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Everything posted by E39

  1. In my experience, rogaine liquid is harsher to your skin than the foam.
  2. Many ppl travel for surgery. A good option is ASMED in Turkey. I have blonde hair too and got excellent results. My surgeon is Dr Diep in California.
  3. They discontinued it and came out with a new one without ketonozole. Not sure why. You can still find the original formula on eBay
  4. I've been taking generic finasteride 1mg (Dr Reddys) for a few years. Currently I'm paying $15 for 30 pills. I have experienced good results and no negative side effects. I have also thought about trying the brand name stuff. It just costs so much more. Also I think that since the generic stuff has been good to me I might as well stick with it.
  5. Yup the tough part is over. Gonna be exciting once it starts growing.
  6. Did you experience any side effects? If not, why not get back on it, as well as minoxidil. Will help a lot. As far as the type of procedure, many ppl recommend fut to maximize your grafts. I chose fue for the fact that I wear my hair short. #1 or less guard on the sides.
  7. Try a consult with a top surgeon for an opinion and to check your donor density. Have you looked into smp? If you like how you look shaved you'd look even better
  8. A top surgeon will be able to come up with a good plan.
  9. I agree with the recommendation of fin. It can work wonders for diffuse hair loss.
  10. Are you looking to grow it out or keep 5 o'clock shadow ?
  11. You might not want to switch to liquid minoxidil if you already have an itch. The liquid might make it worse.
  12. Using a good volumizing conditioner can make your hair look a bit fuller.
  13. Hey guys just wanted to contribute my personal experience with finasteride to the community. I've been taking 1mg of generic finasteride everyday for just over three years. I emailed my GP letting her know that I wanted to try it for hair loss. She ordered a psa test. After the results came back, she authorized the prescription. Shortly after starting the drug, I noticed a spike in testosterone. I loved it. I still feel great to this day. In the months shortly after starting, I began to see my hair thickening. I unfortunately don't have any before pics to compare. I feel the combination of finasteride and minoxidil definitely has thickened some of my hair and has stabilized my hair loss. I also experienced some regrowth, particularly in the crown. I have not noticed any negative side effects to this day.
  14. My day of surgery 5/2015 video! I was more bald than I even realized!
  15. There is a ton of info on this on these forums. I've read lots of accounts of guys using .5mg a day or even every other day and it helps. I personally have been taking 1mg generic for over 3 years with good results and I feel great. Do a search. As I said finasteride is a big topic here.
  16. Lol. We've all been there.
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