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Everything posted by patrick1916

  1. Looking good so far, hope you're lucky with the shock loss. Rooting (pun not intended) for ya!
  2. Dr. Anastasios Vekris and a young person.Female doctor did it not sure of her name or if she was a tech but she was supervised a lot.
  3. I don’t know about the treatments, but in terms of having a HT in the UK, I can advise you of something. I’m in Ireland and had mine in Greece, so far so good etc but I did enquire with Vinci in the UK and they do them in London and they offered a payment plan of a down payment and paying it over 24-36 but you have to be a UK resident, which I’m not so couldn’t take out the instalment option so ended up in Greece getting it done for €3,000. But if you’re in the UK I’d check them out, the price included two nights hotel in London and flight and came to around ?6,000 and I think it was around ?2,000 upfront and ?125 a month (or so can’t remember) over 36 months if you went the instalment. Was gutted couldn’t take the option to be honest and doing it in London would have been cool.
  4. Got a small haircut yesterday and just thought I’d share this picture. Think now can see a lot of hairs coming through after 5 a bit months, which I’m happy about. Might get decent density which I’d be really happy with given I went totally unshaved.
  5. They did try and convince me to get maximum density that I'd need to shave it but I said no, so it is optional but to be honest next time I'm going shaved to get more area done and full density. I've got used to wearing a cap, which helps Maybe start wearing a cap for a while before you go so it doesn't look like you're hiding something when you do!
  6. Can’t why they wouldn’t to be honest. I attached a picture of my head two weeks after it if that helps you? I’ll be excited to hear and see how it goes with you
  7. I'd go back to them myself. I know everyone says you need to give it 12 months but I don't see it happening but I'm not an expert. Does age be a factor in these things?
  8. Ah fair enough if you’re doing it over two days. I didn’t check in a bag so has to go through security with liquid for my scalp but they gave me a letter to show them and I got through fine. I wore a cap myself on their advise and wear it loose and you’ll be fine. I can only speak for me but the FUE was pretty painless. The process is painless and after I found it pretty fine. No swelling, no real discomfort just the odd small feeling of pins and needles but it was very minor. I’ll definitely keep the monthly updates going to help you in your decision. If I get good density I’ll be back to them myself this year to finish the job
  9. Yeah, I got PRP at no extra charge and was advised to use minoxidil 5%.I went back the day after and they washed my head also. I had zero swelling and only a small amount of shock loss. I think that's just more my luck.
  10. It was fine, everyone speaks English there including the hotel so you'll be fine that way. The doctors have a team, there'll be a couple doing it. You get two nights hotel with the deal and I went home the next day but my flight would be a lot less than yours. It was the same price shaved or unshaved and they did try and persuade me to do shaved they said they'd get the lot nearly all done in one day which to be honest I appreciate they wanted to be able to do nore. I wasn't having it but now I wish I did as I'm going back later on in the year and am just gonna shave it this time so more can be done.
  11. Hi Calibri, I attached a picture there post-op 11 days after the transplant and the back of my head 2 weeks after the transplant. My other photos on here aren't showing that I didn't use the 'manage attachment' option to download them. I found them on Facebook and they seemed to get a prestigious aware and I just went for it as I was running out of time. The company with the same name in the UK are advertising now and using celebrities like Darren Gough (Ex-England cricketer). Mine was a clean job so I wore a cap for the first two weeks and used Toppix then as it was a clean enough. I think with the length of your hair if it’s the same as my job you should be okay re people noticing. I was charged €3000 so I’d haggle if I were you! It’s a nice clinic, around the corner from the hotel you’ll be in so walking distance. You’re from the UK and if you’re like me and not a fan of Greek food there’s a KFC 10 minutes walk away lol I was collected and dropped back to the airport from the hotel and was all smooth. I’d recommend them myself. Any other questions just let me know.
  12. My 5 month photo before I get a trim on my hair. Looking good so far and can imagine what it'll be like in 5 months.Hopefully decent and can work on the back end next that I'm using Toppix on at the moment.
  13. No problem at all. You can do the unshaved in part like me just do the front and then back. Very few do the unshaved it seems but so far so good for me. I’ll keep the updates coming on a monthly basis
  14. No, I used concealer again after two weeks of wearing a cap and was back to normal. If you need about 2000 then unshaved is perfect Since I got in the habit of wearing a cap I'm going to do unshaved for the back part of my head so more can be done.Take a week off work etc and wear a cap until I can use concealer. Wish I had the confidence to just get it done and not care like other but can't lol
  15. Yeah have to say was a clean job, was happy. I only lost about 20% or so, was lucky. I wore a cap but the back of the head nobody noticed and after a few weeks I wore a concealer and now with that it looks really natural cause it's a load of new hair to cling on to. But can't wait now for another few months I can ditch that at the front and do the back then
  16. Here ya go Think I'm at the growing stage now seeing other little hairs coming out etc so hopefully this is the fun part.
  17. I'm of the same thinking tbh. I don't think price equals quality in all cases.
  18. Did Dr Cinik not get a really good review from someone in the reviews by patient section? Looked excellent and has me thinking I want to use him for my second one.
  19. Excellent, I'm really looking at him for my second one. If I get anything like that I'll be delighted.
  20. Thanks for posting, good for you speaking out. Bit worried about mine now because a nurse did all of mine too and just had the doctor in now and again checking on it. Obviously shouldn't be like that?
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