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Posts posted by Abi28

  1. Just now, 0GraftsSurvived said:

    I hope it improves too, let's see.

    I also though of having smp on the donor area, so do you know what would be the right time to do it ? and how long approximately can it last ?

    I wouldn't think about SMP right now since you are only 2 months post op, it will be improve for sure, wait for the 6 month mark and assess your donor again, I don't really know a lot about SMP but I think it could last a year maybe.

  2. 18 minutes ago, 0GraftsSurvived said:

    I started noticing since day 10 after the operation that the right side is much thinner than the left side and its not improving that much since then, so does that mean that it's most likely a depletion ?

    Only time will tell, if it stays like that in the next 2-3 months then it's likely over harvested, grow you hair longer and try to cover it and see how it looks. Don't be discouraged, your donor is actually not bad, it could have been way worse, there is always a way to fix your donor, I had something similar happen to me and I had a patchy area on my left side, I had 100 grafts implanted in that area, my donor looks fine now, smp is also an option. Hopefully its just shock loss and your donor recovers in the next few months, patience is key here.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Hairseeker00 said:

    I consulted with one so far in Virginia and he said I need to shave the recipient area. I will consult with more. Thanks 

    It's always a good idea to consult with multiple doctors, the doctor might need to trim the area that needs some work but you definitely don't need to shave the whole recipient area, otherwise no female would do a hair transplant since it will be hard to camouflage it and hair takes a long time to grow. When you do your search make sure to check for real patients results posted on the forum like the one below.



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  4. Unfortunate how this turned out, 2700 should have given better results, overall your hair situation is not bad but I still can't understand the reason behind the empty pattern. You should demand an explanation from the clinic, was it a mistake? did they run out of grafts? That should not have happened especially at an experienced clinic like Rahal's. The good thing is that the clinic stands by their work and offered you a free touch, anyways good luck and hope you get this fixed.

  5. I would definitely not go to the same surgeon again, your grafts are more valuable than money, 10% yield is alarming, look for other surgeons, contact multiple doctors/clinic, take your time while making a decision.

    I had something similar happen to me, I had 2500 grafts done via FUE and only had a few hundred grafts grow, I had a repair procedure in the summer for 1300 grafts and I am only 4 and a half months post op but I still haven't seen a lot of growth yet but I think things are already looking better than my 1st procedure, I think being a repair patient plays a role also with the yield, because now you have scar tissue and that causes lower blood circulation than normal skin, doctor told me that being a repair patient it can take more time to see growth, only a doctor can analyze your hair and your situation but I don't see why you should not be able to get the results you want since you have a lot of grafts left, a lot of patients get multiple procedures done to add more density etc so you will be fine, you are also lucky to have that many grafts left after having 3200 grafts done so don't make the same mistake and go to the same surgeon, good luck.

  6. 32 minutes ago, Sam818 said:

    Did the second doctor you went to confirm with you that you had poor angulation on the grafts and enough scalp damage that scalp reduction was your best option? I don’t doubt you have some punctuate scarring where you didn’t get growth but I’m still struggling to figure out how that was recommended to you when I don’t see enough tissue damage to warrant that at least from the pics posted. That’s usually a last resort for guys who got mini grafts done 20 years and need to be repaired.

    I feel bad for the guy especially since he paid 18,000$ but he is clearly going to the wrong doctors, the fact that this doctor suggested scalp reduction is insane especially in 2020, his situation is actually not bad, 1000 grafts will camouflage the bad angled hair and add more density, if I were him I would go to turkey, it will cost him between 1500$-3000$ depending on the doctor, no point in doing it in the US and spending another 10,000$ imo

  7. 7 minutes ago, duchaine said:

    I agree with you.
    I've only 2 minor considerations.
    A) the doc should advise we patients that we can go to Ankara for nothing;
    b) the doc should advise we patients  that he is going to extract around 200 grafts and stop.

    If I knew all this, maybe I didn't go to Ankara and for sure I didn't allow him to extract 200 graft for nothing.

    I agree with you on that one, to fly to Ankara and have 200 grafts extracted and then stop the surgery is very frustrating. the doctor should be able tell if there is something wrong before doing all that..

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  8. 1 hour ago, Portugal25 said:

    Dr. Bruno measured a total area of 226cm2 to implant and believes that it will be difficult to achieve a good density because my friend has very thin grafts.

    Maybe this is the reason why dr Kaan decided to stop the surgery? 

    10 minutes ago, duchaine said:

    Dr. Bruno reccomended Goncalo to have two surgeries the first with 3500 grafts and the second with 3000/3500.

    It seems like your friend have a difficult case here, he has thin grafts and needs two surgeries for a total of 7000 grafts, maybe that's why dr Kaan decided to stop as he was looking out for him when he saw he has thin grafts?

    1 hour ago, Portugal25 said:

    The only comments Dr. Bruno made about the 270 grafts implanted by Dr. Pekiner was that the punch size he used seemed a bit too big

    This is nonsense, I had a procedure with dr Kaan and he uses a 0.8 or 0.9 mm punch.

    Doctors do reject patients often during in person consultation when they feel like they can't achieve a good result for whatever reason but doing it after removing 100 to 300 grafts is a bit excessive I have to stay, maybe there are other factors that come in play here? I am not a doctor but from personal experience I think Kaan is too careful and doesn't like taking risks that might turn out bad for him and hurt his reputation in the future, that's just my opinion..

  9. You are lucky that you still have grafts left in your donor, a lot of people would not have been able to fix their hair after 5000 grafts.

    I struggled to fix mine after only 2500 grafts, my 1st hair transplant was a disaster and I will never be able to cover all my head with a decent amount of grafts, that's something that I have to live with, I also feel like the more hair transplants you do on the same area the more you have yield issues, because of scar tissue that forms during the surgery and low blood circulation, something I learned during my journey, I am now 4 and a half months post op and I think the yield is going to be low, did H&W mention anything about being a repair patient and how scar tissue can effect yield or not really? Thanks.

  10. 24 minutes ago, Ranger99 said:

    I'm not getting a scalp reduction. I was just speaking objectively. As I said, I have little faith in hair surgeons. Don't know if I will even bother getting this poor result fixed. If it's only 1,000 grafts that I needed to fix it, I might consider it, but what kind of yield will there be in a scarred scalp?

    I recommend you going to turkey, there are some good surgeons over there, why pay more than 10,000$ to get it fixed in the US, contact a few surgeons online, guys like HLC and Keser are exceptional, you can search them on the forum and see real results by patient, repair procedures are common, a lot of guys do FUE into an FUT scar so you should not have any yield problems, contact a few doctors online and send them your pictures and they will tell you everything, you will be fine.

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