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Posts posted by deeznuts

  1. On 1/19/2022 at 7:13 PM, NARMAK said:

    I'm not Melvin, but the idea of "maximising" your donor with FUT procedure is down to the idea that the strip they cut allows them to more accurately extract and dissect grafts. Then the closing of the strip let's them basically sew that huge area shut again, to a point where the density is almost looking 100% untouched. In many ways, having a clean linear scar be hidden amongst the density that still visually looks and probably is stronger. 

    FUE usually pokes out across a larger area, with the idea being that it's targeting uniform density by spreading it out over a larger area, that might be outside a "safe zone" at times which the FUT strips tend to target more. 

    Bear in mind that if you have a limited donor area in the first place, cutting a strip out and then sewing it together is going to shrink the way that safe donor area looks too. 

    So in either FUT or FUE, you're probably a bad candidate. 

    I always thought the reason strip then FUE was better was because with a strip you can take 100% of the grafts in an area after which you can do an FUE to grab hair from areas where you might not do a strip.

    So if you have a permanent donor zone of 2 inches high, and you take a 1 inch strip (which you can harvest 100%) and then you do an FUE for the other 1 inch area where you take 50% of the grafts there, you end up having taken 75% of the grafts in that 2 inch high donor zone. Basically the advantage of strip is that it allows you to take 100% of the hair in a given area. 

    And the advantage of FUE is that you can take hair from just about anywhere including places you might not do a strip from like near the crown or the nape

    That's just my assumption though

  2. 4 hours ago, EvoXOhio said:

    Given the price and the fact that it’s turkey, I would brace yourself for disappointment. The fact that they put what looks like a few dozen grafts scattered throughout your mid scalp and crown is bizarre. The way they also just abruptly stopped at the mid scalp is a bit off too. That said, the density and design look decent. The only issue I could foresee is if they angled the grafts wrong or used multis in the hairline, and maybe how the transplanted area segues into the sides at the temples. 

    At this point it’s just a waiting game. In 3-4 months you’ll start to see something and at 6 months you’ll have a good idea of how this will turn out. 

    Any pictures of your donor?

    They just put a bunch of grafts in a line near the crown which is a bit weird

  3. 20 hours ago, GHTJourneya said:

    To be honest I do not really know. I was under the impression I was a very good NW2, I will share pictures before and after. I was placed under super bright lights with wet hair, then got shaved and told by Dr. Freitas himself I am thinning, hence I should also use a bit of Dutasteride in my routine. I guess Dr. Freitas has hyper super duper standards and scrutinises every little detail. I do not doubt the judgement, I think you need to be that strict with patients in order to have super dense results.

    You might be thinning, you might not. Go to a dermatologist and ask them to evaluate your situation. Whatever it is, if you can't see it or if you are not sure (like I was, I couldn't see it), then it's most likely reversible with fin, dut and/or a post-op prp. Best of luck

    That's a scary thought lol. You show up NW2 and you find out you're a NW5 diffuse.

    If anything though, your loss seems like it will be over a long time. Who knows, maybe by the time you lose it all they'll have cured hair loss 

  4. On 1/17/2022 at 10:51 AM, ryker94 said:

    @JC71 @Melvin- Moderator - do you know if consulting with these doctors means emailing/chatting with them one on one? For Hasson, it all feels very informal and I only communicate through an associate and an assistant all the way up until booking... whereas with Konior, I am personally emailing him and he's evaluating my pics himself. I'm not sure what standard to hold for these consults.

    It's always nice to have a doctor respond but honestly a lot of questions that you would want the doctor to answer can be answered by representatives. Especially if a lot of those questions are just routine questions (i.e. how soon can I get a transplant, what pattern of loss do I have, should I do FUE vs FUT etc)

  5. 2 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:


    I wanted to give a disclaimer. If any of you are trying to conceive do not use this topical gel until after you’ve conceived. Also, Dr. Hasson has offered a year supply free for patients who are Norwood 3v+ and haven’t been on any finasteride treatments in the last 6 months. The pre-requisite is you post your review on this forum and continually post each month with clear pictures of your scalp and problem areas. 

    Any chance he'll do the same offer with the dutasteride formulation? Also I'm not 3v but Dr. Hasson mentioned that this formulation works just as well for the hairline didn't he? Seems like you shouldn't need crown loss to qualify based on that.

    (Un)fortunately, I'm not losing in the crown so I don't qualify.

  6. 19 hours ago, Mountinvan said:

    Dr. Gary Linkov's youtube video is well done (like several that he has made) and comes from a professional, scholarly viewpoint. He concludes several FUTs by a very good hair surgeon. The debate is fueled by threads like this one that show diffuse thinning from time to time and then a very dense manse around the same time frame; probably good make-up and a hair system from time to time possibly. The one thing we know for certain is that Matthew is acting when he says some magic potion  alone caused that hairline and temporal improvement. Is Dr. Linkov a candidate for the Network--even though he has a general plastic surgery practice? He seems like a class act.

    Dude seems like a sketchy reaction youtuber. AKA bottom of the barrel content designed to get clicks.

    Plus his content isn't even that accurate. He pegged Elon Musks FUT transplant at roughly 10 dollars a graft and that's a bit dishonest because the only way you're paying 10 dollars per graft FUT is if you go to Konior

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  7. On 1/7/2022 at 3:10 PM, SD1984 said:

    While I think DeFreitas does great hairlines, I also feel they are a little bit aggressive or unique in the sense that not every patient might be 100% happy with that particular hairline on their head. I prefer more conservative style hairlines that Ferreira and Wesley produce.

    I think most doctors are willing to discuss a hairline with you. It's not like Dr. De Freitas tells you to go NW1 or go home

  8. 20 minutes ago, Gasthoerer said:

    For me there are 4-steps to chose a clinic:

    1. Do your homework and search for top clinics via patient reports - you checked this box already. 

    2. Shorten your list. Check which of the clinics address your personal (!) needs - FUT, FUE, Mega-session, hairline touch-up etc. but also budget (if this is a concern)

    3. Visit 3 clinics from your short-list and have them come up with a plan (e. g. hairline drawn). Also check with whom you relate personally.

    4. Review the plan by looking at the pics at home e. g. which hairline is the one you wanna live with for the rest of your life. 

    Good luck 🙂

    Hairline can be negotiated which is nice but some doctors also wont do certain things like temple peaks

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