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Posts posted by naakmuka

  1. Sides are mostly reversible, give it more time. For me i feel I get mild sides in waves. All of a sudden for a couple of months I may have slight erection issues, and then it goes back to normal. I don't know if something else is affecting it or if its all in my head. 
    But if you have decided to get off Fin for good, give it some more time for your sides to go away. Try not to stress about it (easier said than done).

  2. UPDATE - Day 53 Post OP

    Heavy shedding is happening as expected. I think I've lost about 80% of transplanted hair. I'm honestly trying my best not to look in the mirror! LOL. But it's good for this to be done with. The only thing that can happen from here is growth! (Hopefully :) )

    Apart from the shedding, I don't really have anything else to report. I've started taking Biotin capsules.

    Here are a few photos to show the shedding progress:

    Day 19 Post Op:



    Day 37 Post Op:



    Day 53 Post OP



  3. Do you have any medical conditions? You might want to get checked out by a Dr. regarding your heart rate and its relation to hair loss. I can't comment there.

    Are you on Fin? If not, I suggest you get on that ASAP to minimize further loss. Your hair seems wavy, which is good because it covers more area.

    For recommended doctors just look up the pre-screen physicians at the top of this page. There are some great surgeons recommended on here.

  4. I chose FUT because I have an advanced balding pattern. In order to maximise the donor, the general consensus is to go FUT first time round.
    My scalp was pretty loose, so that helped. Tommorow will be one month since my procedure, and I do not have any tightness in my scalp anymore. 
    First 2-3 weeks were slightly tight. I did not have any pain, but just slight tenderness in the donor area.
    Let me know if you have further questions or you can PM me as well.

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