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Posts posted by Lennney

  1. 39 minutes ago, PawelRz89 said:

    Do you guys think I can enjoy the nice weather and taking some sun for the redness area or rather I should wear some hat/cap to protect it? Please advise! Thanks!

    Easy. Cap for sure. Sun burns are your skin cells committing suicide. You don't want anything crazy going on near your follicles, and nothing that will cause scalp irritation.

    If you can't wear a cap, use sun screen applied every 2 hours. SPF 50+.

  2. 5 hours ago, Legend007 said:


    - if u plan on shaving ur head .. I would do it weeks before the surgery so people get used to u with no hair .. so once u do get a transplant they won’t think much of it .. 

    Maybe it depends on doc, but mine wanted it long before he shaved it. Several docs want to see which way the hair grows before they remove it. I think it doesn't matter much for FUT, as the strip will tell which way it grows. But again, I would find out from your doc what he wants your pre-op hair to look like. No harm done by asking.

  3. On ‎5‎/‎11‎/‎2019 at 6:05 PM, shookwon33 said:

    Hi guys, excited and nervous to have my FUE procedure with Dr. Diep in about 3 weeks. I am estimated about 1500-2000 grafts just to lower my hairline. I just had a question if anyone has had any experience or knowledge about shaving the entire head prior to procedure 1. versus shaving just the donor areas prior to procedure and leaving the hair on top long to hide any observation of a transplant being done. 

    2. Is there any benefit to shaving the entire head prior to the procedure? For example would it be easier to clean and manage the recipient area post op for better results due to not having to maintain the native hair as much? Or is there a benefit that implanting into the recipient area with a fully shaved head?

    3. Or is it okay to just shave the donor areas and leave the top long like some people do?

    1. Dr. Diep has good work, and shouldn't change what he does so long as he and his patients are achieving the expected results... Don't take this the wrong way, but Dr. Diep isn't known around here for his sneaky HTs. The punch size alone will make the HT look more prominent than other docs' work. 

    This is one of multiple posts recently about HTs being done on the low. I think there are ways to minimize the evidence, but any passive observer will see something isn't "normal" with your hair after a procedure, and many weeks after. Maybe you should ask what can be done to minimize the look. I wore a hat everywhere, but I think if I could not, I would look at cosmetics. The redness is the biggest issue for me, and I think I would have invested in a concealer to blend away the different skin tone. I wasn't bothered by the "no-hair" look, I was bothered by the redness.

    2. Many. As @FUEblonde1985 stated, short hair helps with the washing portion immediately post-op. Think about it, you have hair that needs to be washed. The last thing you want to do post-op is being concerned about keeping your hair clean while also not fucking your HT up. Spending more time in the shower increases risks for your HT as funny as that is to type out. You can scratch follicles out as you attempt to clean your head. You can direct the high pressure water coming from your shower head at the recipient area (inadvertently or not, the effect is the same) and through the "water needle" (forgot term, can explain if you don't get it) effect you push out the neighboring hairs as they are not fully anchored. It should be said, your hair is naturally oily, and could make your recipient area oily/ cause infection from the excess bacteria. It's a low risk if you keep your head clean (which will require additional effort).

    It is substantially easier to keep my head clean with a shaved head post op. I really enjoyed being able to ever-so-gently clean my head. I can't imagine what the mix of care I should do when 1. Your scalp is completely numb 2. You need to still wash your long hair 3. you need to apply medication to the treated areas, and you will have to move your long hair out of the way to do so...

    Did you also think about: You want to keep long hair - which will continue to grow. Are you going to go 3+ months of not cutting it? Are you going for the Goro Mortal Kombat look of having super long hair on top, or are you going to the barber/ cutting it yourself? It'll look bad/ you'll have to deal with people directly dealing with your HT, which I thought was your effort to "hide".

    3.Is it okay, sure. Does it look better or worse? Up to you to decide. Just know the pros and cons of your decision. There are few, if any, pros from my perspective.

    Best of luck.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Forty Six & 2 said:

    Can you post a picture of your current status? It is possible to hide the surgery, if you only get 1.- or 2.000 grafts in your Hairline done and have a fringe hairstyle. Your donor area has to be shaved, but it looks pretty normal after a few weeks of vacation.  Note, that not every surgeon is willing to perform with a partial shave.

