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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. I have a group chat with @DrTBarghouthi Dr. Bisanga and Dr. Ted Miln. I hope they all work together to build a great protocol.
  2. Excellent results. Very age appropriate. Dr. Mohebi is excellent.
  3. Excellent, this really show cases the results. Thank you for sharing 👏🏼
  4. The app will calculate the hair shaft diameter in the update. It’s a soft launch. But it will calculate both the hair shaft diameter, head size and balding surface area + the exact number of grafts to achieve 70,80, 90 and 100% density. Surgeons will be able to tailor it according to the patient’s goals. All the complaints of “they drew my hairline and didn’t even look at my head” will be obsolete. There are a lot more updates im not privy to mention. But it’s a genius idea.
  5. Every surgeon will have a use for this, it calculates precisely the cm2 of the balding area, and the number of grafts per cm2 necessary based on the individual patients head shape and size. Every surgeon will eventually use some form of AI like this, it’s the future. No more eyeballing. This quantitative data.
  6. I did a podcast with him yesterday. I was going to keep it a secret. But, hey let’s talk about it. In my opinion, this app will BE the gold standard. It’s quantitive data, it precisely measures the scalp and the level of hair miniaturization in a given area. I think the beauty is that it can be altered depending on the patients goals. Hopefully I release it soon. This app is for surgeons though, I don’t think you’ll get much use as a patient. Unless you’re just curious.
  7. I did an interesting podcast with Dr. Pittella yesterday. We talked about graft count. It’s difficult to gauge over a picture. But the number you need can vary depending on the size of your head. As for Yaman, I have always felt he’s a good option for those with high budget constraints. Though, I wouldn’t do any temple points.
  8. Looks like it’s definitely improving. I would suggest combing it to the side, to provide maximum illusion of density.
  9. Looking good. You can definitely get on the topical dutasteride now.
  10. How did it look before? Do you have similar angles.
  11. I think the whole row thing is blown way out of proportion. Look forward to seeing your updates 🙏
  12. I haven’t seen or heard anything that would make me think he’s a hair mill. Do you have any proof? When Ive asked his patients they say he’s not.
  13. I didn’t know Dr. Rassman was still practicing. With all due respect, to the legends you’ve mentioned did you see any other practicing surgeons? I believe after multiple threads, regardless, you probably shouldn’t have an HT.
  14. Have you considered using beard hair? Looks abundant and the color matches the scalp, which isn’t always the case.
  15. Looks amazing @general-etwan you bring up some valid points that should help those interested in choosing eugenix, or possibly a different clinic. The number you achieved for the price I think is probably the best value for Norwoods 5+ hopefully patients look at your thread and study it.
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