between roughly month 8 & 10. 

    • Like 2
  5. 14 minutes ago, mr_peanutbutter said:

    i feel like ferudini uses more grafts compared to @DrMunibAhmad even if you take haircharacteristics into account

    You feel like it based on what, exactly? If that can be shown to be true then great, but I'm not sure it can. It's also not what the OP asked... Feriduni's hairline work on both male and female patients is exceptional, no doubts about that.

    • Haha 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, WhamHair said:

    Unclear  - since she disappeared after that second sleepover and ghosted me for a whole month before we both got forced under the same roof (got invited to a party by common friends) and she made up some nonsense about why she bailed but a part of me cannot help but wonder if this was the issue. By then, the extent of the balding was also much higher. Obviously, with the upcoming surgery, I am hoping it minimizes the extent to which I have to worry about situations like these because I was pretty devastated after this. A part of me also feels like the spray would have held things together. Obviously, had this gone a few more dates, I would have definitely told her about this. I would not hide it. I certainly did NOT hide it from the girl I dated prior to this one but she never saw the extent of the hair loss - since my hair line was largely ok. 

    99.9% likely your hair was not the issue. That's just the realities of the dating game. She ghosted you after the second stay over... That's barely even dating at that point really. People get ghosted in those early stages all the time. 

  7. On 4/1/2024 at 12:52 AM, WhamHair said:

    Hey Melvin. Is this what you use:


    I am so glad there is a thread for this and I truly appreciate the guidance here. I started using Toppik sparingly (I'd run through one container a month - sometimes it lasted longer) when I was 28. It was undetectable and rain/wind didn't make a difference. I was transparent with my girlfriend (at the time) a few years later since I used a dark pillow cover and it wasn't an issue. Now, when I was 36, it MIGHT have become an issue (but it's unclear as to how much of an issue). I had mastered sleeping in a way that would prevent the toppik on my crown from moving prior to that but I might have slept awkwardly during a second sleepover date with a girl I was seeing at the time. I know my hair moved awkwardly that second time and the gaps in my crown might have been incredibly visible. Now, that I am 42, wind is my enemy. It completely wrecks my crown (regardless of how I apply toppik - especially when i apply it sparsely). Fortunately, I am getting my HT done this June by Dr Arika Bansal (Eugenix) in Mumbai but I want to make sure I have some sort of solution until then. These days, when I sleep and wake up my bald crown is completely revealed when I wake up. The rest of my head looks fine and when I look at the mirror in the morning, I don't necessarily see a balding guy. Obviously, this is a non-issue when I am alone but in the event that my dating life has an upswing (yes, I am still single!) in the near future, I want to make sure I am adequately prepared. Any suggestions on what do for bed would be great - that way, I don't wake up with a massive balding crown fully on display. I also agree that being transparent post 3rd or 4th date is wise.  

    If you're waking up with a girl then you're already in, aren't you? She likes you already. Some visible balding on the crown isn't going to be a problem at that point. There's really nothing to worry about. The best way to deal with hair loss in front of others is to own it; joke about it, make light of it. It's honestly fine - nothing bad will happen!

  8. If I were in your situation - factoring in your age - I'd genuinely save myself the hassle and money. As I've said before, maybe what I'd do is look to have grafts placed into the FUT scars so that their visibility is reduced and you can wear a tighter buzz cut all over and move on with life. I'd also maybe look to have some of the old transplanted hairs punched out if they didn't quite look right buzzed down or they were bothersome in some way.

    It really comes down to your propensity for risk; you'll be spending a lot of money on something that may end up disappointing you. This is a risk calculation that all HT patients make, but often their starting point is superior to yours, which mitigates some of that risk.

    If anyone can get you at least somewhat close to where you want to be, it's Dr Pittella. You'd be in the best hands possible. Nevertheless, there's only so much that anyone can do in cases like yours so there is still more risk than usual. Would I want to take that risk on? I don't think so personally.

    • Like 2
  9. 14 minutes ago, mark2137 said:

    Apologies for the small delay - I've been very busy and even struggled to find time for a haircut.

    Here's an update six months after adding 2200 grafts.

