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Posts posted by Abi28

  1. 4 minutes ago, bruce90 said:

    This is why I am glad that I started this thread because this is something I actually didn't know about Dr Keser. I do remember reading a report where someone mentioned that he put some doubles in his frontal hairline so him not using microscopes does give an explanation for why this happened. Do you have a report with your results so far?

    Ridiculous Keser is one of the best if not the best, check his results on the forum and other forums..

  2. 2 hours ago, CosmoKramer said:

    I agree with the first part of your comment but not the last part. There are not enough patient posted results by patients of Dr Pekiner to make such a claim as “arguably the best doctor in Turkey”, I understand you are a patient of his and your progress is looking very good and from the little that is know about him and his work he seems to be an ethical hands-on surgeon...but common, let’s not over-exaggerate or over-praise.

    Other forums do exist not just this one..

  3. 6 minutes ago, John Smith198 said:

    Hasson was my first choice but i came across below blog which kinda scares me which is why i was looking at other clinics aswell. Does anyone know anything about the below blog? it was created back in 2005.



    If you do a lot of research you will find a bad result for every doctor, I don't know a lot about H&W other than a few cases I have seen on this forum, but you are looking at a blog from 14 years ago with no pictures? look at recent results and private message people that went to that clinic to get more accurate reviews.

  4. 9 minutes ago, samgreen883 said:

    good points, but I got to ask, what am I risking in your opinion? My thinking is that worst case scenario I get SMP done on my scars which is not a huge deal as it seems and I get back to what I am doing now (plus the added density i will get to give the SMP on the temple area more "real look" when shaved)

    or am I looking at it all wrong? when you say there is going back afterwards what you mean?


    What scars are we talking about here?? Yes technically FUE leaves scars but they are not visible, even if you shave your hair they shouldn't be visible unless you are being butchered by a bad surgeon, there are no risks, do your research and find the right surgeon and go with what your gut is telling you.

  5. Just now, bkenn said:

    Do both of those doctors perform the surgeries themselves? 

    Yup, Demirsoy does about 70% of the procedure, Dr Pekiner does everything, I would suggest Pekiner from personal experience, they have a lot of experience and some of the best in the world, don't be afraid of going to turkey man, it's cheap and it won't cost you much, I have been there multiple times, it's a beautiful country.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Kraistoff said:

    Cheers Abi

    think I need to keep contact with the clinic though. I spoke to them over the phone yesterday. They said they will wait a little more and will always take responsibility for their work. 

    I’m not totally disappointed, nobody can call the result a disaster . It’s just that thin spot . I will cut my hair a little shorter sometime soon to see what it looks like then. 

    You hair looks great overall, your donor area looks exceptionally well that's one thing that I find impressive about Asmed is how the donor area looks after 4000-5000 grafts, they do a really good job with donor management. A few hundred grafts more and your hair will look great 

    I wish I had a similar experience to you, but when I was younger I went to a bad place and had 2500 grafts done, I lost most of the grafts only a few survived and I had damage in my donor area so I had to do 2nd transplant to fix some of the damage even though it won't be enough since I don't have the amount of grafts needed to cover my hair loss but I am thankful I was able to fix some of it, that's why I look at your case and say it's 100% a success, no shame in having a 2nd transplant to fix a patchy spot.

     I know it sucks that you need to go through the whole process again and you have to travel to Turkey a 2nd time to fix your hair, but you will forget about this when you are done and you will look back and see how your hair has changed and hair loss will be a thing from the past. Good luck


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  7. @Kraistoff Don't wait another 3 months, don't waste your time contacting the clinic, looking for answers on what went wrong or waiting for them to email you, time to move on.

    If your hair is still bothering you then you are going to need a 2nd hair transplant, I would suggest you to contact Dr Keser or Pekiner, you don't need a lot of grafts anyways but I wouldn't go back to the same clinic for a free touch up, I would rather pay 2-3k and have it done by someone else, plus your surgery was poorly planned, you did not need 1 thousand graft in the back and the crown. Start contacting other doctors and don't waste any more time good luck.

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  8. 16 minutes ago, Kraistoff said:

    Hello mate,


    he did have a good result , but my hair can look like if I try .

    his hair loss wasn’t as bad as mine, I also lowered my entire hairline 1cm and filled in the temples . I was also almost completely bald across 2cm of my vertex behind the forelock and filled in the crown 

    I see, I underestimated your hair loss then, looking at your pre op picture it looked like your crown was not that bad, if you are going to cut your hair short your hair might look see though especially in the middle, either way your donor looks really good, you can have a 2nd procedure in the future to add more density if you would like, overall it's a decent result. Good luck!

  9. Your case reminded me of this person, same hair loss pattern, the difference is that he went to Dr Keser and had 1700 grafts done, look at his 6 months results, no sign of hair loss. I know everyone is different and it's hard to compare results between others but you did not need 4500 grafts, the problem that I see with Asmed is that they always use too much grafts as if people have unlimited donor hair. Your hair has definitely improved but I feel like 3000 grafts would have been more than enough in my opinion.



  10. 5 hours ago, John Doe said:

    Thank you for responding.  I'll give it time and hope that no touchup is needed.  

    I am a bit confused are you at the 4 or 5 month mark? 4 months is too early but from what I gathered you had your hair transplant on may 12 so you are at the 5 month mark, you should def see improvement now, also you have to grow your hair for the next 2 months otherwise it will be difficult to tell if things are heading in the right direction, either way the doctor offered a free touch up so it's not the end of the world this can be fixed so kudos to them but I still don't understand the empty pattern in the middle, did you lower your hairline and did you have native hair in that area so the doctor decided not to put any grafts there? I am a bit confused, anyways time will tell the next 2 months are crucial, either way it can be fixed, best of luck.

  11. I absolutely agree with Guano, this kind of result is very common at Asmed, don't go back and lose more precious grafts, luckily you have more grafts so you have a second chance to fix things, take your time do more research and choose another surgeon because not many get that 2nd chance, best of luck.

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  12. You can tell post op that there is an empty pattern in the middle, how did they let you go like that? people are going to tell you that's it's too early and that things will change but it won't, I hope I am wrong but I don't think hair is going to magically appear in that area since there were no grafts implanted in there anyways. I suggest you to let your hair grow out the next 2 month and draw your conclusion you will be able to see things better and send your doctor picture. This seems like a poorly planned hair transplant, I am not really surprised Rahal is very overrated just like Asmed but they have a huge pr and marketing team behind them.

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