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Everything posted by azn_guy

  1. Thinkingaboutit, To answer your question, I asked him directly "will it be easier for you? his answer was "it's always easier since I don't have to spend too much time moving your hair left and right". I then said "if it'll make your life easier, lets do it" Dr. Cooley actually appreciated the gesture and said "thank you", he was actually quite happy with my decision because it would save his staff and himself a few hours of work, I think as the day goes on, everyone gets tired, when you get tired your efficiency isnt 100% anymore. With that said, I HOPE I see a 98+% yield (of course this is me being optimistic) While I may look a tad funny for a month or 2, I can manage with a hat on Bill, thanks for the comment. Folks like you and many on this site gave me the confidence to do the research, do the time, to MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION. I remember going to Bosley simply because of their stellar marketing 2 years ago, because of this site, I know I made the right decision with a world-class doctor
  2. Hey Everyone, I've been on this site for over a year now and once in a while I'll post to give my opinion/recommendation on certain topics. Well as of February 12, 2010 I had a HT Surgery with Dr. Cooley I'm a big advocate of trying to showcase Oriental Asian Decent Hair because I believe there is a lack of it on this site. Well I just created a Hairloss Blog, feel free to check it out. I plan on updated it every 2 months. I don't see myself doing it every day just because it's too gradual of a change that sometimes users (even myself) don't see a difference Here is my Hairloss blog, let me know what you all think. I'd also like to give Kudos to Dr. Cooley, Brandi (his right hand technician), Aileen, and the rest of the staff for doing such an excellent job. As I've read from previous experiences. Dr Cooley is very world class professional. He was the last person there and was VERY hands on with the procedure. I also enjoyed the fact that he was confident with his approach and his ability to execute.
  3. Donor Strip was roughly 30cm x 1.5cm Total Grafts: 3007 1's: 1117 2's: 1292 3's: 592 4's: 6 Total Hairs: 5501 Total Time of Surgery: 8:30am to 7:30pm Pain: 1/10 ==> Minimal Professionalism: 10/10 ==> I couldn't have chosen a better HT Surgeon Outcome ==> ??? Still to be determined
  4. Age 30 Asian-Oriental 1 FUT Session Total Grafts: 3007 Total Hairs: 5501 Scar Repair Total Grafts: 429 Total Hairs: 618 First FUT Session Breakdown 1's: 1117 (20%) 2's: 1292 (47%) 3's: 592 (32%) 4's: 6 (1%) Scar Repair Breakdown 1's: 258 (42%) 2's: 153 (25%) 3's: 18 (3%) Donor Strip was roughly 30cm x 1.3cm Donor Area Density: 75 fu/cm2 Sagittal Incisions were used Trychophytic Closure with sutures used PRP was not used ACELL was used Pre HT: With Hair Pre HT: Shaved Head March 2010 Post HT: February Post HT: March 2010 Post HT: April 2010 Post HT: May 2010 Post HT: June 2010 Post HT: July 2010 Post HT: August 2010 Post HT: September 2010 Post HT: October 2010 Post HT: November 2010 Post HT: December 2010 Post HT: 1 Year Anniversary (February 2011)
  5. It looks like really clean work and I'm excited to see what the results are in 8-12 months. This is the beauty of black hair, even if you don't have much of it left, it can really give the illusion as if you have hair. I have the same issue as this patient, I'm kind of thinning on top all over, but I have more hair than him in general. In comparison, it would take me another 7-10 years before I look just like this patient. When I shower and my hair is wet, you can see where I need help, but once my hair dries no one can tell that I'm losing hair. Adrian, how old is this patient?
  6. I am amazed though when I take a look at a Doctor's team on their websites, there has to be at least 2-3 really cute girls I always tell myself it'll be so embarrassing to flirt with them because they are fully aware of your HT and they've seen the whole surgery. I know there is that whole no dating the patients, but still, rules are meant to be broken.
