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Everything posted by hairman22

  1. Prices (hairtransplantation.bg) You can now get consulation off schedule so basically jump ahead of queue for €900 €500 for a consult now I paid 50 euro for my consult in March. Still €5 per graft though. Insane prices for a consult now but the demand is crazy Hopefully he trains some new surgeons at lower prices for people. He has a few surgery rooms so that seems to be the plan
  2. Well done on getting a podcast set up. What would this mean exactly getting a patent. He would then sell it to other surgeons under his name? The donor mapping with the data he has would be another advantage he has also. I do believe the extraction is the huge advantage. I think other surgeons with the larger punches cause a trauma around the area which reduces the grafts available
  3. Look at that nw7 donor. looks excellent. Its actually best to go with Zarev as his donor has less scarring & all your grafts have measurements taken. NW7's with retrogade are very rare & usually are seen rapidly developed under 30 too. Of course when your 70-80 you will have thinner donor & lose some grafts but you will likely look fine with little scarring with Zarev's technique. The donor he use is no different to other surgeons also just less trauma & scarring meaning more grafts can be taken. So lets he takes 12k grafts. in 10-15 years if you lose grafts it likely it will look natural just thinner. Who knows there may be some advancements by then & Zarev can use body hair also.
  4. Its not all about grafts ie hair thickness direction equally important But Eugenix presentation of results im not a fan of. It is not transparent at all. Why no video with comb? Be honest It is a good result even if thin in parts but please some honesty not just hair style tricks
  5. Maybe a hair system for a few years? Good luck in your journey
  6. Pitella and Sethi are brillant but will need beard hair A few years waiting will give you time to save You just have to judge is it worth 40-50k to get your hair back? If i was in your position i would wait for Zarev
  7. @Guy73 i noticed his thread was informative Do any other minoxidil or OM users notice their socks leave marks? Be interesting to see how common Mine do but i cant tell whether they did before minoxidil My weight is the same so it is minor But like @Guy73 said i do think it is probably common to have some fluid retention who may not notice especially with Oral minoxidil.
  8. Looks brillant Will look very good with a fade too Your sides look so thick with over 8k grafts gone insane really
  9. I saw the case closely when at Zarev's clinic. Guy is in his 50s store manager of a big company. He had another case where he took 18k scalp grafts from a N7 & another NW7 in his 60s he took 12k. He has a huge advantage with his technique for extraction. Only in exceptional circustances he will go outside the safe zone. For instance he said in my case i have 9k left. My humps are quite thick he said he only use those if needed & if i was at least in my 60s. But he examines all your scalp to try & determine your possible final pattern with his software for hair thickess,calibre hair in telogen etc. We cant gurantee the results will be as good in 20-30 years time. But he has little scarring with his technique & has a long term plan in place for each patient.
  10. perhaps but everyone's donor is different Like look at this case. He got 12k grafts. I dont really see many grafts outside the safe zone there at all 12,138 Grafts (hairtransplantation.bg) The man is in 50s Even the true safe zone may well have some thinning later in life at 50+ or 60+ . We cant really predict the future but with Nw7 quite rare i think taking grafts in the NW6 donor should be ok. It is a risk but a calculated one.
  11. I think H&W are the only good surgeons for a high norwood near the US. It is terrible place to get a hair transplant as a high NW. Konior is very good but i dont see many high Norwood cases
  12. It is very true you need to be cautious. It is likely a terrible diet & will result in far bigger issues for your heart than taking low dose OM. But it is important that OM can be dangerous & advise caution i agree Your take on OM is quite the difference from laughing at people who suffer from PFS or who have had side affects. Your not really very objective are you? No issue for Fin for you so its funny seeing people suffer from side affects
  13. Does Dr Bisanga advice any blood work or check your heart health? I take OM no issues but it is best to take an individual approach and screen people before to see if suitable
  14. Looks like plenty of grafts left in your donor Its clear he causes less tissue damage and can take more. Already looks brillant and you still have a 2nd surgery
  15. this is such a great example of what a hair style can do for you This removes the contrast, Really fade or a zero around the sides is a must for a diffuse thinner or high norwood.
  16. That would be great Melvin. Did you manage to get in contact with Dr Zarev? It would be a very interesting listen. He is very transparent not a surgeon who will just tell you want you want to hear which is great.
  17. Basically does the study include patients who stopped using the drug before 3 months is the question we need to know. If not then it seems nobody stopped using the drug before 3 months which would be very strange
  18. im using 2.5mg with no issues. I think for most people they should be ok on that dose but they would need to have a healthy heart & not have low blood pressure But look at 5mg it is like 4 times more minoxidil that goes into the bloodstream. May be best for results but I am reluctant to go to 5mg a day.
  19. a nw6/7 cant be repaired on a budget. Better to do nothing if you cant afford a top surgeon like Zarev,Pittella or Sethi.
  20. Best 1 Zarev 2 Pitella 3 Sethi 4 Konior 5 Munid Ahmad (Fuegenix) Worst Hair of istanbul Overrated Eugenix outside of Sethi Underrated Dr Pekinar Best value Dr Yaman
  21. Im taking oral minox no issues but it can cause a build up of fluid around the heart on very rare occasions. We can say for sure but could minox and dut combined contributed its probably quite likely and patient has very high heartrate too. To discount this as a possible cause after doctors advised strongly to stop medication i dont think is being objective.
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