    Overall, I'm happy with the results. However, I'm still experiencing hair loss, which was expected even before the first procedure. My plan now is to appreciate what I have, monitor the progression of any bald spots, and consider signing up for another surgery when covering them becomes impossible.






    Density looks good. Can we see the hairline itself?

    • Like 1
  10. 10 hours ago, rs525 said:

    I'm also not sure where I am on the Norwood scale. So far none of the clinics I've had contact with have told me where I am. That's why I'm consulting and doing research to see what I need to do in the near future. If I end up not needing a transplant, I'll still be happy since I will save a lot of money.

    The NW scale isn’t too important and in many cases it’s hard to give a specific point on the scale. Based on your temples most would put you around a NW2, give or take. Whether that reflects your final pattern of hair loss requires a bit of guesswork really. 

    As long as any first HT you undergo is conservative and leaves as many grafts in the donor bank as possible, you’ll likely be absolutely fine long term. Having not lost much hair by age 30, it seems unlikely you’d end up as a full blown NW6 or 7. 

    • Like 1
  11. 34 minutes ago, rs525 said:

    I'm just shopping around for opinions on whether or not I need a transplant because I have a genetic history of balding on my father's side of the family. It seemed to me like my hairline has been receding since my late teens and it has always bugged me.

    Nobody needs a HT

    The benefit from a hairline restoration is that the hairline helps to “frame” the face, often giving a younger look. However it’s a misconception that a strong or low hairline is needed to achieve this. In most cases, you only need enough of a hairline to give the aesthetic benefits. In your case, you have a strong forelock, with good density and minimal recession. You have enough hair at the front to frame your face and be able to have some fun with different styling options. 

    Point being that a HT would only offer you a marginal & subtle enhancement from your current position (unless you did something radical and lowered your hairline unnecessarily) because your starting point is very good. 

    As I see it - and this is just my opinion - you have two options:

    1. Do nothing (but consider medication to slow additional loss).

    2. Have a very small & conservative HT with a top surgeon who does really refined hairline work, who can fill in the corners without lowering the hairline. 

    • Like 3
  12. I don’t really understand your strategy to be honest. 

    You have minor hairloss - a bit of recession in the temple corners. To restore them (without lowering the hairline) to a nice, conservative and long lasting result would require very few grafts. So why are you fishing around in the budget end of the HT market?

    If I were you and only needed one small session I’d be targeting some of the best guys around. It will cost more per graft, but you’d be getting closer to a guaranteed result. If you had a lot of scalp to cover I could better understand the budget considerations but you’ve little hair loss and seem well placed to get a nice, smaller surgery from a top surgeon. 

    • Like 2
  13. 41 minutes ago, gojnasv2 said:

    Thanks for your suggestion. 

    What about the scarring lump under the skin? Do you have any ideas to get rid of them?

    Right now I am doing some messages hoping it would break down the extra tissue but i think it's getting bigger in size. 

    The best placed person to answer that would be a surgeon, but my best guess is that any lumps, cobblestoning etc could be improved or even eradicated by punching out the grafts that are causing the issue. 

    Try reaching out to some surgeons that do a lot of repairs, such as Dr Bisanga, Feriduni & Sever. 

    • Thanks 1
  14. Sorry you're going through this. If the grafts are causing irritation to your scalp in some way, then theoretically punching them back out should resolve or improve this. However, you'll likely be looking at two and more probably three trips to a top clinic in Europe who specialise in punch-out repair work and much bigger costs. In the short term, steriod solution like Betacap might help the scalp irritation and redness.

    • Thanks 1
  15. Whoooa - stop a second!

    You're visiting Turkey (I assume for other reasons than a HT) and thought you'd just get a HT whilst there? Does this sound like the start of a story with a happy ending? Does this sound like a thoroughly researched and intelligently thought out approach to getting a permanent surgery on your head?

    None of the better clinics in Turkey will be available at short notice to book you in, so if you're going soon your only options will be some pretty bad clinics. The good news is you have a lot of hair and only need a small-ish surgery on the crown. Your hairline looks good (I see no reason to lower it personally).

    When are you flying to Turkey?

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