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  1. Thanks @Shadman, I actually read your thread and Stewie's today once I heard that Dr Somesh was the Exclusive Package Doctor. I've been really impressed by his work and the testimonials you both gave. A chap from Eugenix called me a couple a couple of hours ago, he was absolutely fantastic. We talked me through everything, and he put together a custom package for me that I'm extremely happy with. I can see why they have such an outstanding reputation. I'll create a new post detailing my journey when it begins (pencilled in for April next year). Thanks to you and everyone else here for your advice today, I'm really grateful. After a few weeks of going down the HT rabbit hole, it's a great feeling to now have something booked with people who I feel I can trust.
  2. Thanks @Berba11, you may very will be right, putting my plans on pause and saving money could be the end result of this. I'm glad I posted here to check rather than just speeding ahead and paying a deposit (which I probably would have done). Good eye @jjalay,I do have SMP. It's very subtle because of how much grey hair I have. I've had 2/3 sessions. 3rd session is due in December. With regards to strength of the donor area, because of the significant grey hair, it can be difficult to take photos that accurately show the strength of the donor area. Here's another picture I sent to Eugenix, which hopefully better shows the grey hair (and may show that the donor area is hopefully a little stronger than those initial images I shared may suggest). EDIT: Eugenix quoted 4500 scalp grafts & 1200 beard grafts (5700 total).
  3. Thank you for your input chaps, I really appreciate your thoughts. Smile Hair Clinic/Hair Mills in general are definitely no longer being considered. I don't think I have sufficient donor capacity (not to mention the funds) to get this wrong. Thanks for sharing your story and recommendation or Dr Somesh @LRiv91_. I'll be following your post and hoping you have a speedy recovery. Wishing you all the best with the transplant, looks great so far. And thanks @jjalay for mentioning the other clinics. I have seen them mentioned but not looked into them in detail, as it's been challenging to find higher Norwood success stories (which is probably why I locked in on Eugenix). I'll definitely check them out. For reference here's what I have to work with. I normally keep it skin shaved due to the SMP (this is 5 days growth)...
  4. Hi all, looking for some advice please. I became interested in HT's a couple of months ago after having SMP and using hair systems the past couple of years. I have fairly extensive hair loss (NW6), 37 yo from the UK. My initial search resulted in finding Smile Hair Clinic, further reading has cast doubts on their abilities/ethics. Then found Dr Kongkiar Laorwong, who replied to my first inquiry and then stopped replying which was disappointing as I'm going to be Thailand next year. Finally found this site and subsequently Eugenix, where guys here in a similar situation to mine have had incredible results. But those exceptional results all seem to have been with the top Doctors at Eugenix. Dr Sethi, Bansal and Das. I've now contacted Eugenix, who responded quickly and provided an excellent breakdown of my options and package plans (5700 grafts for full coverage). I went in hoping I could get Dr Sethi/Bansal/Das based on the results I'd seen of their work here. However the price for these Doctors has increased significantly, to the point where they are all well beyond my budget. I came into this with Smile Hair Clinic prices of 3,200 EUR in my head. This was quickly put bed. At a stretch, I can budget around £7-8k. This would only get a me standard/senior Eugenix Doctor package. Not one of the Doctors that have top billing and have demonstrated such great results here (especially with people in a similar situation to mine). I'm at the point now with Eugenix where I was with Smile, in that I'd be going for an operation blind with an unnamed/unknown doctor, where I have no knowledge of their track record/results (and paying twice the amount for it). This is something I'm especially concerned with given my more extensive hair loss situation. To my question, does anyone here have experience/knowledge of results at Eugenix with one of the team of Standard/Senior Doctors (e.g. not Sethi/Bansal/Das)? Ideally I'd be looking for recommendations with someone who's work and results I can review, and then I can ask Eugenix if they're available to do the procedure? Thanks all in advance for any help/advice you can offer. After lurking here for awhile it seems like a fantastic community.
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