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Everything posted by SLA

  1. Appreciate it @AB2000- Of course, fingers crossed it all grows well, I will keep the sides around the current length and grow top long ~4 inches or so to maximize fullness and take advantage of my hair which is curly when grown...at least that is the plan for now
  2. Armen- Looks great, brother. So excited to see you drop another 10 years in age to 25!
  3. 1 Month I can hardly believe that it has been 1 month since I left the chair in the Eugenix operating theater (BTW- I love how they use the term 'theater'- in the US, we use the more mundane, 'room') after receiving 5,484 grafts (1,200 beard) to cover the front/deep into the mid-scalp/temple points. Things seem to be growing as expected and I have not had any significant shedding...YET. I could be one of the fortunate few who do not experience much shedding, or perhaps the fall has yet to occur. Donor is recovering nicely and I love the design work by Dr. Pradeep. I am confident that the other docs including Dr. Arika and Dr. Das would have also created an excellent design, although the artistry may have differed ever so slightly. I actually kind of like the look with the buzz cut/shaved head and even though the grafts have yet to grow/mature, I am definitely enjoying having hair on the head and the way the hairline frames my face. As a reminder- I take oral finasteride- 1mg/daily and oral minoxidil- 2.5mg/daily. I hope this serves to benefit all in their decision making and HT knowledge. I'll be back in a month to report my month #2 status. I will be back for month #2 updates
  4. Ian- This is incredible....you don't need fibers IMHO! Wet it looks thick. You could not even have another HT and you look as if you really haven't had any hair loss. Thanks for being such an inspiration to me in helping me make my decision. Enjoy the hair and your hair will look as dense as a lion after the 2nd pass!
  5. My bet is on Stemson. Seems like the most viable model based on my limited science background and they have received funding from Abbvie, a major US pharma company. Likely at least 10 years away.
  6. Haha...Me to the surgeon after clone grafts become a reality- "Ah, yes, I'll order up 30,000 grafts, I think that should about do it :)"
  7. Quite frankly @Zoomster- I think that you could get away with the donor at that length! Also, a little SMP and it would look completely untouched!
  8. @Zoomster- Looking great brother and I feel privileged to have shared our journey together in India! I can't wait to see what another 11 months will bring- I know it will be great!
  9. Love it @caveman- You are in the thick of it...like me LOL!!! Right on target brother! You do look pretty rad bald though and that beard....can I borrow some?
  10. They didn't check mine at all and don't recall them checking any of the bags of others. I would just make sure whatever you bring is legal :).
  11. As I remember it, the e-medical visa is enough, however, I did get a letter from Eugenix which I submitted to get the e-visa that spoke about me getting a hair transplant with them- this was to aid with the visa process, which only took 1-2 days to get approved. To get into India- you need your passport, e-visa and you will be required to fill out a form online called Air Suvidha which is related to your covid vaccination status- if no vaccine, then you will be required to have a negative PCR test within 72 hours before departure. Hope this helps!
  12. Let's hope...my hair is fine. They told me mid-scalp would be less dense, but advised to grow front long to help further create the illusion. I'll be posting after 1 month on Nov. 19th.
  13. Ridiculous IN A GREAT WAY, @Bandit90- I think you have mastered the PERFECT hair style! All looks amazing....just you wait. And the HT surgeon who at your consult who said, "No Hair Transplant" (you know who I mean) will be wishing he said otherwise. Miss our time in India, Mate
  14. Haha...you look great @Melvin- Moderator. As we know, hair is a personal choice and one could be successful- professionally and romantically, as well as happy without hair. I think a lot of it is mindset, no? Hair matters to you, me and others on this thread, and we know that 99.9% of those who are balding/bald- even if they like the bald look would opt for their hair back if able. Here is to those that opted not (or are not able to) to get their hair back and are living happy and successful lives!
  15. I think it is styled nicer at 2:06 and 2:09 in which beard hairs blend better. It is a matter of preference, but I think it looks fine. Colored to all salt & pepper rather than white would make beard hair stand out less, no?
  16. For sure...firstly, I do think the beard grafts here stand out a bit due to different color (white) and having more curl than scalp grafts. One fix is for the patient to dye hair to one color and apply straightener, so beard grafts more closely match scalp hair. It also may take a year or two as some surgeons will say that over time, beard grafts tend to soften and take on more characteristics of scalp grafts. ...however, as you mentioned, if the patient was not satisfied, they could probably keep at this length since there is enough hair and augment with SMP or shave down and do SMP and keep the grafts very short. I have seen this done successfully- see these 2 videos below.
  17. I'm curious about this myself as to when it is okay to resume wearing a low level laser cap/helmet after a HT... Any insight is appreciated!
  18. YES...it was amazing to see in person the lack of scarring on both @Zoomsterand @Bandit90. I remember saying, "where is the scarring?" while standing next to them at point blank range with my magnifying glasses on. Even myself as a hair geek could really not make much out- and even seeing the minimal scarring hardly looked like anything. Part of it is they were fortunate to scar well as well as have fair toned skin. Also, the Eugenix extraction tech masters did an amazing job with both of them. I also think that @Zoomsterbrings up a good point about buzzing sides and back to help create the illusion.
  19. Hi @Eran- I love your results! While we both have curly hair, mine is actually fine :)...I'm glad that it looks thick though! Fingers crossed that the curl and the salt and pepper create some illusion!
  20. Thanks @Melvin- Moderator- The work was done with such care and attention to detail. Hoping for the best and trying to keep expectations in check
  21. Also, having met @Zoomsteri would say he didn’t really ‘need’ this procedure as he looked full already. He also lowered the hairline added more to temples which is surely not a necessity 😉
  22. Hi @ZeeMan Here is a look a little over 4 days post surgery. As it is now, to me, both the scalp donor and beard donor scarring appears so homogenous and minimal. My wife can't even make out the scarring on the scalp which has had north of 4k grafts extracted.
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