    If you are a norwood 4 or higher and need a big amount of grafts, it is almost impossible to hide the surgery, your recipient will be red and look really ugly for 2 or 3 months, once you start shedding.

    I agree in that Norwood 2 & 3 FUT/FUE can be camouflaged with your long original hairs with the right styling.

    Yes, there is no way to get away from the ugly shed phase. It will happen (with variation based on your physiology), and will be noticable. If it was possible, you'd definitely hear about it and see advertisment for it.

    I think you (OP) just have to own the procedure. There's no easy way that let's you look like you didn't just get 1,000+ incisions in the most vascular area on your body. 

  5. Yes and yes. Buy online, but take note of the ship time next time and order early. You said it was a cost issue, but now you're saying it's a time issue to hold off for ~a week.

    If it's a time issue it wouldn't matter either way for the length you said, especially if you're doing some dose vs no dose.

    I'm more worried about setting a precedent with members sacrificing their hair for chump change.

    • Like 1
  6. You're reaching and nearly passing the threshold of thinning v regular hair density. Super stoked to see your results! Great job on your recovery process and great job for Hasson! You've kept your hair short, and it looks good. I think you can now grow your hair out to style however you prefer, should you want to grow it out. 

    Again, looks great!

    • Thanks 1
  7. I agree with @Legend007 in that, really, cost is the largest obstacle? There's all sorts of stories online of diabetics cutting their insulin dosages and dying due to cost. Is this a hyperbole? Yes. Does the point stand? Yes. You're looking short-term at a lifelong issue. You could lose hairs you otherwise could have kept with fin.... for what, $15 max per month savings? This is ridiculous. Cook two meals a month - with at least 2 leftovers and you have that money saved. 

    This is all assuming you're in the USA. If you are, no excuses for not finding $15 to preserve your dosage.

    If you're abroad, you have access to the international drug marketplace that doesn't gouge the citizens. You can find this pill in every pharmacy for next to nothing. 

    Finally: BUY THE 5MG VERSION! Cut it into 1/4s or 1/5 if you have the skill. You save immensely buying a generic at 5mg and cutting it.

    Lowering any prescribed medication dosage due to cost is asinine especially when it is only ~$30 a month at most. I'm sorry, but look this level of short term on your life is inexcusable.

  8. 17 minutes ago, MM94941 said:

    Thanks for your reply. It’s not that I’m so interested in having an immediate result, it’s that i’m trying to avoid shaving my head because of work - I just can’t do it, and if doing FUE with long hair is available, I could do the procedure without shaving.

    No problem. So, no matter what, the recipient hair (the bald areas) will 1. receive hair 2. become red (will last 1-16 weeks depending on your skin tone) 3. fall out.

    Please understand the above, and know that there's currently no procedure that will escape 2 & 3.

    1. Get a FUT surgery. This will allow you to potentially keep all of your donor-area hair looking like it was untouched. Several HT docs on this forum preach using FUT as your initial HT due to maximizing donor capability. Con - you have the scar which may expand/ cause discomfort. You will still have 2 & 3.

    2. Not nearly as common as unshaved FUT is the unshaved FUE. This method will require a least some portion to be shaved/cut. This is much more noticeable (initially) than the FUT equivalent in the donor area. You'll still have 2 & 3.

  9. Welcome to the forum! 

    You have a better hair situation than many of our 26 year old members.

    About your question of losing hair- If you are losing hair, you're at the very early stages, so this is great news.

    1. Who are you? - What is your history with hair loss? Look at your grandparents and work your way down. Was your mother's father bald? Her brother(s) (uncle of yours)? What about your father's family?

    Balding typically follows the mother's line, and I think the consensus is you're a lot more likely to follow your grandfather's path (maternal).

    2. Your haircut. - You have a lot of hair length. I used to have a similar hairstyle as a high schooler. It's a mop. Do yourself a favor and go to the barber and use feathering scissors (thinning scissors). They cut away the bulk, which tents to lie flat on your head. You'll still keep the length if you want it. Some of that cowlick area is a function of too much hair in one spot.

