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Everything posted by Lastchance

  1. That was really cool of them. Best of luck with it, the waitng time should be a lot easier this time due to your existing hair coverage. I'm an ex Nobel hack job/ Dr Feller repair case myself so have been following your case all along with great interest.
  2. Great research Thana, thanks for posting it. I'll certainly be trying out the first one on your list, aveda clay for starters anyway.
  3. Congratulations Dub09, you made a good choice with Dr Feriduni. 3009 grafts should give you a nice result
  4. Coming along nicely Bill, did H and W give you an indication of how many FUE you have in reserve? You definitely don't need it but always good to know its there
  5. Good luck with it Bash, good choice of Dr. If you were having strip I'd say you could be at the swelling stage during the return trip, but I don't know if the swelling is this same for FUE, might be worth checking?
  6. No worries, its all in the past now, thankfully.
  7. Thanks, just to clarify, was your previous procedure 2100 grafts or hairs?
  8. Best of luck Aaron. I reckon your on the way to a top result thanks to SMG. What happened your old blog entries though?
  9. Thanks guys, Splittinghairs, I have noticed some improvement although not as dramatic as the before and after pictures suggest here. Before shows hair messed up,compared to my recent after pictures which were taken shortly out of the shower. I will update blog with pictures later today that will compare like for like, with a before picture that I took a few months back, but be aware that I have have also started on Propecia in the last 4 months so I'm not a good canditate for judging PRP only. However overall, what I have noticed is a bit of thickening on the crown and a general overall improvment in the hair quality.
  10. See link for blog update http://www.hairtransplantnetwo...pyID=3997&WebID=1270
  11. Eric , if cash is tight for you now then it is better for you to hold off until another time. Basing your choice of Dr on price rather than on what your requirements are, is not a good idea.
  12. Interesting. I don't see anything here that says you can't claim for overseas. http://www.citizensinformation...and_medical_expenses
  13. Yes its a result I guess, although you can't put a price on a depleted donor, hopefully not too much damage though. I hope he's a member or visitor to this site as he puts together a repair strategy.
  14. Plaintiff was awarded ?‚¬ 70000/ $ 98000 http://www.irishtimes.com/news...5/1224250692845.html
  15. I stayed until the day after I had the staples removed around 12 days total, its really not required , but like yourself I wanted the few extra days,
  16. I've been taking it like mad for past 7 weeks, 4000mg or even 5000mg some days and can't stay it has speeded up hair growth which was my intention, but have noticed improvement in hair and skin quality , did anyone else notice this? I'm going to continue it as its cheap as well , but I'm going to level off at 2000mg daily
  17. Yes Minox is the very same as rogaine and Proscar/Finasteride 5mg (once you divide it up )is same as Propecia which is 1 mg.
  18. You should use the 2 together if you can, even if you only use the foam once per day, it seems to have some benefit and works well with propecia.
  19. 6 1/2 weeks post op repair from previous Nobel clinic hack job and shaved hair returning, but one particular area is a bit slower getting there. It looks like shockloss but on closer examination there are short hairs growing there, but at a slower rate. Is is this because of shockloss in that area? My understanding was that shocklossed hair doesn't start to return for 4+ months. or Is the possible that it isn't shock loss, but instead just growing back a bit slower than the rest? Can this happen? What are your opinons on this? and what do you reckon would be the best concealer to use until the native hair has grown fully back? Thanks, LC
  20. 6 1/2 weeks post op repair from previous Nobel clinic hack job and shaved hair returning, but one particular area is a bit slower getting there. It looks like shockloss but on closer examination there are short hairs growing there, but at a slower rate. Is is this because of shockloss in that area? My understanding was that shocklossed hair doesn't start to return for 4+ months. or Is the possible that it isn't shock loss, but instead just growing back a bit slower than the rest? Can this happen? What are your opinons on this? and what do you reckon would be the best concealer to use until the native hair has grown fully back? Thanks, LC
  21. Yes, you should start on this also, it seems to work well with propecia, get it cheaper by buying direct in generic form , eg from minoxidil direct UK. Also keep track of the some of the PRP cases documented here over the next few months as initial assesment looks positive.
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