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Everything posted by Berba11

  1. I mean, I'd be delighted to have surgery performed by a team that isn't very good with general service but achieves outstanding results. The "experience" aspect of it is a bonus. There's no results from this clinic on this forum, and the couple of threads that are on here don't make for good reading. I'd recommend staying away from this clinic on the basis of a lack of good results (I note you know someone that had been to HGC previously) rather than their (lack of) personal touch. You've had two pretty sizeable surgeries now, which people on here would normally recommend be left in the hands of the highest caliber of surgeon. I'm hoping this turns out great for you and hopefully you keep updating!
  2. To my eye they needed to extract more from above the ears as that’s usually a safe area to take from and appears to have been untouched across both surgeries. On the one hand, that might be a good resource for later on. On the other, it could well mean overharvesting elsewhere. Only time will tell. I can’t lie (but dont want to alarm you either) - I’m not really liking what I’m seeing of the work carried out here. Even if things turn out well, I’d avoid this clinic for any future work.
  3. Finasteride may certainly help with miniaturised hairs. Consider starting on a smaller dose rather than jumping straight in at 1mg per day though. I cut mine in half and have .5mg per day. Some will do every other day etc... Do you have any new pictures of things as they stand one week post surgery? Would be interesting to see how your donor is looking, in particular. Looking more closely at your photos, the density in your midscalp doesn't appear to be very high. The frontal hairline band seems decent but as you go further back, it doesn't seem like many grafts were placed there. I was expecting to see more placed there on the 2nd pass but that doesn't seem to have been the case. Did you have much hair there to begin with, or was it slick bald? Also wondering if you have any pictures with your hair grown out fully 6 months post op number 1?
  4. UPDATE: 7 weeks post op Was going to wait until next week for the 2 month update but thought i'd throw in a 7 week update. As you can see, the shedding seems to have stopped and I'm now just letting things throw. There's some stubble starting to poke through in places as well so some signs of early growth which is exciting! Redness remains. I'm still applying aloe vera gel but in reality I think the redness will just fade on its own terms regardless of what I try. For consistency I'm rocking the dressing gown again
  5. Nope. You need to fill in the online application form & print it out: https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/visa/ Get yourself at least 2 50x50mm photos. I got mine from a photo booth in Asda! Fill out a medical visa undertaking form - I think I linked to one elsewhere but the consular services will print one out for you to fill in in any case if you haven't found it Hand-signed letter from Eugenix confirming your surgery Passport Confirmation of your booking with the consular services It is annoying that e-visas aren't available to Brits. However I don't think 4 weeks is normal. From what I'd read online and what I was told, it's normally no more than 10 working days. Like I say, pretty sure my passport was neglected as it was processed immediately once I was able to actually speak to someone (which was a battle in and of itself!).
  6. There's no e-visa option for Brits. You have to physically go to the visa application centre on Goswell Road in London. Mine took 4 weeks to process, though once I finally was able to speak to someone and send an email to the right place stating that I urgently needed my passport back, it was processed the same day and returned the next. So it probably won't be as long for most people (mine seemed to have been forgotten or something), but definitely don't assume 7 days.
  7. I’d certainly wait and see before committing to using this clinic again. I don’t know much about them but to my knowledge there’s only a couple of clinics in the UK I’d recommend to anyone. Using beard hair is a fine art that not many clinics do - and even less do it well. Im curious to see how this all pans out for you though. I’ll be following! Good luck!
  8. If something goes wrong, in most cases you’re “screwed” for 12 months anyway - there’s nothing that can be done. If you’re worried about infection or something then you can always stick around a couple days post op wherever you are. The thing to remember is… The better the clinic, the less risk of something going wrong. If I could have afforded the best clinic on the UK (probably Dr Reddy) then I’d have been on the first train or flight to Belgium. Total no brainer.
  9. +1 on D Priyadarshini. She was in the OT with me a lot throughout the two days checking over everything, making sure I was ok and even did a few incision towards the end of the surgery where she felt we could add a little more density. She's a very calming presence and attentive and I was pleased to have her in the room so frequently, particularly having seen her superb work on @ADil's HT.
  10. You're one week ahead of me in your HT progress - looking good so far!
  11. Loads of great advice here already. I'd just add that I think your hair looks pretty good. If we were meeting in person for the first time I'd not think anything [negative] of your hair to be honest. I do of course see what you mean but only because you're pointing it out. So definitely take your time and thoroughly assess your options & keep doing your research - there's no rush at all and I think I speak for everyone when I say your hair loss isn't as bad as you might think it is. We're all our own worst enemy in that sense. Best of luck
  12. The works looks amazing Melvin - will be following along with everyone else. As you may remember, I did 'check-in' and watch for a bit and say hello during a part of your surgery on YouTube. Glad to hear everything went well! I totally going back for a touch up just so I can stay at that Farmhouse!
  13. Thanks mate! Ive actually not been experiencing any spots or pimples now for a few weeks. Think it was more of a temporary thing in the first 2-3 weeks.
  14. Thanks mate! I've never actually used fibers before and will probably hold off for quite some time before trying them out anyway. I'll definitely be wearing a hat for a while. With the weather being nice and cold I've got the perfect excuse!
  15. I can tell from the handwriting that the clinic you've been in touch with is Eugenix!
  16. For the most part I've been walking around completely naked since my hair transplant, just to be safe. The only real adaption I've had to make is to order my food shopping online as I'm now banned from the Sainsbury's down the road. The good news is that I'm sailing through the ugly duckling phase. I've found that wearing nothing out in public tends to detract from the red head and sprouty little hairs so I'm feeling a lot less self-conscious about my post-HT look. The cold weather isn't doing me any favours though.
  17. Thanks Maz! I was expecting to have shed far more by now. I'm not unhappy that I haven't but i've now got the dilemma... Do I leave it to grow as is and see if I can get some early length from the hairs that have remained (this option will make me look a bit odd initially), or keep buzzing down regardless? Good problem to have! Not sure which way I'll go with it. I have a mate's wedding on the 5th July - 7 months & one week after the HT. I'm tempted to just let things grow as much and as ridiculously as possible so that I'll have enough growth (fingers crossed), to get a cool haircut (which i've not had for decade!!!) just before the big day.
  18. Ah ok - thanks. Yes many clinics have a different price for shaved vs non-shaved so would be great know what FueGenix charge (in both cases). Their work looks really good. If they'e on the more affordable end of the spectrum that would be very welcome in Europe!
  19. I'm not sure what 'hair sparing' is? It would be really useful to the wider community if you were able to tell us what you were charged per graft. That way we can understand where FueGenix sit price-wise in the European market. I had a HT a few weeks ago so knowing the price isn't for my personal benefit and I wouldn't want to trouble the clinic unnecessarily for a quote.
  20. Not 100% sure how long to avoid the sun but 4-6 months sounds about right. I think once all the redness has subsided completely then things should be ok.
  21. Can you explained what you mean about feeling singled out? Do you mean you’d feel singled out by being the one without hair?
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