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Posts posted by Gatsby

  1. Yes I was really hoping that topical Finasteride would not cause sexual side effects. My dermatologist is a good one (Dr Bevin Bhoyrul) and he stated that only one of his patients developed side effects. Within three months on 0.25% my libido disappeared again. I’m fine on 5mg of oral minoxidil a day (and luckily do benefit from this one). But being on minoxidil is not the same as a 5ari. At least it’s better than nothing. 

  2. @Ake for only four months your results are excellent. No one here in Australia could give you a result (even at only four months) like this. I don't know if it would make a difference but you could try the 2% Nizoral. Already from the pics your donor looks great. Plenty more growth ahead of you. I'm a huge fan of Dr Laorwong and a great option for many Aussies. Happy growing. 👌

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  3. The biggest link is that working out (weight resistance training) increases your own testosterone levels. So it potentially 'will' increase your DHT levels. However this should never be a reason to not work out. The jury is even out if creatine will have a flow on effect to your DHT enough to affect your hair based on one poorly designed study on a small group of rugby players back in 2009 (?). I'm back at the gym and loving it. I think if you train hard and eat a nutritious diet you will be better off al round. Health really should be our number one goal. 👊

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  4. On 2/22/2024 at 8:37 PM, Ccd99 said:

    So, since the first photos in this thread on page 1 and today, it's been just above 7 months of me growing out my hair as I decided on going for a HT and stop wearing a hair system eventually. I've been on meds (oral dut/oral min) for exactly 7 months too.

    I have decided to shave my hair tomorrow to see how it compares to baseline, and then let it sufficiently regrow for my HT date of September 2024 (around 6 months).

    Here are my final pictures, and just as a test I decided to use hair fibres to see how it looks and to my surprise it looks actually not as bad as I thought - I feel with this look I would be comfortable to take my hair system completely off (but having to apply fibres each day sucks so I'm still going stick with the hair system until 2 months before my HT). I also want to note that I took these photos under a harsh warm bathroom light.

    Let me know what y'all think!



    Front - with Fibres




    Crown - with Fibres




    Top - with Fibres


    Hairline - with Fibres



    This is exactly why medication should always be the first choice in treating MPB. Compare these pics to where you started @Ccd99. 👌

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  5. 21 hours ago, hairman4321 said:

    I just have a very small amount of hair to remove, if you see the pic whatever is on the other side of the black line - i want it to be less rounded:

    @Gatsby happy to just remove this amount - looking at the area its probably 15-20 hairs only.

    i'm wondering if i could even just use something like this, a hand held at home electrolysis wand: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E2TGETG
    the reviews seem to say that it takes while until the hairs stop growing back, but that would be okay too.

    I would definitely just let your growth play out until the final month. I pictured that you had a lot of grafts that needed removing. 

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  6. 14 hours ago, hairman4321 said:

    I will leave final judgement until more around 8 months in, but now i look back at the original hairline design i noticed that the left (my preferred) side has a more angular point of where the hairline meets the temple, where as the right is more rounded. i'm noticing it more now as the hair is growing in. the rounded design doesn't look as natural.

    The right was more heavily reconstructed as I had asymmetric recession. I wonder if Dr Laorwong or Dr Bonus does graft removal. I think all this right side needs is a few grafts removed to make it more angular. If i went for a second appointment maybe I could look at adding more density too (if thats a problem - again lets see at 8 months or a year and decide).

    @Jamos1982 you recently went for a touch-up, did you get any grafts removed, or was it just added in your case?

    something more like the pic below:

    I would wait until 8 months also. I have a similar rounded corner also. In order to hide my hairline scar it was necessary to do so.

  7. 2 hours ago, Noble001 said:

    3 months and 18 days post-op. This is the result. From the numbers of transections when they were extracting and the way the transplanted hair was looking few weeks post-op, I was suspecting that Afro hair is not Eugenix’s forte. I’m beginning to think they transplanted some transected grafts probably  because they don’t give a refund. In 2021 a clinic in Istanbul refunded my friend about an hour into the HT operation because they couldn’t extract his hair. They refunded him his full money and tendered an apology. 

    This 15 weeks result is not looking promising. The black patch underneath where I had the HT is the SMP I had in January of 2023. That is what’s giving the illusion of hair grafts at the transplanted region. There has been no growth! A few strands of hair are growing at the front of the transplanted region while there is no growth at the back of the transplanted region. I meant the front part of the transplanted grafts has a few thin strands of hair while the back has no hair (growth) and the measurement from the back to the front is just 1 cm. This is what I got for spending close to $4k for 1,400 grafts of HT.


    My bro did his HT in Istanbul (I wanted to do mine at same clinic in Istanbul too until I came across this forum and everyone was saying good thing about Eugenix) and from third week post-op, you could see that the result would be excellent. This is why I was worried about mine few weeks post-op cos the results was not looking anything close to what I see on YT or how my bro’s few weeks post-op looked like. But someone on here @AB2000 advised i wait for 3 months before expecting to see results. It’s been three months now and some parts (back) of the transplanted area are not growing. The hair is not growing. I wish Eugenix were straight forward instead of doing business as usual. 




    @Noble001. You don’t get results at three months. You get results at one year. How good your hair looks before the end of the ugly duck phase is irrelevant. You need to wait at least 6 months before even to get an idea of where your heading. Even then you still have another six months before you can your results. The good thing is that you are staying on your medication to stabilize your hair from future loss. I think you just need to do more research on the process of hair transplantation. All the best man and stay on the medication religiously. You’ve got this. 👊🏻

  8. I’m not being ‘unpatriotic’ or I have it in for Australian doctors. What I am ‘unpatriotic’ or have it in for are terrible results. Over the past 39 years now I have had consultations with all of the so called ‘elite’ Australian surgeons going back to Dr Richard Shiels who performed the first hair transplant in the early 1960’s up to today’s chain clinics. I’ve met with ex patients of Dr Jayaprakash and Dr Knudsen and the planning is non existent and the hairlines are full of doubles and I could just keep going on. 
    Dr Laorwong in BKK is an excellent choice and far cheaper than the surgeons here with great patient results you can view here. Of course their are other elite surgeons overseas but this is at least a much safer and cheaper option than here in Australia 

  9. I've been on oral minoxidil 5mg per day for well over a year now. To date I haven't noticed any side effects. Other people however may and will experience side effects. I guess coming off the drug without changing anything else (dieting, exercise changes, etc) should show you if the minoxidil is causing the weight gain. Wishing you all the best!

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  10. 2 hours ago, wouldLikeMoreHair said:

    Unfortunately according to the doctor, because I'm prone to hypertrophic/keloid scarring there is a high chance that I end up with some sort of ridging & tenting &  scarring.

    How did the doctor come to this finding? Is this your first procedure? Do you have scarring on your body elsewhere? Did you inform the doctor of this information? Just trying to clarify.

  11. 4 hours ago, Portugal said:

    Thats makes logical sense. The only thing I would add to this equation (and this really complicates the trouble shooting) is that I was diagnosed with Hashimotos disease a couple of month ago with hypothyroidism (symptoms of which are hair loss, low libido, low testosterone). So my thought is that treating my low testosterone with TRT is merely papering over the cracks and what I should be doing is treating the thyroid and auto immune condition. I had a consult with a functional doctor who specialises in hashimotos and thyroid and he wants me to make some lifestyle changes and start taking NDT (non desicated thyroid) and coming off the TRT slowly. Any thoughts on this?

    @Portugal I would definitely be guided by your doctor/specialist on this. All the best.

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