    I don't want to tell you what to do as far as treatments go, because I'm no doctor and you're uncertain. The good news is: if the hair loss progresses (which may be necessary to determine if you are experiencing hair loss), there are treatments which will either return you to pre-hair loss levels and/or stabilize you.


    Now, why you're rocking an unprofessional hairstyle at 26 is your business. Do know that you're more proactive than your (balding) peer group, and you have the resources here to help should you need them. Without certain knowledge, we're playing a guessing game. You're in a comfortable position in which your hair loss is starting later in your life, or that you may escape hair loss until old age. Try to avoid paranoia. You're doing everything right. Keep a level head.

  10. I didn't see any photos of post HT, nor any recovery photos. I only searched for 3 minutes, but didn't see any.


    My HT experience has been that nearly 100% of transplanted hair will shed before they begin to grow. Sure the long hair will look sweet for about 3 weeks. After 3 weeks, you'll lose hair like a chemo patient. Does spending the resources (both your capital and the clinic's time) become worth it if the net result is a shed of the HT hair?

    Having said that, I'd love to see how transplanting long hairs is overall better. I know that some docs will do a partial shave/no shave donor area (which is more beneficial than transplanting long hairs), but never have I ever seen a transplant of long hairs.


    If nothing else, I could not have worded @Gabreille Nelson Mukhia  's answer better myself. 

    At this point, you're not ready for a HT. It's fine, it just means you need more research. I'm your age, by the way, so it's not a knock on your maturity.

    I've posted comments elsewhere, but I'm going to copy them here if it helps you. The first is the "why" and the second is the "how". They are in order! 


    My advice for you

    1. Try the finasteride. I didn't and wish I would have known about it in my early 20s. Maybe I could have delayed a HT.

    2. It is important to put a value on a HT. What is it worth to you? Financial cost of procedure, time cost of awkward recovery period, emotional cost of missing events/ fielding awkward questions.

    3. What do you stand to gain? Self confidence that will manifest in all social interactions. Removal of the anxiety/emotional burden of balding. If you're single, it'll open up more dating opportunities for you. (In my case) Not being age discriminated for entry level jobs post college. Whatever else applies to your case. It could well be that you have little benefit from a HT. It also could remove any self-imposed hair-loss barriers that open you up to the world. Weigh 2 vs 3.

    4. Choose with conviction. Either way, own your decision and know it's best for you. If you get a HT, don't feel ashamed or embarrassed. It is the best choice for you. When people ask "why" I tell them, "I considered it for a long time, and I felt it was the right time for me. I've always been concerned about my hair loss. I am fortunate to be alive at a time when baldness is treatable with a permanent and "natural" (my own hair!) solution. I am happy to answer any questions you have." - The questions then don't focus on my choices (since I addressed them from the start) but focus on "does/did it hurt, How long is it good for, How long does it take to see results, How much?" By taking control of your situation, you take the power out of the tough questions. Your friends and family will support your decision if you present it as a decision that was best for you!



    I have a strength in personal finance and budgeting

    Before you jump in: Timing could cost you $X,xxx more or less depending on when you travel. Also know the travel costs involved. You have time when it sounds like $ is more of an issue. So be smart with your time to get the most value for your $:

    1. Create a list of doctors. (You should) Prioritize the doctors who you see yourself using, and then add them to the list. Usually their websites will list a range. I don't recommend "shopping" docs at this point - asking what they will charge. Build your list first, I'll come back to this point.

    2. If you're looking for value, look up the Countriesyou find the surgeons you wish to hire. Use google flights to explore destinations from your Country's airports (plural) to those country airports. Find the cheapest airport for that country, then find the cheapest time to fly - the month or time of year. You're not booking yet, you're only assembling a cost database for the 2-5 countries abroad you've found reputable doctors for. I can help if you don't understand this.

    3. Now that you know what you should pay for the travel, find out what lodging and transport looks like in that country. How long do you plan on staying there? Estimate a per-day rate for each country.

    *Personally, I am passionate about this, but I recommend traveling while you're there. Feel free to ignore this, because it is purely an opinion.

