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follically challenged

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Everything posted by follically challenged

  1. interesting. thanks for posting. Definitely an improvement, just a shame they didn't show the donor area. Whenever a video is posted that does not show the FUE or FUT section it always makes me feel a little distrustful... screw the argument 'there is nothing to see' - NO, we WANT to see what we are getting into...
  2. ah i see. then who knows, could be much lower haha i'm new to the micron thickness, i just know mine is super fine. Hmmmm, dad's history: late 70s, high forehead, Norwood 5a. Both parents have fine hair...
  3. hmmm, if this were simply the case i feel like I would have heard WAY more about topical Dut on the hair channels that i follow...
  4. Genuinely curious, is this safe...? Is it as effective as Fin? If so, why doesn't everyone skip fin and go straight to topical Dut?
  5. Yeah i saw your vid actually when you uploaded it, was good to see. I truly believe mine is thinner than yours, just by looking at your result, but i will need to be checked once lockdown travel restrictions are lifted. If i had to guess, based on yours being 50/51 microns, i'd put mine at around the 48 mark... i also remember your sign-off on another video "....and if it's thinner than mine... your are Fu*ked" 😅 I'd say i'm around norwood 3 with miniaturisation in the frontal 3rd but not strong donor area tbh... i'll get confirmation on that as soon as travel becomes normal again...
  6. Yup. Kinda makes you question the whole 'eat healthy and look after your body' concept, right 😅
  7. This is such a reassurance into how FUE can be done right... yet again changing my mind from FUT to FUE again... From what i hear, physiology also has a large part to play in terms of scarring, but there is no denying the great work involved too. This is the first ive heard of this doctor but i'll certainly keep my eyes and ears open!
  8. Not the right frame of mind, but still I can understand it. The phrase 'Are you suffering from hairloss..?' - often heard on TV commercials is an accurate one... it really is a form of suffering for a lot of guys, perhaps more so in the younger years.. How would you rebuke comments and quips from the 'hilarious jokers' out there? Laugh it off? Challenge them? Pretend to ignore?
  9. Haha, perhaps an odd choice...mostly chose him as it's an interesting story in it's own right that is blowing up right now. The more folks that know about it may help his case somewhat..who knows. Important to spread the story imo. But politics aside, definitely some good points been made. Height... i'm fairly lucky to not have to worry about that, and yeah it must be tough if you're vertically challenged AND suffer from hairloss.... maybe that's what gives people like Joe Rogan some of his drive? 🤷‍♂️ And yeah, 30 years ago was very different....who knows what happens in the next 30 years. Bring on the hair cloning.
  10. We've all heard of 'hair greed' - first attaining more hair via HT.... and then wanting more, more, more... Well, 'greed is good', at least according to Wall Street's Gordon Gecko... But what about hair ENVY. That feeling when you're out with your buddies, and they all have those thick, sturdy hair shafts - so thick they could serve as puppet strings... not to mention the Norwood -10 hairline of a 4 year old. That envy certainly has been real for me, made even harder to keep in check when friends start making jokes about thinning hair 🙄 But seriously, how do you guys feel about that? Know the feeling? Annoying? infuriating? Or simply able to just put it down to the hand you were dealt..? I'd guess Putin knows what I'm talking about...and maybe that's why we've probably seen the last of Alexei Navalny with his hair of iron and balls of steel...
  11. Looks great mate. where did you get the SMP done? Has it maintained its original color..? does it still look natural now?
  12. Love this. Tbh, it looks so good i find it hard to believe you have fine hair. It looks relatively thick to me, only blonde! great job regardless. i know they like FUT over there, right? I guess that is no concern to you as you love your long hair, but for me i like it short...as a result, i feel like the FUT scar would be concering...but i guess it's impossible to know how bad you scar until you actually have it done right? Any pics of your scar or donor area? Thanks!
