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Everything posted by Transhair

  1. I might be wrong, but the density looks closer to 20-25grafts/cm to me honestly...
  2. Looks nice. Any idea of the density you received?
  3. I guess I discovered that with my lower yield. I received the graft count and breakdown and the drawn out area of 30 sq cm, and the overall density equals 72 grafts/cm. I asked when at the clinic and the density was confirmed.
  4. I emailed her at month 6 and was to wait until month 10. You can also see that my graft yield is just awful, it's definitely much less than the promised 70ish grafts per cm. so you'd be fine if your surgery was successful... Here's a picture of my donor I tried to take myself. It's not that great either really...
  5. Straight on as in looking directly from the top like in the OP images? I've tried to take it in similar lighting as the original images. Overall I currently feel horrible about it. While I know it's not the 'final result', I doubt I will experience a sudden large burst in graft count and density at this point and am not looking forward to much more than slight improvement. I'd do it again because the whole point of the transplant was to have a reasonably dense hairline, which this really hasn't achieve at all at the current point in time. I've cut a small 1X1cm portion in the thicker area of the recipient and the same in my normal hair, and it's definitely nothing near 70 grafts/cm, I'm struggling to even claim that it's 35 grafts/cm/ I wouldn't complain about the clinic I went to, as everybody else seems to have achieved great results, but more feel that I'm just the rare screwup that all surgeons have every now and then.
  6. Just one more picture of my recipient for this month. In the red circle, you can see that the density is much less than the rest the there's even a small but where no grafts have grown at all. I might try update with donor pictures when there's sunlight. Does anyone have any idea of how many grafts have actually grown? I wouldn't guess above 40/cm. Overall at month 7, the result is too thin to contribute to any hairstyle or for me to not have to cover it with my existing hair. I'll update until month 10 for the final result, but my current opinion is that the result is very, very disappointing.
  7. 7 Months. Most of it seems about the same desnity. Except for a tiny bit on the middle of my head, right side of my body. It doesn't want to grow for some reason. Maybe a tiny bit in the back of my left side is lagging too, I can't tell if it's just because I'm parting the hair when I look there. While it looks slightly better with the hairs becoming more normal and less like thin wiry pubic hair, I'll probably have to get a second procedure of 30-40 grafts per cm to make it match the rest of my head, especially when parting it. Pulling it back slightly tight makes it look better for some reason, if I had to guess I'd say it's the 'shingling' effect I've read about here before, with all the hairs lying on one another.
  8. I only really have answers from doctors from realself, but at 7 months they generally say that you should have about 50% of hairs starting to grow or 75-90% of hair, so It really could go either way, Hope for the best, I'm having a very similar experience to this as well.
  9. Thanks for the replies. Guess I'll just have to wait it out until month 10 and hope for a boom of growth
  10. You have some hairs that continued growing and your recipient looks kind of fuzzy. MMaybe the growth just isn't long enough to be noticable? Do you have a graft count and the idea of the surface area of your transplant recipient area/grafts per cm sq?
  11. Removing them could cause scabbing or damaged skin or something which would affect the hair transplant if it was in the recipient area I'd ask your surgeon on whether you'd be better to remove the warts after, though I also can't imagine implanting hair into a wart would be great too.
  12. Apologies for the topic turning into a shitfest, but I've searched on realself and the range of hair that should have popped out of the hair seems to be 50% to 80% at the 6 months mark, so I suppose I'm maybe not too far behind in my better areas. Also Loags, the 70-72 grafts was said by Radha herself when I was in the clinic. It's a 30 sq.cm recipient area with 2177 grafts. That averages to about 72 grafts/cm. I can't explain the pinkness, but Dr Radha didn't bring it up when i sent her 5.5 month pictures, so might it not be unhealed and just pink. Local derm I asked about it basically just shrugged and said looks fine. Should I try and see another derm or even just a GP? Anyone else have any guesses about pinkness? It's not the same, but I have a 5 year old scar from kidney ops that's still pink, maybe I just stay pink for long?