    4. Now that you know when the best rates for travel are, plan to book a procedure during that time Next year. It will do four things: A. Allow you to save and ensure you can get that travel rate in the future (I can explain on the booking a travel plan theory later). B. Allow you to establish dialog and communication with a clinic where you feel confident in your doc, and set expectations on the procedure, talk about hairlines etc. C. It will Ensure that your doc is available when you want your procedure done and D. Allow you to save up some money/clear off some credit card balance etc. to afford the procedure/ pay off the airfare after you book it.

    5. Now that you have the costs for travel, the narrowed list of surgeons, the open communication with those surgeons, ask the price. Build it into your budget. Travel + expenses while there + HT + Qualitatives (things to do if you travel, idk, but these are "what it's worth to you if all else is equal" among surgeons/total price). Then do your own cost analysis and get the best value. Value = benefits/costs.

    Now: I mentioned FUT is cheaper than FUE. Just know that there are benefits to both, but know that there exist good surgeons who perform FUE at a cost which is less than other surgeon's FUT. Geography changes costs.

    I can answer any questions you have. 

    I do think it will be in your best interest to create a list of say, 20 docs you're at least interested in (who fall somewhat in your budget), then ask for opinions. If you don't do 80%+ of the doc research yourself, I think that you won't really have the confidence in the result, and may experience buyer's remorse. I hesitate to tell you with confidence what may be best for your cosmetic future.


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  12. Unless you're comfortable showing a FUT strip scar or the dotting of the FUE, you'll not want to ever buzz your sides. You'll either have to "change" your hairstyle post HT or accept your hair now as is. 

    I'd get a second opinion on the donor, without mentioning someone said it was too thin. If another recommended doc says it's too thin, you'll have to figure something else out or go to a someone willing to work on you.


    Also, the doc could have said your donor isn't sufficient for your wants. Is there a delta between what you expect and what can reasonably be done? If you don't want to change your hairstyle, it may come across that you also don't want to deviate from what's possible with your situation. 

    Just something to think about.

  13. 2 hours ago, LeftHook said:

    @Lennney Although it is early days, I'm going to put my neck on the line and congratulate you in advance, because the new hair really does look like it's coming to life... and heck, there's still more months to go!

    From the initial photos, I'll admit that even I wondered whether enough grafts had been used or not... but clearly, Dr Bhatti knows his stuff, and your faith in him was justified. The positive outlook must surely have helped.

    It's looking great, and I look forward to seeing the future progress updates bro.


    Thanks, I too hope the progress keeps coming. I see what other members were talking about with regards to density, and I respect their opinions. I've too seen other members use nearly twice the grafts for half the area I had covered.

    I think it comes down to the surgeon. I'm not an professional who does estimating for a living, he is. Seeing Bhatti's portfolio, I trust him to make the decision, and get me the best result. Could density be low and I need another HT? Sure. Likewise, could density be just enough (and keep the donor maximized)? Sure.

    I've seen the hair density chart (can't find it, but I'll reference it if I can) similar to the one below. Basically, you can't tell someone is thinning/balding if the hair is at a certain density. As long as it's above a certain amount, it's fine - anything more is "overkill", and doesn't necessarily improve the look. You take donor hair and yet you don't look bald in the donor... Once you add length to the equation, you can artificially raise the density as well. The only concern is the immediate hairline. As long as the hairline is thick, you have a lot more flexibility with density while achieving a not-bald look.

    I know Bhatti catches some criticism for "not using enough" hair to cover an area. Speaking with him, it's because he'd rather be more conservative for the lifetime of the patient, and not run into a supply issue in the future. I could very well want more grafts after 1.5 years for the hairline, and if so, I would plan from there. But for now: I will keep positive and be patient for at least 1.5 years. 

    I know for a certainty that I will fully bald in the future. My main concern is having enough donor when the time comes for additional HTs (and obviously having this HT come out well).

    Thanks for the kind words. 


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  14. 33 minutes ago, Raghuraj Tandon said:

    Yes, you are right, around 3600 grafts had been harvested by FUT and apprrox. 500-600 grafts by FUE. I have chosen this combination method for best utilization of my donor area. As I have a genetic history of baldness from my maternal side, and I may lose my previous hair, so I am preserving my donor supply for future hair transplant sessions. the look which you have  seen in my photographs is much better than what I had in my college time. I am really thankful to Dr. Suneet Soni and this Forum which helped me a lot to choose a right surgeon.

