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follically challenged

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Everything posted by follically challenged

  1. Im genuinely interested as to what Hasson and Wong, or other surgeons for that matter, would do for a 'failed transplant'. (By the way, I am not suggesting this is a failed transplant, but such a thing is one of my biggest fears) So I wonder what surgeons policies are: full refund seems doubtful. 50% refund..hmmm who knows. free top-up? possibly.. Can anybody shed any light on this? Thanks
  2. Couto certainly uploads some fantastic results, but let's be honest, almost every case seems to be that thick, black Spanish donor hair. Unless I'm wrong and he has done work on some finer blonde hair patients, please let me know.
  3. Interesting video. How did the scars appear...? I knew there were scars involved with the donor area but haven't seen scars on the donor region before... how common is that?
  4. Actually, I can't understand...why is this? He seems to be creating great results so why isn't he more visible? Thanks
  5. Agreed, but it's such a HUGE part of the equation, which sucks. And to be somehow viewed as lesser due to genetics is so annoying. Life as a good-looking dude is simply life on easy mode ha, I feel like my buddies have no idea how easy they have it sometimes. And as for women wanting confidence...again, agreed, but that comes so much easier if you are happy and content with the way you look. It enhances how you feel, much more than the other way around, i.e. the way you feel enhances how you look. The latter may ring true to an extent, sure, but it isn't as powerful in this aesthetics driven society we inhabit. Overall, this is the most important thing i guess. Cosmetic surgery as a whole (when done right) is the means to get what you believe you should have, and deserve to have been born with.
  6. 5 mm FUE scars? wow. Who did your procedure?? Glad the SMP helps though!
  7. You've hit the nail on the head there. I must say that I am guilty of seeking a girl that has both great personality AND great looks, and yet somehow hope she doesn't require the same high standards in a male, haha. I am well aware of how hypocritical this is, but it still feels like a natural desire to aim high. I don't want to 'settle' for less when it's not what I truly want, so I focus on ways on how to improve myself, both physically and mentally. I must say that the comparison thing is correct too. I believe it was Teddy Roosevelt who said that 'comparison is the thief of joy', and it certainly has truth to it. While I avoid most social media quite successfully, I still find the hardest part of hairloss being around good-looking friends who have the thickest head of hair and see the way girls look at them. For what its worth I actually do OK with women, but as soon as i introduce them to friends my jealousy and envy begins again, and I feel almost certain that they are checking out my better looking acquaintances. Paranoid..? Perhaps But am I wrong...? Unlikely Insecure..? Definitely
  8. Yes, i think all of these answers have value. Overall, relationships are complex. And I suppose the what-ifs are not really healthy, though my brain still runs through them from time to time.. But parents staying together is certainly a good example of a deeper relationship. I guess the world which we inhabit now with insta etc, on the whole perhaps we have become more aesthetically focused whether we like to admit it or not...
  9. Interesting reply. But, do you not see a 'foot in the relationship..' as also a potential 'foot out of the relationship..' if the transplant were to go south?
  10. So, a more unusual post I guess, aimed at those who have already had transplants. I’m sure you have numerous reasons as to why you had it: to look and feel like you did before, to gain more confidence, to look your age, etc. All valid reasons of course. I’m sure another valid reason for going through with a transplant is to do better on the dating game. Not all will have that as a primary driving force, I’m sure some are already happily married/attached. But there are certainly some males here that went through with the HT for that reason: to feel as though you can confidently attract a better mate. I’m not criticising that reason. Not one bit. This aspect is certainly one reason I would go for it if I ever do. Yet it plays on my mind at the same time. Now a lot of you are already waiting to reply with ‘I did it for myself and no one else’. That’s fine. I get that, too. A valid reason. But it’s just on my mind how visual we are as creatures, how transplants even exist, what they do for us, and how ‘superficial’ humans are. Again, not criticising anyone here. Simply stating how we, as animals, like what we see, and that we can’t help what we are attracted to. So, assuming men look better with hair, (finally getting to my point here, forgive the long musings) I’m wondering how many of you singletons felt knowing you were able to attract better looking partners after a successful transplant. More importantly, after having snagged a new, more attractive mate, does it ever play on your mind that the situation may have not come into play had you not pulled the trigger and got the transplant..? I ask this simply because this is a valid concern of mine. I imagine that, post-transplant, I would feel more confident and (hopefully) enjoy the new found attention from better-looking women. Though I do also wonder how it would make me feel in the long-run, always second guessing how that new girl would have viewed me a year before; perhaps I’d even worry how they would feel should the transplant eventually shed, fail or begin to look weird due to any other external factors. I guess what I am trying to get at is this: for those who have had successful transplants and then gone on to find love, does it ever cross your mind that your partner would not feel the same had you met each other pre-transplant, and have any of you come to regard that person as shallow or untrustworthy for not liking the ‘real’ you? Genuinely curious and interested to hear your thoughts. Thanks!
  11. And it is kind reassuring that even Dom Draper has hair worries. Had no idea he was in the club
  12. How do you know Cooper is on fin..? Is that well documented or just a guess?
  13. You're right about Ramsay, that's pretty much certain. Though I think you're wrong about Brad Pitt and not entirely sure what those photos demonstrate besides a change of hairstyle...
  14. This whole post reeks of advertisement. And even if it isn't a promotion, it always baffles me when some people can be so won over by the all-inclusive Turkey trip that they are happy to leave glowing results on the ACTUAL DAY of the procedure, before any grafts have even begun to sprout, let alone turn into the final result. Sure, we all like nice things and to feel comfortable. But there are so many YT vids out there now of people giving the double thumbs up with a red-raw scalp while commenting on how comfortable they were and what a delicious meal they had...
  15. So, I'm curious, did you jump on meds? get a HT? or learn to accept it...?
  16. Interesting. So, upon seeing a specialist, (a really good specialist,) would they be able to predict future loss based on family history and characteristics..?
  17. Why more agressive in early 20s though..? Is that for all people suffering from hair loss?
  18. I should point out that my hair loss is thinning on top, (naturally very thin hair since forever,) and recession at the temples since i was around 21...
  19. Is there such a thing as hairloss stabilisation..? Is this a total myth? Or does it just apply to a select few...? For example, Im approaching 35 years of age and considering that year to be the right time for my first HT.. Thanks in advance!
  20. 'Dogmatic statements'? i wouldn't say dogmatic, just saying what I've seen written by patients And yes you found some donor examples but Diep rarely shows donor area on the patients results videos. Compared to the thousands of videos he has uploaded relatively few of them have a close inspection of the donor area. That isn't my opinion it is a fact. As for 'cautions'... I thought this was a forum to share opinions of hair surgeons..?
  21. Many patients have spoken negatively of Diep's harvesting. I think this is one reason he never shows the FUE donor area on the videos.
  22. donor area seems uneven. any idea why he took more from the right side than the left...?
  23. Why don't more people get SMP on their FUE scars? I find it hard to understand why some don't cover up that over-harvested look...
  24. Interesting. I never saw any posts by 'dutchie'. I'm not sure what you mean by your second point though, 'not many cases because he's associated with Joe Tilman'? How do you mean exactly...? I know he is associated with JT but i don't see why that would affect reports on his surgeries
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