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Everything posted by Dazed

  1. Having done this before I know how gradual things happen. I was just standing outside and somehow we started talking about hair, and one guy said you don't know how lucky you are that you still have your hair. I just smiled because he had no idea I had a transplant. Little things like that just make you feel good.
  2. I had it done on the 10th, but only because it was thrown in as part of the package. I will have another PRP as part of the package, but I read of mixed results. obviously it is too early see results.
  3. I would not even think of dying for at least 4-6 months, and after doing some reading I may switch from Just For Men to women's hair dye. I find no reason not to.
  4. My transplant 2300 were done yesterday. My hair has retained a lot of its natural brown color even though I am 71. Do any of you dye your hair? I am a natural medium brown, but I have only dyed my mustache and eyebrows until now using Just for Men. I am thinking of a full transition to include my hair as my transplants heal. I would then like to transition into a darker brown. My hair should be full enough in 4-6 moths to try the medium brown. I am getting a full facelift in January. I have an exercise plan that should have be in pretty good shape by the time of the facelift.
  5. T Day has come and gone. The doctor is very pleased with the transplant, and said I may or may not want another 2000 grafts in about 1.5 years, and that I have a great donor area. By far the worst part of the experience was the numbing shots in the donor area which is still a little tender this morning. The recipient area was not shaved down so basically I just look like I got a bad haircut. Lucky for me a lot of guys walk around with bad haircuts today on purpose I told the doctor that he may be a good doctor, but he is a lousy barber. Because of the valium I slept through most of the transplant. Now the long wait for the final results - at least 4 months.
  6. I finally called the doctor and the recipient area does not have to be shaved. It is a go for Monday Sep. 10.
  7. BeHappy, a lot will be determined when I speak to them again. He is using NeoGraft if that makes any difference. Also I am getting PRP done twice, but I don't really know the benefits of PRP.
  8. I understand the need for the donor area, but I don't understand why the recipient area needs to be shaved when it didn't need to with FUT. I will ask the doctor Tuesday about this, but he made no mention of shaving the recipient area. I look terrible with short hair. I can't do the Vin Diesel look. LOL
  9. I am going to the Orlando Hair Clinic - Dr. Juniad Syed.
  10. I am having 2300 done in about a week. Lucky for me I am retired so work is not a problem. Why would the recipient area need to be shaved for FUE when I had FUT in 2011 they did not shave the recipient area and I had great results. I am just looking for more fullness.
  11. I cut my own hair with a Flowbee because I always hated the new haircut look. I spend about 1 minute after the shower combing my hair. I have thinning on the top and got 2000 in 2011. I always knew I would need more so I am getting 2300 more in about a week. The first time I took 2 weeks off work and wore a hat - I hate hats. I am retired now so work is not a problem for me. If you have to get buzzed it would be better to cut your hair short so people get used to seeing you with short hair so when you walk in after the transplant people aren't shocked and it draws attention to your transplants. People laugh when I tell them about the Flowbee, but I have been using it for over 20 years, and I will probably buy a new one soon.
  12. I had 2000 FUT in 2011 and there was no need to shave the recipient area.
  13. I am having 2300 done on Sep 10, and the last thing I ever want is a buzz cut, and the doctor didn't say anything about that except in the donor area.
  14. On Sep 10 I go for my 2nd transplant to just kind of fill things out. This time will be FUE. I am worried about the appearance of the donor area. I do not wear my hair short - just a normal length. How can I camouflage the donor area without getting a short haircut, which I hate. I have no experience with FUE. I am also getting 2 free PRP treatments, and don't know anything about that either. Does PRP really help?
  15. I had 2000 in 2011, and I was pretty pleased, but I knew all along that I would want more as time went on. I am getting 2300 more in September.
  16. Thanks for the heads up. Most sites allow the posting of URLs. I have removed the link. I haven't been on this site in a while because my last hair transplant was in 2011, and I am only now thinking of a 2nd one just to fill things out.
  17. I may be having a facelift with Dr. Dr. Alejandro Lev in Costa Rica in January. Dr. Lev has all rave reviews on Realself.com. Anyone thinking about any plastic surgery would be wise to check out RealSelf. I am 71, and planning on a supplemental hair transplant soon and then facelift in January.
  18. Dr Syed at Orlando Hair Clinic
  19. Well, back from the doctor and he suggests 2200 FUE transplants. I am basically looking to supplement the original transplants. Total cost $6578 which includes a PRP treatment. He said I may want to come back for additional transplants, but that I would be happy with the results. I was on the fence even about doing this again because my hair does not look that bad, and I am 71. This is in preparation for a facelift early next year.
  20. I am going for a consultation in Orlando this morning so I will be asking many questions.
  21. In 2011 I had 2000, and I am thinking of getting another 2000. I didn't experience shock loss the first time. Is there any reason to expect it this time?
  22. In November 2011 I had 2000 FUT with great success. I keep reading about shock loss, which I didn't experience with my first treatment, and I don't use Propecia or any other treatment. I have to admit I have fallen behind in the technology since my transplant. I am considering 1500 more FUT to make my hair fuller in a couple years. My fear is messing up a good thing, and experiencing shock loss the 2nd time around. Should I start using Propecia now in preparation, and are the transplants more prone to shock loss than native hair?
  23. My timeline before I would actually consider anything more is 4 years, so I would be looking at 6 years between transplants. I wonder if the long time between would make it less likely to suffer shock loss.
  24. Now you guys have me worried. I had a very successful 2000 grafts in Nov 2011, and I was thinking about 1500 more in a couple years. My hair looks good right now so I don't want to mess it up.
  25. I am about at 8-8.5 months now, and I am suprised at the progress. If I can expect more progress that would be even better. I was initially told I would need 2500 and I have had 1500 and I am quite satisfied. Now I am afraid of going back for additional because the first round was so good I don't want any chance of messing that up.
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