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Doron Harati

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Everything posted by Doron Harati

  1. I'm a patient coordinator at HDC Hair Clinic from Cyprus, I only reccomend where I had my HTs, also it would be biased to share opinions on others. I had 3 repair procedures by HDC because in 2018 I had my first horrific hair transplant experience by Arenamed clinic in Turkey Istanbul, a cheap hair mill that was overpriced and marked as pro line segment clinic by Israeli agency that I sued and still in court process, you can read about this in my old threads. Anyway, you need to be careful from cheap hair mills or bad doctors that will say they'll do anything just to get your money. To be honest, I reviewed your thread and I can certainly say you don't need a hair transplant procedure right now, you need to be at least Norwood 3, you're barely maybe started be Norwood 2, the red hairline mark in your picture will give you unnatural hairline, you have a natural very low hairline and making it lower will start the new growth over your forehead muscle which is unnatural, the temples not deep enough yet. Your beard is fine, there's no point doing any procedure.
  2. @Moshico18 Cobbelstoning is cause from placing the grafts not deep enough, hence you'll get the "blub" spots visible, or the clinic didn't spread and clean the tissue from the grafts. This is common by cheap hair mills and bad doctors.
  3. Thank you. Yes, the clinic use beard grafts for vertex on regularbasis, I myself had some beard grafts on my last session. Chest on very rare occasions, most candidates don't have suitable chest grafts, it's only used as a last resort in complicated cases. You're welcome to contact my WhatsApp for consultation with HDC.
  4. Finasteride blocking DHT, while Minoxidil boost your blood supply, so yes the combination is better.
  5. Stay on meds and don't think about getting HT now, you need to wait more years...
  6. In general the meds and extra treatments like iprf won't change the quality of the surgery, however some minority candidates with diffused pattern or weak donor need to consume Finasteride and Minoxidil 6-12 months before surgery so the donor be stronger with more vitality to the grafts so they'll survive and absorb more, they also need to continue with the meds after surgery. So in general you can achieve good results without meds, but meds can significantly boost your result and make it more impressive and sustainable. I myself didn't use any meds after my 1st repair at HDC for my frontal area, I started using topical formula of Finasteride mixed with Minoxidil after my 2nd repair (crown mainly), so I personally prefer and advice considering using meds after surgery.
  7. Good high skilled MD surgeon won't sell itself for cheap "nice price" tag of a hair mill. Hair mills usually have fake doctors with local papers, not with a university degree.
  8. Yes, 15 years ago I tried to combine separately Finasteride with oral Propecia 0.1% and topical generic Minoxidil 0.5% for 4 years and it didn't help at all, only hurt my libido after 3 years using. My customized topical formula also contains extra ingredient - retinoic acid 0.1%. One of my associates at HDC also have the same feedback, he tried in the past the generic meds and nothing happened, but with this topical formula the crown significantly improved.
  9. When I stopped with oral, my erection functioned normal after 3 weeks, with the topical I have no issues with my erection.
  10. Till now I have no side effects at all. As a patient coordinator I significantly getting much less complaints about topical Finasteride, mostly candidates complain about the oral Finasteride, very few told me they experienced side effects from the topical.
  11. Yes, 20 drops each and once a day. I'm almost sure mixed formula isn't marketing in pharms, mine made by a local pharmacist with prescription, or you can order directly from HDC (the blue bottle), the clinic ship 3 units for 195€ (65€ per unit) + shipping around 30€, if interested you can mail the clinic or send me details in my WhatsApp.
  12. This is not product pushing, I didn't promote any brand in this video. The formula I'm using is made by a local pharmacist with a prescription.
  13. In the past I suffered the side effects of oral Finasteride, but with topical formula all is going over 2 years and I have new growth over my crown area:
  14. I order mind through a local pharmacist with a prescription, you can also order from HDC Hair Clinic their topical formula:
  15. "Too conservative hairline" is a good thing because you can always lower it down if you have a strong donor, unlike some clinics that lowering too much unnaturally which in a way is irreversible. Please share photos to understand your situation.
