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Posts posted by Abi28

  1. Disappointing indeed, sorry that this happened to you, you paid a lot of money and the results are very poor especially for 2700 grafts. Something seemed off from the start with the empty pattern you had in the middle, this is very unacceptable, not sure how your procedure was planned and what was the goal there but the surgery failed. You need more than 1000 graft to fix the density even if the hair gets thicker in the next few months. I know the clinic offered you a free touch up but do you really wanna go back? if I were you I would ask for a partial refund and not go back again. Let your hair grow for the next few months and start consulting with other doctors at the 10-12 months and see what your options are. Don't stress too much because this can be fixed, best of luck.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, bkenn said:

    Hi Guys,

    So quick update...Dr. Pekiner agreed and thought I wasnt a good candidate..but Dr. Scott Boden who did a consultation in person said I was. Would it be worth it to go to Dr. Dorin to get a second in person opinion?

    It seems like you are rushing things a bit? check with multiple doctors. Pekiner is very ethical him saying you are not a good candidate is something to think about. Have you checked Dr Boden's results on the forum? I haven't heard of him before so I can't really comment, you should consult with multiple doctors about this.. I have seen Konior's results on the forum and they are impressive, you should contact him, anyways best of luck!

  3. @Melvin-Moderator I am not trying to make him feel anxious, I am just being honest, this guy had a total of 8000 grafts done. He wanted to fix the crown, they told him he needs 2000-2500 graft via email, he showed up and the doctor pressured him into doing 4000 grafts. The 4000 grafts were split between 2000 at the front and 2000 at the back, the patient was hesitant, he was vulnerable, they agreed on 3000, the assistant came back to him offered him a discount to do 4000 grafts instead so he agreed. This is not okay by any means, they told him his donor will look better in 2-3 months post op, it hasn't and now they are telling him to wait 7-8 months. How many patients have done 8000 grafts? I haven't seen anyone with that kinda hair loss get an extra 4000 grafts, no doctor in their mind would tell him you need 4000 grafts after seeing his photos. I give 2 shits about ASMED but this is crazy to me..

  4. 2 minutes ago, dust78 said:

    Absolutely agree, the doctor knew exaclty what i wanted and saw my perplexity when he proposed me 4000. And finally we decided for 3000 that were already a lot, but maybe now i wouldnt be in this condition. Then all this story about the discount that was  offered to me after the visit, and the insistence that it would have been better and i would not have any problem, made me agree to accept it. But the discount meant that anyway i would had have to pay more then the 3000 that were grant.

    Disgusting tactics by the clinic

  5. Just now, dust78 said:

    all this is taking me a lot of energy stress and dark moment. That's all i have to say. I ll try to stay strong and focus on what i have to do, but is very difficult!

    I know how you feel, I have been in this situation before, it will get better with time, perhaps a miracle will happen and your donor will get better, try to get your mind of of it and live a normal life, if things don't get better contact other doctors to get an idea of how things can be fixed, good luck!

  6. 5 minutes ago, Der3k7 said:

    I do plan to stay with H and w actually. I'm just consulting with him to see what he says. I'm also over turkey I went to the "best" of turkey and got shit results 

    You are doing the right thing consulting with multiple doctors, I hope things turn out well for you, best of luck.

  7. 3 minutes ago, bruce90 said:

    Apparently comparing doctors and their differences is triggering to you so I'll leave it at that. Maybe punch size isn't important to you but other people may feel indifferent... It's okay to have a discussion... that's why this forum was created (atleast I thought so).

    Because it's ridiculous how people draw conclusions on punch sizes or manual punch vs motorized punch, at the end of the day it's about the track record of that surgeon and their results, picking a surgeon with the smallest punch doesn't mean your results are going be out of this world.

  8. 20 minutes ago, bruce90 said:

    Dude I have no clue why you're getting so defensive for? Can you tell me what size punch keser uses then? Because I've spoken to the patient advisers of all three clinics and yes Keser on average tends to use a larger punch size for extractions. It's just a simple fact... not sure why you think that's "ridiculous". 

    Are we really talking about punch sizes? good luck in your journey man

    • Like 1
  9. 26 minutes ago, bruce90 said:

    Since you guys are already talking about Dr. Keser... who do you think is the best between Keser, Pekiner, and Demirsoy? Do you think it's worth paying the premium for Dr Keser? The only thing I didn't like about Dr. Keser is he tends to use larger punches for extracting grafts than the other two surgeons. 

    Keser uses a large punch? next thing you will read on this forum is how Dr Demirsoy uses a motorized punch and how you should avoid him because a motorized punch tends to leave bigger scars than a manual punch etc I have read some ridiculous things on the internet but nothing comes close to some of the things I am reading on this one..

  10. 25 minutes ago, jonnyalex said:

    Jesus Christ dude, I've literally said one negative thing about the guy and have previously sung his praises on multiple occasions. What a bizarre overreaction. Extremely suspicious. There is nowhere which I made it seem that everyone ends up with that issue... What a weird overreaction. You obviously have no idea that I went to Keser to fix a hairline issue from ASMED. Why would I want to point out another patient who complained about him? Talk about getting the wrong end of the stick!

    Good for you, best of luck in your journey

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, jonnyalex said:

    Unfortunately you don't know as much as you think. Although Dr. Keser is a very able surgeon, you talk about how meticulous he is, so you are fully aware he doesn't use microscopes, right? (I know you have no clue). 

    My result from him are slowly improving but he has put doubles and triples in and around hairline which is pretty worrying. I think even you can agree with me for once; not using microscopes in 2019 is poor form. 

    It is simply impossible to 100% accurately distinguish between singles and multiples by eye.


    I have seen surgeons with microscopes produce some of the most unnatural hairlines I have seen, pluggy low density etc, check some of Asmed's latest results,

    Keser has been doing FUE's for decades I think he knows what he is doing and doesn't need guys on forums to educate him, all his results are world class, a few grafts with doubles and triples are not the end of the world.. plus you are making it seem like everyone that goes to him end up with this issue, can you single out another patient of him on this forum that complained about the issue you had? 

  12. 1 hour ago, bkenn said:

    So I went to Dr. Scott Boden for a consultation back in March and he said I would need between 1700-1800 grafts. Said I had a good donor area. I think I might go to Dr. Pekiner. He seems really awesome and is budget friendly for me. I am definitely worried about flying to Turkey and am worried about if something health wise goes wrong that I won't have the type of care that I would in the US. If anyone can assure me there is nothing to worry about on all of my concerns I will definitely move forward with Dr. Pekiner. 


    Thank you all for the help so far!

    I have been to Ankara it's safe and one of the nicest cities I have ever visited, there is nothing to worry about man, go there you won't be disappointed, best of luck in your journey!

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