  13. Yes, I'm mtf transgender. When I emailed radha I was told that growth isn't expected in 6 months and I should wait until month 9 for the full result. So im waiting, but not extremely hopeful Also dutasteride, cyproterone acetate and estrogen caused no regrowth at all for me unfortunately.
  14. I understand it won't be as dense as my native hair, but it should look pretty close. About 70 grafts per cm compared to 98-110 grafts/per cm of my native hair if I remember my normal hair correctly.
  15. Looking through other hair transplant patients, I've never really seen anyone that fits the slow grower definition where someone doesn't grow until late and then booms with hair at 6+ months. The people that get told they're a slow grower almost always look disappointing in the final result. Looking at my own head at 6 months, I seem to have 30 grafts/cm in the best of areas, 10 grafts/cm in worse bits and even a spot which has grown no hair at all. So my hair count is 50% at best and gets much worse towards the middle of my head. I was told that the final result is to be seen at 9 months, but I just don't see it improving much... Is it really realistic to expect much more hairs to suddenly start growing past this point in time?
  16. About 6 months. As always, the photo quality isn't that good. I've only got an ipad on me for easy pictures at the moment. Left side pictures are notably worse, looking kind of blurry. Left and right picture in bright sunlight, pictures the same as I've taken for the past while and 2 images with the hair parted through the middle of my left and right transplant areas. It looks better than month 5 with hairs becoming a little longer and thicker, but I can't see any new hairs. The thickest areas look to be about 35 grafts/cm with the areas right in the middle of my hairline ranging from about 10-20 grafts, with my right side being worse in that spot.
  17. So, being at the back of my head, I had kind of completely forgotten about the strip scar. I've taken a picture to get the best view of it that I can possibly do by myself, and it still see,s rather pink. Does this seem fine for the time passed? I understand it's a pretty bad photo
  18. I just remembered that my donor is a thing, so I tried to take a progress image if it myself. Bad pic but it shows some of the scar, I'll take a better image of it at month 6. It's kind of a mostly bald line, but my hair covers it completely. Also looked through my phone and found the graft distribution 1 hair: 470 2 hair: 1495 3 hair: 212 Total: 2177 This thread has kind of turned into a disorganised mess,mill probably turn it into one of those hair transplant blogs when I see the final result.
  19. I've researched everywhere I can imagine for probably nearly 2 years now, but there's just extremely different answers from every surgeon. I've found surgeons saying that 50% growth is expected at 6 months, while others saying that 70-90% is what you should have from others on Realself. Other surgeons seem to include how 'mature' the hair is in their answers as well. Is there a general expectation of how many of your hairs should have at least popped out of the scalp by 6 months or so?
  20. I think Australia just lags behind in regards to cosmetic surgery in general, rather than just hair transplants. It's probably due to Australian surgeons costing up to 3 times as much as getting the surgery abroad in most cases, just resulting in people looking elsewhere. From researching other surgeries, it always seems that there's a much better and cheaper place to have the operation than there is in Australia. Korea for jaw surgery, everywhere else for hair transplants, no Australian clinic can perform a proper forehead reconstruction, Thailand/Malaysia are the go to spots for breast implants and etc.
  21. Self meddling, honestly. I just them them from alldaychemist or inhouse without a script
  22. It's 5 months actually. And for medication I'm on cyproterone acaetate, dutasteride and progynova
  23. It's now 5 months + 4 days. Some areas have grown in quite thick, but I'm a bit worried about others. Will just have to hope they thicken up in the next few months. Definitely improved a lot since month 4 though
  24. Oh, sorry about that. Ie looked into all day chemist as well and they don't seem to ship to NZ. I'd just keep searching for online pharmacies and make sure they're legit. Or even more complicated, get an australian friend to send them to you.
  25. Calvus, I bought tugain 5% minoxidil from inhousepharmacy and it shipped fine to Australia. Pretty sure it ships to New Zealand too...
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