  13. Happy to hear that, man! May I ask which clinic you went to? And is it ok to see some pics, either on this thread or private? Thanks
  14. Yeah I have followed this guy with interest but honestly believe my donor area is somewhat finer than this.... still, he got a great result
  15. Does Bisanga just do BHT? I hear that's what he specialises in.... but i have less body hair than i do scalp hair.. 😂
  16. Looks good man. Can barely see where the hairs were taken from! Happy growing!
  17. Calling to all my fine-haired brethren out there... Of course it's all good for those lucky thick-haired boys getting solid results, but I'm just wondering who, if any out there with fine, thin, mousey, blonde hair have had HTs and got either good OR bad results... If there was a global competition for the thinnest hair shafts I'm pretty sure I would win, so I'm pretty sure I'm not a great HT candidate...but regardless I'd love to see your results and hear your stories if possible. Thank you!
  18. 'rude'..? 'warnings'? yeeesh it's merely a joke that the picture quality is poor, hardly an attack...
  19. Glad to hear you got a good result, but it would be better if the photos at least had 5 pixels each 😅
  20. errr, yeah...i was asking a question, dude ...isn't this forum supposed to be used to discuss all things hairloss related...?
  21. Unfortunately, your three points are moot, based on the explanation I already gave: "HT surgeons simply must advertise to stay afloat" 1. Nothing would be better for the HT surgeons (not necessarily the patients) than to show the longevity of a patient's HT that has lasted 10 years, and no, it wouldn't be too difficult to get them in for a follow-up video or even a video recorded from the comfort of the patients' own home. If they're willing to do a follow-up after 12 months, I'm sure they would be after 10 years.. it would be the very least they could do to show their gratitude towards such a great surgeon and having their life changed for the better, right? 2. As for patients...you mentioned a year series? Hmmm, not quite true either. YouTubers will make content as long as they enjoy doing it and as long as people continue to watch it thus creating ad revenue from it... hence one of the main reasons behind most YouTubers' content... they don't automatically stop at 1 year... 3. If its anonymity you're giving as a reason...again, it simply doesn't hold up. It's so easy now to blur the eyes, face, etc making patients unrecognisable, focusing purely on the results. I started this thread merely curious about the DHT effects, curious as to if the hairs were different or merely the areas of scalp... It seems that i am most likely wrong on that, and it is a case of certain hairs being less susceptible to DHT... I'm happy to accept that.. But for whatever reason, I still find it hard to accept that most HTs will last the 10 year mark. Sure, some will! But your examples of patients happy with their first results aren't that great... Joe Tilman has had, what... 10 HTs now? lol, Spex probably the same amount almost.... so that doesn't really support your argument that they last so well...otherwise surely 2 or 3 or even 4 HTs would have done it..?
  22. First of all, when i use the word 'fail' of course I mean that the result no longer looks great - not because of native hairs falling out, although that certainly would be a contributing factor to it looking less natural - but more about the quality of transplanted hair which has miniaturised or fell out. I think BeHappy mentioned a good point about graft punch...perhaps that could affect the transplanted hair quality down the line... Though it's interesting that others have also commented on this thread here about the 10 year mark, so i don't think i'm being totally nonsensical in questioning the longevity... But as you seem so confident in the 10 year mark, and as we can both agree how HT surgeons simply must advertise to stay afloat, as that's just part of business of course, and is the main reason we can find hundreds of HT results videos being uploaded each week from around the globe. And as established on this thread also, HTs have been happening for around 50 years.... So, of the thousands... hundreds of thousands of hair transplant results documented, to be seen on youtube right now, videos being made for marketing or simply a patient proudly displaying their good result, I challenge you to find me 10 videos marking a good 10 year result..... only 10.... It's OK, I'll wait.....
  23. Haha, you're really asking that? If transplants were that sustainable, why are top-ups so often needed for a large number of patients? I'm that sure some succeed down the line... of course I'm not saying this theory to be applicable to ALL, I'm merely wondering if it could be the case for some? Obviously each person's hair loss journey is different.. Finally, if the '10 year mark' is so easy to attain, don't you not think more surgeons would be doing follow-up videos to show solid proof and put potential patients at ease? You said it yourself... it's 'a common concern for many prospective patients'... so which HT surgeon in their right mind wouldn't jump at the opportunity to prove their work can truly last..? (And please don't suggest that it's simply because patients are 'too busy' or have 'moved on with their lives'... a 2 minute follow-up vid would be very little effort on their part if they had maintained solid results 10 years down the line...)
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