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Posts posted by Abi28

  1. 12 minutes ago, Ranger99 said:

    I am not sure if technically "scalp reduction" is what the term is for what this particular surgeon suggested, but it seemed that way. Either way, the suggestion was to remove the scarred scalp area. 

    If you plan on using a time machine to go back to the 90's then yes go ahead and do a scalp reduction.

    This is absurd, don't ever go to that doctor again, you are clearly going to the wrong doctors.. you can fix your hair with 1000 grafts via FUE, your hair situation is not that bad compared to some of the stuff on this forum, make sure you research the doctor well on the forum and see actual results posted by patients.

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  2. 5 hours ago, Blackweasel said:

    Thanks @Abi28! Since im gonna be on so many different drugs I gave up on sides. I am slowly loosing libido too, Ill go hard for 6 months and then taper down. I apply so much Minoxidl to my temples some is bound to end up on my face, gonna end up a gorilla soon

    You only need to apply 1ml, applying more minoxidil doesn't give you better results in fact it will give you more side effects.


    17 minutes ago, Blackweasel said:

    @GokuHair  im real keen to take oral Minoxidl 5mg day but cant seem to find a trustworthy supplier online. Would you know where best to purchase? Can even PM me would really appreciate it man.

    Why would you take both oral and topical minoxidil, oral minoxidil is very very dangerous way more dangerous than finasteride. Oral minoxidil can cause heart problems, it's a drug used to treat people with with high blood pressure, yes it gives you hair but it's dangerous, don't believe everything you read on the internet.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Blackweasel said:

    Running my fingers through my hair I feel alot of tiny hairs just poking through. Do you guys think this is growth from minoxidl? The minox shedding coming back? It will really help fill in some volume if I can get these hairs to thiken up. Theyre sprouting all around my scalp, even in balding areas. Plus also my temples are seemingly filling in? 


    Ive also noticed yesterday I had a thick black hair growing on my nose! And getting hairs around my nose, random hairs in eye lashes are growing alot longer than they usually do, now have to trim them..... maybe im a responder after all? 

    Totally normal, the magic is happening and you will have a full head of hair soon, it's normal to have longer eyelashes and facial hair etc, you might notice more body hair too, make sure you clean your pillow case often because when you sleep minoxidil will rub against your pillow and gets on your face, changing the pillow case often can help a bit, also you can wash your hair 3 to 4 hours after putting minoxidil it won't lose effectiveness at all, these things will help reduce the unwanted side that you stated.

    I would advise you to monitor any other side effects, when I was using minoxidil I started having dark circles under my eyes and I looked like I ages 10 years, even people were commenting on how I looked tired, I had to stop, my eyes recovered but not 100% unfortunately, don't mean to scare you because it rarely happens but it's one of the side effects of minoxidil if you google it.

  4. 1 minute ago, duchaine said:

    I've an appointment tomorrow at HLC (rectius: in 4 hours. it is 5 AM and I can't fall asleep!)
    In the meantime, I talked with another famous doc via email, telling my story and sending my pics. He answered very carefully to my requests.
    About Dr Kaan: he is very careful and it is his choice. But he should be more clear when someone book with him. And he should spent more time for diagnosis before sharing heads and starting with extractions. I asked to meet him one or two days before but he refused, so I met him one hour before operation. As I said, we spent one hour to design hairline. But now I can say he should have spent more time to analyze my scalp.

    Keep us updated, I am interested to see what they tell you tomorrow. I understand your frustration, it sucks but it's also it's hard to judge the hair without shaving and extracting, I know a lot of people that were rejected in person or had way less grafts done than estimated because the doctor saw something in donor that cannot be detected in pictures, anyways don't stress, think of it as a vacation, wait for tomorrow and maybe you ll have a better idea of what's happening, keep us updated. 

  5. 2 hours ago, duchaine said:

    @Abi28 I’ve been at hlc today. Talked with them and explained my problem. I’ve an appointment for tomorrow. A doc will chrck my donor. They said that maybe he’ll do an extraction for biopsy.

