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Everything posted by asterix0

  1. A bit wrong but think what you want. Just look at how the donor heals a day or two after surgery, very very few can replicate this. You are getting significantly less trauma to the donor, the combination of homogenous extraction and this increases the amount of available grafts drastically.
  2. I unfortunately don't have the source, I think I was talking to someone on reddit who mentioned a well known hair transplant doctor told him this. However, I will say looking on some threads with micro needling, the growth factors angle is interesting as a scientific concept but in practice, I think all it is doing is enhancing the absorption of minoxidil, so you could pretty much get the same results by say taking a low dose oral minoxidil rather than risking infection by not cleaning your scalp properly after micro needling. For myself, I did not notice any benefits with micro needling after doing it religiously for a year, and I was already on finasteride and minoxidil a long time at that point.
  3. I would just recommend to not do microneedling if you plan on another transplant. I read it may damage your scalp and compromise future transplant yields.
  4. Your temples are fine and obviously completely natural, do not risk temple point surgery as it is very tricky, be happy you got a good result and a good head of hair now!
  5. A video can give a rough estimate on a virgin scalp, but nevertheless the donor quality needs to be examined in person ultimately. This is why Dr. Zarev requires his patients to fly to Bulgaria for the consultation for example.
  6. Temple points are the hardest to get right. They are the finest caliber hair, there are many natural irregularities, the directions can naturally be different. Probably only hair right above the ear and around the nape area are suitable for temple points. My own temple points, my right side grows at completely different angles than my left. They are clearly not straight when you look at them. Yet, these individual irregularities still look natural because practically everyone displays some level of these variations. The same can be said for the hairline, which is why it is the next hardest thing to get right in hair transplantation. Also, there is nuance to having not enough density, to having too much density, of course it goes without saying to not have doubles/triples in the front.
  7. Don't think, if someone is going through all the hassle, paying all this money to get a hair transplant, a few more days in the hotel just to be safe would be a problem. But maybe that's just me.
  8. If you aggregate the majority of hair transplant doctors websites, they will tell you similar information. Is everyone conspiring against a single article against dr.bernstein, why would they have any reason to do that? Have you even had a transplant yourself and talked to your doctor, what did they tell you?
  9. https://fellermedical.com/what-to-expect-after-a-hair-transplant/ https://wimpoleclinic.com/blog/how-long-after-hair-transplant-are-grafts-secure/#:~:text=Generally%2C hair grafts are fully,heal around each new graft. If you follow the surgeon’s recovery and aftercare advice, after around five to seven days, the hair grafts should be secure enough for you to gently wash your hair although you should not touch it by hand. Generally, hair grafts are fully secure between 10 and 14 days after the hair transplant procedure. This is usually the time it takes for the scalp to heal around each new graft.
  10. It takes about a week for them to be secure, after you wash the crusts off at day 8 or 9 depending on doctors instructions. It is maybe being overly cautious, but I bumped my head in the taxi on the way home and lost a graft or two, fortunately I was close to the clinic and the doctor could help me. But being in a plane and accidentally bumping your head, would be more problematic. Also you want to make sure the environment is clean as much as possible since you have open wounds on your head post surgery, and we know planes and airports arent so clean.
  11. Take a few extra days to make sure the grafts are secure in my opinion, hotels in porto shouldn't be too expensive.
  12. I think it is similar to how ASMED was doing great work, really ahead of their time with Dr. Erdogan, and then just went full blown business operation based on reputation of past work.
  13. % of how many grafts grew successfully after the conventionally understood period of time to evaluate a result, i.e. 9-12 months after the transplant. I dont think they can grow but stay thin in caliber, can you give some examples of that? A graft can thin over time however in some patients.
  14. I would estimate OP got about 70% yield, but with long hair combed it really is difficult to say. I could absolutely be wrong.
  15. Having a "not perfect" result is much different than a pretty much failed transplant. I don't think his transplant failed, but looking at this pre-op and post-op photos, for 4000 grafts I don't see a lot of improvement. Have you gone under the knife yourself personally? What is your criteria for a successful transplant, 90% yield, 80%? Give a ballpark number. What do you think OP's yield was?
  16. You have had a lot of progress 🙂, it will only improve now going into month 6 and beyond, so don't worry.
  17. Save up some money and go to the doctor you want, don't bargain shop for hair transplants. Having a botched procedure, messed up donor, is worse than being bald.
  18. These guys coming in gaslighting the OP and changing the subject has nothing to do with the fact that these results are subpar. Ad hominem the OP all you want, but OP has stuck his neck out with transparency of his whole journey and it takes courage to do that when you invest all this time and money into a procedure like this.
  19. The crown due to weaker blood flow to that area definitely kicks in a bit later, wait until 9-10 months to assess.
  20. If he is the doctor that can give you the result you want, it is absolutely worth it. Don't risk it going for cheap somewhere, stay a week there at a nice hotel and relax.
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