  16. @turnoutthelights you're a good candidate, although you're NW5-6, the donor is healthy and strong enough to give full coverage in 2 sessions without overharvesting it, scalp structure is narrow which save a lot of grafts, lateral humps are strong and healthy which will significantly support the transplanted hair coverage, and you still have some native hair that can support some. If you afraid of Finasteride, I suggest you'll consider to try to topical formula which is less "aggressive", I had side effects from the oral Finasteride, but now I'm using topical with Minoxidil for over 2 years without any side effects, this can assist to the exist remain native hairs. To cover everything you'll need around 6000-7000+- grafts, at HDC clinic we specializes with NW6 cases and giga sessions for the right candidates, I think your case it will be safer to have 4000 grafts for 1st session for your frontal and middle scalp without overharvesting your donor, the potential need to be checked with a detailed review. If you're interested with consultation you're welcome to contact my WhatsApp.
  17. The photos you uploaded here are overexposed with flash, though you have diffuse thinning I completely agree for you to have a hair transplant, it will destroy many of your native hair right now. With diffused candidates we take extra caution before accepting them for HT as "special" cases. The wise thing for you is too wait longer and consider using Minoxidil and Finasteride mainly to maintain your donor, this is crucial for many diffused thinners.
  18. I was botched terribly by a hair mill in Turkey named Arenamed, then had great repair procedures at HDC clinic. I was scammed by local agency that Arenamed job will be done by a real MD surgeon and it was only techs so I sued the agency. Do your self a favor and skip that, do a research for a pro line clinic with a bigger budget.
  19. @David____ if your donor destined to be highly effected by DHT then your HT result won't be impressive for long time, I also agree you shouldn't do HT to delay the bald appearance for 2 years. Showing you results like this won't give you any reference, I mean you can see results of reference post 1 year result but as a patient coordinator I prefer you'll see a result that will be sustainable on you for the long term. Right now your situation looks around NW4 maybe NW5, we still need high quality photos of your donor to see if there's a diffused pattern. I do suggest if you can consider using topical Finasteride, I use it myself without any side effects. DHI as a "supreme" method, is usually a marketing of hair mills, because it all coming down who is your surgeon, they also usually don't care how you'll look like in the long term, a high skilled surgeon will make a minimum trauma to the donor, but a hair mill can destroy it by overscarring and overharvesting, unfortunately my donor is scarred because I had my 1st horrific HT by Arenamed the hair mill in Turkey, then 3 repairs at HDC. There's is no advance for the patient to have DHI over FUE, ect.. if it's a poor job then any method can go wrong.
  20. @Test12345678910 Our MDs both Dr. Maras and Dr. Christina have availabilities in this February, since our price range is 2.4-2.2€ per graft we fit your budget, the price includes our free accommodations, driver for the airport and 4 post care surgery days to wash all your scabs, you can read many reviews on us in this forum, our clinic based in the Greek side of Cyprus. If you're interested in consultation, you're more than welcome to contact my WhatsApp.
  21. @cleavingmarauder Short answer is all about the skills of uour surgeon, not about the gear. I myself a drummer musician and we always say, it's about the gear, it's up the skills of the drummer, you can give a drummer or guitar player a top notch drum kit, Fender Start, Stratovarius and he won't keep the beat, but if you give a drummer a 500$ kit it will sound great if he's a great player. That debate of manual vs motorized punch isn't relevant anymore, it's true the motorized punch was an issue in it's early days, and yes cheap hair mills use the generic cheap stuff with untrained staff without a real MD surgeon usually. At HDC clinic we stopped using manual punch and moved fully to motorized punch with very high survival rate and be able to do 6000+ grafts sessions in a single visit which isn't possible with manual punch. I myself had 4 HTs, unfortunately my 1st experience was in 2018 in the Turkish hair mill Arenamed, they botched me with 5000 grafts in 1 day awful surgery with motorized generic punch in most barbaric brutal way, then I had 3 great repair procedures at HDC clinic in Cyprus, in 2019 Dr. Maras punched me 2500 grafts with manual punch, in 2021 Dr. Maras punched me more 2500 grafts with motorized punch, and last month I had small enhancements procedure of 1446 grafts, this time Dr. Christina did me the motorized punch, and my donor still very preserved without overharvesting or overscarring due to the grear hands of the doctors that had to approach me with small sessions due to the damages I had in Turkey. So patients with healthy strong donor can have 5000-6000+ grafts sessions with us using motorized punch and still preserve the donor, it's depending by choosing the right punch head for the patient, punch with gaps and not too deep.
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