    You did the right thing, it's never a bad idea to consult with multiple doctors and get different opinions, from personal experience I think dr Pekiner is looking out for you but I also think that he is being too careful after one of his patient had a bad result as you know he posted on this forum and other forums and a video on youtube so I think the dr now doesnt wana take any risks that can hurt his reputation perhaps, could he have gone forward with the surgery maybe yes and the results would have been maybe below average so the patient is not happy and the dr is not happy and that doesnt benefit anyone, plus this happens often and is not something out of the ordinary, in person consultation might show problems with donor that cannot be seen in pictures..

    • Like 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, HairGone29 said:

    Does anyone have any pics of others with a number 3 cut under similar lighting to compare? As not sure if its weak donor or just because its been cut so short, but not so short that hair cant clump together making it look worse, if that makes sense. I wonder if a 1 guard would look better

    Not really, judging by your pictures you have thinning in your donor, consult with a dermatologist they will be able to assist you better, you might have DUPA, you could try something like minoxidil, good luck.

  7. 1 hour ago, Biceps said:

    So everyone, got H&W and Konior's responses to my pics and looks like there's no hope for me... not only am I in the percentage of men who have MPB, I am in the percentage of men who can't even have a HT. Feeling real down right now. Does anyone know of any threads where the poster is in my position? Just so I could get their perspectives on what to do.


    It's funny how Diep said you are a candidate but Konior, Erdogan and H&W all rejected you, that should tell you something about Diep, luckily you took your time consulting other doctors otherwise this could have been a disaster if you went with Diep.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Biceps said:

    I've been to a derm and they weren't really knowledgeable about hair loss - all they did was prescribe me Fin. Is there any MD besides HT surgeons and derms that could diagnose DUPA? 

    Maybe check with an other derm, consulting multiple doctors is always good

    9 minutes ago, Biceps said:

    I mean no negativity to him with this observation. It's just making me think - do I really want to be taking Fin, applying Minox everyday, paying for HTs for the next 20 years? (I'm 26). 

    I hate that I'm losing my hair, but I'm struggling on how much energy I want to devote into this... 

    I feel you man, it's mentally exhausting, I had a failed procedure a few years ago then I had a repair procedure in the summer, now coming up on month 4 post op and I haven't seen much yet, still early but I am honestly kinda over the whole hair loss thing, I feel like sometimes it's best to accept things and just move on, maybe you can stay on meds if you are not dealing with any side effects, for me minoxidil gave me side effects and I had to stop, I am using fin but I am also dealing with side effects now and I think I am about to stop pretty soon just waiting to see the results of my hair transplant, it's like you are playing a catch up game, try consulting with a few more doctors and if you get rejected I would say it will be time to move on.

  9. It's difficult to predict future hair loss, you can look at your family history and consult with your doctor but still it's difficult to predict. You might lose hair in the future or you might stay a Norwood 4, a lot of people that do hair transplants don't take medication, it's a risk but worst case scenario you get a 2nd procedure down the road. You don't really need propecia for a hair transplant to work, propecia only works to stop future hair loss, the hair taken from the donor is immunue to DHT so it's not depended on propecia, anyways minoxidil can be enough, if you are going to lose more hair in the future it will be gradual you are not going to end up a norwood 7 in a few months. In the future if you feel like you are losing hair rapidly you can start medication, consult with the doctor that did your hair transplant, they will be able to assist you and monitor your hair and plan for any future hair loss. Good luck.

  10. It does look like you have some thinning in your donor, I would actually consult with a dermatologist and see what they tell you maybe you have DUPA? Erdogan is really good when it comes to donor management, so if he rejected you than thats something to think about, on the other hand I would not consider Diep he is not good with donor management.