    Thanks for the answer.

    Smart move to maximize donor.

    Happy to hear about the better than college hair! You've turned back the clock and your attitude and personality will reflect that change.

    Thanks for posting!

  15. 3 minutes ago, DrTBarghouthi said:

    I do agree with you @Lennney that the actual technicalities are not a determining factor and perhaps shouldn’t be asked. I guess I put the list based on what I encounter daily and these came up along as some people who researched would usually ask about these. I don’t mind them asking about the broad differences in technology as it does show some level of research and knowledge of the procedure so I do answer and discuss why I use this over that. I think people generally have an innate tendency to question, show off their knowledge and are simply curious at times regarding techniques. 

    The questions I mind would be the too “markety” ones such as specific device names etc as you rightly mentioned. 

    Exactly! People ask probing questions about your methods when they want you to defend your methods against some advertised method. It's embarrassing for all parties and unproductive. 

    I think all people are curious and want to understand what happens. I just think it's odd that people ask, say, "why do you do motorized and not manual extractions" but don't really understand the difference nor the end effect. I always think: why even ask if the answer is irrelevant? 

    Obviously the doc has success with their method, and honestly they're not going to change it spontaneously! It comes across as elitist/ confrontational.

    Generic advice to use in all facets of life: Ask knowledgeable people to explain their process, rather than defend a position. You'll learn and empower the one answering. 

    • Like 1
  16. On ‎5‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 5:57 AM, DrTBarghouthi said:

    2. A good understanding of your surgeon:

    this will lead to questions such as: his or her experience doing hair transplants, what aspects of the procedure do they actively participate in? , how experienced is the team?, how many years have they been doing this?, do they do FUT only or FUE only or both? , do they use implanters or forceps?, what kind of extraction tools do they use?: manual or motorized, sharp or blunt? You probably need to know if they do one or multiple cases a day? how much do they charge? and you definitely need to see befores and afters similar to your case. I'm sure there is always something missing or something that comes up, but going through everything in both points 1 and 2 should get you through a one hour consultation easily. 

    I know you, @DrTBarghouthi, had provided excellent advice in another thread about docs who use "patented" techniques (such as DHT and Sapphire cut blades) use it as a marketing tool for the unaware. I completely agree with that interpretation.

    Having said that, I don't think it's super important the "how" of a surgeon's method (motorized/manual or implanters/forceps) but rather the "who". You want the "who" to be the best. The doc and the team the doc uses (and their experience) are the most important factors. I also think seeing a diverse portfolio of patients as well as a "time" portfolio which shows that the doc isn't coasting or regressing. When you look up reviews online for any products, you always want to look at the "recent reviews", because those will most closely tell what you'll soon receive.

    Everything else on that list is perfect, with the addition of @paddyirishman 's comment about expectations. That is extraordinarily important. Some docs have a heavier hand in density, while others are more cautious. Both have pros and cons. What matters is the "fit" of you and the doc. I like to think of HT docs as artists (perhaps tattoo artists if it helps you relate), you should go to an artist whose style you like, and ask them for one of "their" works. You may get unexpected results if you go to an artist and demand a "style" they're not known for. You want the artist to be stoked to work on you (perform work for you), not reluctant.

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  17. I'm not very knowledgeable on diffuse thinning, but other members are. Do you have a question you're asking about, or concerns? It sounds like you've stated that you're going to go the hairline HT + finasteride route. I don't see your forehead, so I don't know how much you're looking to add/ how necessary it is to restore the hairline. Pic #2 may be a scrunched forehead, but it looks fine, where as the last pic has a high recession. The pics are difficult to make any interpretation. Do you have dry hair normal pics (someone taking a pic of you under normal lighting)? Dry hair/wet hair pulled back to expose the hairline?

    I think if your hairline is fine, it may be best to jump on fin and hope it stabilizes your hair. If your hairline has receded to the point you are unhappy (since your hairline will never come back once lost), consider the HT route. Again, I don't know much about diffuse thinning, so I'm not helpful in that regard.

