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Everything posted by Spring15

  1. Thanks for the detailed post, I'll be going to Dr Bicer in December. I'm worried I'm somehow going to miss one of my transit flights somehow though. I'm travelling from New Zealand so 3 flights. Frist to USA , then to Germany and finally to Turkey. I only have 2 hour transit period between my last flight. hopefully it works out I'll be arriving a couple of days before my surgery so want to look around Istanbul a bit, is it possible only speaking English?
  2. There's an actor but I can't remember his name.. so we'll just go with Harrison Ford 😁
  3. That's looking amazing. You have gotten laid at least 5873 times by now!
  4. Looking as good as the Irish rugby team at the moment. Congrats
  5. Damn you have super aggressive loss for a 20 year old. DHT and your follicles worst enemies. Best of luck with the result
  6. You need a Doctor who specializes and has a track record of success on high norwoods. Dr Zarev example
  7. I find this great , better than toppik https://www.ebay.com/itm/124936282506?var=426011537692
  8. All the best. I have my chosen Bicer for my second procedure aswell
  9. Desperation I've worked my doses up starting at 5mg, I'm willing to accept the risks. Finasteride gave me sides I had to stop.
  10. I drink 10mg topical kirkland minoxidil, have for a year. Now noticeable negative side effects
  11. Not as much as a mission I will have flying from New Zealand to Turkey , 3 flights , 30+ hours each way 🤣
  12. Dr Zarev for a case like yours (NW5+) or chances are you'll just have a bird's nest on your head
  13. Hopefully there's some significant improvement in growth & thickening in the next few months or I can see why wouldn't be 100% satisfied. Still a good result regardless considering your high norwood
  14. Crown looks great, hairline could have used some more grafts imo
  15. Top Five HT Doctors* 1) Couto 2) Zarev 3) De Freitas 4) Bicer ( kind of bias because I'm going to her but great value for the price ) 5) Demirsoy - best value low cost *You can make a second list of five, separating them out by FUE and FUT, if you think it'll add clarity. Bottom Three Butchers 1) Any New Zealand surgeon 2) Any Australian surgeon 3) Most UK surgeons First two countries charge top European surgeon prices with Turkey hair mill results. UK is just average from what I've seen
  16. GOAT is a bit of a stretch. I think Dr Couto is GOAT status for most people Dr Bicer is considered very good though
  17. Good luck pal. I will be going to Dr Bicer in December
  18. I'd say Dr Couto but he's not taking patients at the moment. Like others said stay away from Erdogan. I'm going with Dr Bicer later in the year - she has solid results
  19. Hold on, Dr Couto has appointments as early as September this year available? Isn't his website down?
  20. I've managed to maintain my crown with micro needling & minoxidil. Those are worth a try - Finasteride is an option but beware of the potential side effects
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