    Stay on the medication for now, I would actually stop nizoral, personally I think it's overrated, it does more harm than good, your hair looks really dry and frizzy and that might be because of nizoral, also if you read the label on the shampoo one of the side effects listed is hair loss, I would stop nizoral for now, consult with a dermatologist, and maybe consult with a few more doctors and see what they say, maybe someone like Hasson & Wong, if you get rejected by other doctors then I would not consider a hair transplant for now, keep us updated and best of luck.

  11. 38 minutes ago, transplantedphil said:

    Regarding the other thread - a bad result is one thing, but again it was all about how it was handled; the patient came to the forum looking for advice, learnt more and got more support here than from their own doctor, presumably didnt want to share their details so as not to involve Melvin , and ultimately sought help from another clinic. While in that case we never heard the doctor's side, it should be very telling that that patient actively avoided returning to them.  I would also argue that most doctor's dont want to be perceived as being responsible for poor work, so the fact we even saw it on this forum suggests that particular case wasn't handled correctly.

    Exactly, it's 2 different situations, the other patient paid a lot of money and was butchered, he ended up with a horrible scar plus the doctor diagnosed him with narcosis at some point and than later he told him he misdiagnosed him and later wanted 12,000$ to repair his hair, totally different case. After care matters, at least the doctor here offered the patient a free procedure also his donor looks really good so he is not screwed for life. 

  12. 18 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    There are no refunds or guarantees, with any surgeon. I would also caution the forum to find out the entire facts before making a judgement on any case. We don’t know what was discussed, as we haven’t  heard from the surgeon or their side. We need to keep a level head and be objective and fair in all situations good or bad.

    Fair enough, I agree there are no guarantees.

  13. 9 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    This is 100% true. I keep trying to remind the forum of this fact. It’s not a hunch, it’s a fact. There are no guarantees in hair transplant surgery. This is why your cry for a refund and lawyer was absurd in a previous thread. I hope this thread sheds some light into what I see daily.

    Because the other patient had a butchered donor and recipient area and the doctor showed no sympathy towards the patient but wanted to charge him 12,000$ on top of the 18,000$ that he paid to fix his hair. At least the patient here still has good donor and was offered a 2nd procedure for free. 

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  14. Sorry to hear about what you are going through, I know how hard this is for you, I feel like sometimes you could go to the best doctor in the world and end up with very bad growth, I have seen a lot of cases on here from patients that went to top clinics that ended up with bad results, sometimes there is no explanation as to what went wrong. The fact that the clinic asked you to comeback and gave you a free procedure shows that they stand by their work, but also thats the least thing that they could have done since you lost precious grafts. Regarding the deleted post, a lot of clinics do this, they don't want to hurt their reputation, one bad post can ruin a clinics image, but that's not your fault since you are only sharing your experience here, what happened sucks and you are not in the wrong here. Looking at the bright side, you are not bald and you have a lot of hair on top, your hair situation is not that bad, your donor seems good, you might be able to get 1000-1500 grafts from your donor, I would consult with a dermatologist to see if you actually have DUPA and perhaps send your photos and consult with other doctors? best of luck.

  15. I see your concern now, you can get that fixed if it's really bothering you, your native hair will be fine because the doctor will operate on the bald area only, your hair looks great overall and the haircut suits your face well, only you can decide if you really wanna do it, also Dr Pekiner is very ethical he will do what's best for your situation.

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  16. 50 minutes ago, duchaine said:

    in the temples...I've a lot of hair but I've a very accentuated M shape.
    During windy days or when my hair are dirty/when I use the helmet etc I have some bald spot on my sides.
    I think 3000 is too much. @Melvin-Moderator agree with me so I'm going to ask 2000/2500 graft
    @Abi28 I am worried HT can destroy/ruin my native hairs!


    Perhaps post a picture with your hair pulled back? I understand your concern, there is always risks when you are having any kind of procedure, Dr Pekiner is a great doctor and he is good at dense packing, it's up to you if it's really bothering you go for it, but your hair looks good overall.

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