    Have you researched diffuse thinning treatments?

  18. Hey @Tsimo,

    I can only speak from experience so please don't take this as anything else. 

    I took finpecia (generic fin) 1mg (5mg cut into 1/5s) for about 2 months and noticed some similar effects with libido. I wasn't sure what was going on but I kept taking it and had only occasional issues. It seemed like it was mostly okay, but I was still nervous.

    After two months of this, I realized that I was not taking finpecia, but I was actually taking Tinfal, a biotin pill. I was a little embarrassed that I mistook the two medications, but I did unintentionally prove my hypothesis: Most of the ED is in your head. 

    I've had some issues with ED even before the HT, but it was related to my personal life, and was completely under control. I think that reverting back into the "something wrong with me" mindset created and fueled the issues. 

    I've been on finasteride for about a month now. I used finpecia 1mg for 15 days, and about another 15 days on a generic Mexican 5mg cut into 1/4s. I've not had any ill effects that I notice, but I do take supplements just in case.

    I've done a bit of searching, and I've found the two active ingredients in libido boosters are Fenugreek and Tribulus. The research supports increased libido after 4 months of Tribulus, and similar effects for Fenugreek. I take 625mg Fenugreek once in morning and again at night, and same with 1000mg of Tribulus. The I can already feel some effects now after (*again) starting this regiment for 2 weeks. If nothing else, fenugreek makes your sweat (and natural body odor) smell like maple syrup, which my SO finds attractive, asking if I'm wearing a cologne/ "who am I hugging" to get that smell on me. Anyway, I think its very possible that the solution and problem lie in paranoia - the placebo effect. 

    * (I used for about 2-4 months while I worked on my issues, and basically stopped once I was back to normal. I was completely fine, but obviously kept the leftover pills. I was fine for over 6 months after (and then got the HT))

    The only magic bullet I've used has been Cialis - Tadalafil. If I'm feeling off, a ~2mg dose is more than enough to snap me back. You get control back, not a raging boner you can't control. It takes effect in ~20 minutes and lasts for many hours. I also read that the chemical action of tadalafil isn't thought to cause dependency, which I think is important for a "band-aid" fix that I don't intend to fall dependent on. I also find that "getting a win" with ED helps put you at ease that there's nothing wrong with your dick, and that you should not think about it. The times I was most nervous about it not working was the times it didn't work. Like animals, your dick can sense when you're afraid.

    Hope this helps give you a perspective. I don't think it's an "either/ or" question of hair v dick. Could it be you experience issues, sure, but it's not mathematically likely. Are you taking care of yourself? Working out? Engaging your mind? Watching too much porn? I've made lots of progress by reducing porn. Becoming desensitized is a real thing.

    Best of luck with whatever you choose to do going forward. 



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  19. Looks awesome! Would never have guessed you've had a HT! Great hairstyle too.

    *Looking back, I can see what appears to be FUE scars on your sides. It doesn't look bad or anything, but are you going to continue with a shorter hairstyle or would you consider growing the sides longer? I still stand behind saying the hairstyle looks good on you.

  20. 10 minutes ago, HLPToronto said:

    Thanks Lennney ! Yes, I will be posting my updates with pics but I thought of collecting /capturing my own growth (almost every week) and post an update straight at 4 month mark.

    That post should reflect 2 months, 3 months, 4 months update all at once ( personally I am taking pics for my own records almost daily) 

    :) I am happy for your growth as 5-6 month is the real game changer for 90% of patients, so you should see a thick bush shortly . good luck 


    Yeah thanks for the well wishes! I completely understand posting worthwhile updates. Sometimes it's hard to see the growth as it progresses. It's nice to see it on a timeline. I'm going to compile similar pics and make a timeline at the 6 month and 12 month mark. HT is a personal journey, and I think your way (milestone update) is just as good as any. I personally wanted to create a profile that other blonde guys can look at. I haven't seen too many blonde guys here, with our thin hair characteristics. I also wanted to keep a momento I could show people of my journey.

    Thanks for following me on the journey tho, it's really nice to see other members support one another.

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