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Everything posted by TheGman

  1. 5 and a half months I keep improving, and it's addicting, I'm just afraid this is going to stop soon. I have a seriously lagging area that's been giving me a bad feeling for a while, but it's still early. Took pics with different lightnings today and yesterday night. If my lagging temple catches up to the other I will be already pleased to have chosen Demirsoy for half of the price of Koray Erdogan who was my original choice. The next weeks are going to be the moment of truth.
  2. 5 months out from a Demirsoy FUE and so far things are going as they pretty much should. Check out the german forum with demirsoy results: https://www.alopezie.de/foren/transplant/index.php/f/31/
  3. Thanks, easy drilling at day 19, sparring at day 45.
  4. The shedding started at 19 days,accelerated big time when I resumed minoxidil use at day 21, and lasted for about two weeks from what I remember but I would have to dig through this thread to be sure. Looking forward to spring-summer.
  5. Hang in there mate you are just right there, the time when I saw the first few tiny peach fuzz-like hairs come through my red, bald temples. The shit times are about to end you will still look crap for a couple more months but at least you are going to enjoy the growth process. It's still weird I don't feel like I can enjoy it right now since I have still many uncertainties left. The truly liberating moment will be my fancy haircut at the end of the summer.
  6. It will be 5 months tomorrow I had the time to take a few pics today. The same side is still lagging behind but I still see tiny hairs coming through there, so I think the gap will be bridged in the next months. Facing the sunny window At a grappling tournament last weekend, flattering light, probably closer to real life conditions: And facebook graced me with a reminder from 365 days ago like it often does, and I realized how far I was gone.
  7. 4 months today Took a series of pics as planned. Things are following the course I expected so far. With concealer, it looks perfect (of course tese pics were taken with nothin on). Considering my options for the thinning on top, smp's are qui scary and I find almost nothing on SMP's for thickening effect. Donor area:
  8. You are at the worst stage, but you may see a few tiny hairs coming through your red temples in a few weeks and it will be interesting to watch. Now that my growth has started I still look like crap but I should stop watching it all the time, since I know the results are coming. Those thin hairs will turn terminal for sure and I have the guarantee to look better every week for at least a couple more months. You have at least one more month of this bad period man. Try to be as busy as possible and to keep your mind off it.
  9. 3 months and a half. 15 weeks. I'm going to make it, brahs.
  10. I'm 3 months and 10 days post op and running out of biotin soon. How would you go about it?
  11. Even worse, if they do it on a buzzcut they will call it "long hair".
  12. And your posts sound way to fake even for broke and guilible patients. You need more trolling practice before you can make some money out of it. Who actually asked to call you, your imaginary customers? Time to try with another account, you've been exposed for posting promotional links already.
  13. This is a place for legitimate consumer advice between real patients, advisors and doctors. Go promote your business in YouTube comments at best. No patient ever shows up on a forum promoting his clinic right after his surgery and offering phone calls. You have a very unethical job and you still suck at it.
  14. Hang in there bud, the next three months are going to suck BIG TIME. But it's all in the game.
  15. Yes I did lose a lot in the forelock where it was very weak and miniaturized, but it's coming back!
  16. 3 months and 4 days. I just had a buzzcut to appreciate the early results better. Quickly snapped some pics, the quality isn't the best, but I'm on a rush: Quick look at my donor area: This is just the beginning, and even if it's far from looking natural at the moment, the fear of a bad result is pretty much gone. I expect things to be at least decent, and a major cosmetic improvement.
  17. Im a dr. Demirsoy patient too. My early results are looking good. You were in good hands I believe. This isn't an infection IMO. On the other hand I was instructed to remove the scanning on day 9 instead of 10. Funny that he changed!
  18. Hello guys, here I am at 3 months post-op, experiencing the beginning of the growth, and of course the dreaded pimples have decided to show up as well. Been putting some antisceptic cream, but it's no match right now. My surgeon suggested me to try an antibiotic acne medication for a week and then report, he suggested tetracylin. I got my hands on some Doxycycline, I'm afraid it could cause a shed or something as it's been reported. Needless to say, all I care about is the hair. I'm afraid the pimples could be an infection and damage the grafts. And I also wish I didn't have any, in my recipient and donor area, because I really hope I can buzz my hair to have a natural look and see all the hair grow at the same time!
  19. My surgeon refused to work on my temple points because he said that the hair there are too different and that this would look unnatural. It was a bit of a disappointment even if it shows he is ethical. But many of the top docs work on the temple points. What are your thoughts on that?
  20. Awesome stuff mate. Follow our updates and see what you have to look forward to in a few months, because right now, things are going to be tough, you bit the bullet and you knew what was coming but the next few weeks are still going to be challenging. Post updates for the next guys to come! All the best bud! Your procedure was very similar to mine, on a ressembling pattern, by the same doc, 2 months and a half apart. My updates should give you an idea of what's likely to come. So far, so good.
  21. I wanted to wait a little more to post an update, but this morning I couldn't resist taking pictures as I saw the noticeable shadow of the new hairline. Just took them as I woke up. Here it is, 12 weeks and 3 days: The left temple which is showing more growth at this point: Right one: I need to buzz it all, maybe this afternoon, but waiting for some more thickening would be reasonable.
  22. The hair characteristics of this area makes it a very subtle procedure IMO. Very interested in the replies.
  23. I know many reputable experts have strong opinions on this issue. I'm starting to freak out, so my plan is to start alternating, since taking fin EOD seems alright it sounds like a safe plan and I'll still be saving money. Shooting for every third day!
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