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Everything posted by secondtryuser

  1. Hi everyone, Does anyone know if oral minoxidil has an impact to graft success rate if having a hair transplant? If oral min works by lowering blood pressure, in thinking this could impact the success of the HT. what do you think?
  2. I’ll never understand why patients won’t name and shame doctors giving bad results. You’re the patient. You’ve also paid for something which makes you a customer. Why protect a bad doctor? Name him.
  3. But you could be relaxing indoors and still be very hot giving the way temperatures are rising. Hopefully the AC will be working
  4. Hi, Is anyone aware of any evidence or views from doctors about the impact of heat on the success of hair transplants? Heat to the extent of excess sweat - including on the scalp? I’m thinking particularly of those patients who had procedures done during the summer months of particularly hot countries like India and Brazil. I’m aware of avoiding direct sunlight, but let’s put that issue to one side and focus primarily on the temperature itself. Thanks everyone
  5. Isn’t the idea that you don’t specifically ‘remove’ them, more that with gentle washing over the days preceding the surgery they gradually erode away? The notion of removal conjures up specifically picking them off your scalp. I don’t think that should be done. Instead, gently wash your scalp and let them come off naturally.
  6. Hi, I have a question that may be considered a little curious. I have slight acne which I manage with a combination of two topical gels: benzoyl peroxide and epiduo (a combination of benzoyl peroxide and adapalene). I’m booked in for a hair transplant in a couple of months, and will avoid these gels from 5 days pre-op at my doctor’s request. I am a little concerned - what if I get a spot or pimple in the area of my skin on my forehead precisely where the doctor will place the grafts to construct the new hairline? Will this cause a problem for the doctor? Will it cause a problem for the grafts, minimising the success of them? Thanks in advance everyone!
  7. I'm talking about the procedure generally (which also mirrors my own). Of course, practices will vary, but in answering a general question we can't account for all possibilities. If people are overly concerned wit this, they'd need to discuss it with their surgeon. Having said that, I think I'm right in thinking that in natural, non-transplanted hairlines, there will be a mixing singles, doubles etc (but singles dominate), so the odd triple in the hairline shouldn't look too bad, so long as there are mostly singles.
  8. Magnification is done both at extraction (so they group all 1s together, all 2s together etc) and implantation. Obviously, it would have to be, as otherwise they wouldn't have to carefully examine each graft before implanting, which wouldn't work as there are usually thousands to get through.
  9. All the crusts were removed long ago, within weeks 1-2. Now I'm post-op 1 month. I hope I haven't done any damage with the scratching!
  10. Hi, at what point, post-op, would you say it's ok to scratch the recipient? I'm a month post op and sometimes I really have to scratch it. Nothing too bad. Just what most people (who aren't so sensitive about their scalp) would consider normal. I've got worried as I've noticed a few red dots (literally just one or two) and I'm not sure if I've dislodged a graph through scratch or it's just a normal pimple) which my doctor told me to expect the odd pimple in the recipient. Thanks for your help guys
  11. The hotel is arranged, it's close to the clinic, it's about 20 minutes car ride from the airport, all of which is included in the fee of the operation - however, Lorenzo is taking a year off from September. He may be fully booked up until then (I'm not sure, you'll have to liaise with his team via his website).
  12. You're doing the right thing by telling people here - but clear photos in the body of the message are the way to go. Good luck mate.
  13. Brilliant result - you should be very happy. Even if there is no more growth so many guys would be thrilled.
  14. Hey, So I came across this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxsQUjrmNcY Do you think there is any validity to his claim, that if you have had a HT, you shouldn't towel dry your hair? Thanks
  15. Hi, During a hot sunny day (86 degrees fahrenheit) with no clouds, 3 weeks FUE post op, if wearing factor 50, and reapplied throughout the day, will it be ok to not wear a hat? I'm hosting something work-based, and I really can't wear a hat, but sunscreen is no problem. Thanks very much
  16. That's interesting that Lorenzo is willing to use BHT. I read this on his website: body_hair_transplant Did he go into detail about his views on BHT?
  17. Hi, I bought some finasteride on holiday (legitimately as I had a prescription), as it is 10 times cheaper then in my native country. I bought two years worth, but after the first twelve months, the stock becomes older than it's printed 'use-by' date. Does anyone have any opinions as to whether or not it will still be effective after the 'use-by' date? Thanks
  18. It's difficult for others to judge without before pictures.
  19. I haven't had it done, I've had a hair transplant. However, surely getting a temporary one is the way to go, it's much more sensible. That shaved head look wouldn't look natural or appropriate when you're old.
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