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Posts posted by Gatsby

  1. 4 hours ago, Worker1212 said:

    Hey guys, I wanted to honestly ask what you guys think in potential upcoming future hair loss treatments and your opinions and thoughts. So far I'm excited and optimistic about GT20029 results that are expected by april and Osteopotin by Amplifica (the SCUBE3 company) by early summer (June or so). I'm also excited for verteprofin as well as any potential treatment that can revive hair follicles, such as stemson.


    What are you guys excited about?

    I personally think if we could find newer and better modalities to be able to take current 5ari’s for those that get side effects would be a huge gain. 

  2. Out of all the clinics in the world you have focused on an unknown clinic in Turkey in your first post 48 hours after joining which you are already heavily in favour of. Now this clinic may very well be one of the best in the world. However (and it’s just my opinion) you haven’t mentioned any research that you have carried out on other clinics/surgeons backed by client posted results. No surgeon in the world is perfect and they have all had a bad result regardless of their name. But it is in seeing great results again and again, produced year after year after year that you should be looking for that will help you narrow down a reputable surgeon or three. From here you fine tune even more until you feel you have done all of your homework to choose the right one to give you the likely hood of a good result. No surgeon can give a guarantee but they can promise to do their best. They should also be educating you about medication like Finasteride or Minoxidil to stabilize your hair loss before you commence surgery to keep as much of your native hair as possible. MPB is progressive and a surgeon should have a plan for the patient over the life span. It’s like trying to hit a moving target. I just feel you need to be asking a lot more questions if you are considering surgery. Remember you can always have a hair transplant ‘tomorrow.’ All the best. 

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  3. @MillyB forget Australia. I've had consultations on and off over the last 39 years and no one here can hold a candle to an elite surgeon overseas. You could look at Dr Laorwong in Bangkok who has turned out some excellent results from patients on the forum. Eight hours in the air getting there is nothing compared to looking at a bad result for the rest of your life in the mirror.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Al - Moderator said:


    Are you willing to post some pictures of your hair loss, your age, and what your expectations for a hair transplant are. If you haven't seen any great results on NW 7s by Eugenix then I'm wondering if maybe your expectations of a HT with your NW level is too high. I'm not saying that's the case, but without pictures it's hard to know what advice to give you.


    This ^

  5. 1 hour ago, KartikV said:



    I have seen many bad reviews and results of Eugenix. 

    Additionally, I have grade 7 baldness and I did not see any great result in NW 7 given by Eugenix. I already consulted Eugenix, they have given me different packages with different doctors, I don't know whether they are qualified and experienced enough to give me a good result. So Eugenix is not my choice.

    Then I would still pick between Zarev and Pittella. Can you share some pictures of your donor, etc so we can get a better idea of your Norwood 7 status to help advise you? Also bear in mind this is going to cost you a lot of money due to the number of grafts required for Norwood 7 real estate for coverage. 

  6. Remain calm. It takes 12 months to see the full benefits of oral minoxidil. Under the guidance of your physician you could even increase it if you are not experiencing any associated side effects.

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