  7. Okay, not sure if this has been a topic or not. But which Coalition Doctor here has the hottest Hair Technicians? I've decided to get a HT from that clinic based on this answer jk...
  8. Nice Job! I have a question though, I see all 3000 grafts were placed in the front How worried are you about losing more behind the hairline? Is this a major concern? I assume the answer is no since Dr. Rahal agreed to do this Are you anticipating another HT in the future?
  9. Based on my experience, people get "attracted" to confidence. So if you having more hair is resulting in more confidence, then I suspect this to be the case. I know completely bald guys that get all sorts of attention, not because of their hair, but other factors... Obviously as hair loss occurs, we all lose a bit of our confidence, we just need to learn to either work around it or overcome it
  10. Thana, I've seen your hair, it looks good We are our own worst critics, I have a full head of hair and I keep obsessing about it. When I ask everyone else, they're like "what are you talking about?" Dont worry about it, you're good!
  11. Hey Dr. Lindsey, It looks like you did a great job on this patient...Well done! Looks nice and clean. How many grafts do you think this patient has left? Based on the fact that asians have a higher incidence of scar issues, would you elaborate on what you mean by this? Are you saying that scar stretching is the main issue? As a HT surgeon, what precautions do you take to minimize this? Assuming you're able to get 3500 out of one session and you notice the donor strip scar stretches, obviously this would not be the ideal scenario. So would it be advantageous to break up the session into into a 1800 session, then another 1700 session? Since this patient was Korean, I know for a fact that Koreans have very fair skin, like many other asian races such as Japanese and Chinese from the North. With that said, can we safely assume that asian people that are from the south such as Vietnamese/Thai/Indonesian/Philippines/Pacific Islanders tend to have better "Hair color to Skin" ratio since they tend to have tanner skin? As you guys know, I am personally interested in this case
  12. Hey Mattj, I saw dr rahal's case that was posted today, that is comforting...
  13. Dr. Rahal, How old was the patient? Considering you used 1978 Grafts, how many grafts do you anticipate this patient has left?
  14. hm...that does make sense since the doctor does not have to address the crown. One thing I do notice from some of the awesome HT's, the patient has an A pattern....
  15. I keep looking at the photos and considering that I'm asian, I'm now a bit scared to even consider a HT. Considering that this patient had quite a bit of existing hair, does anyone have any comments about how to approach patients with existing hair? I still have quite a bit of hair just like chanyouzhe does. I guess it's really up to the HT surgeon to ensure he doesn't kill the existing hair. Still, very scary and I have not seen A LOT of solid HT for Asian men (oriental decent, not indian). ==> I guess it's all numbers games, asian are definitely a minority on this forum. I did see one on H&W, but that dude already had a lot of existing hair, he didn't even need a HT Latin Lotus, where are you?
  16. Hm...So why are staples better than sutures again? Anyone with experience with Sutures have any issues with the "pinching" feeling that Staples exhibit?
  17. shlomo, When did you start losing your hair? I saw the photos of you when you were younger and at age 24, you still had a full head of hair... and based on your profile, you received a HT at roughly age 39ish I ask the question because it seems that your hairloss was quite extensive between age 24-39 (15 years). It makes me wonder what I will look like at age 39, obviously, we all will differ but it's still a reality check. Would you be able to give a timeline of your hairloss? I hope this doesn't bring back bad memories... ps: your hair looks awesome now
  18. Dr Gable, The results are very very impressive. With that said, you guys decided with over 3000+ grafts. Is there any expectation to have a 2nd procedure done? Or were you pretty confident with this being most likely a "one and done" deal? Also, how many more grafts does this patient potentially have?
  19. Tsakalos, not sure who you are targeting, but I am referring to existing pimples on your head prior to a HT, and trying to transplant hair with pimples on your head. Serious, No problems at all with hairloss while on accutane. This is actually my third time on accutane, no issues with hairloss or my liver
  20. It's amazing that with HT's it IS a one way journey. When you think about what women do with Breast Augmentation and Liposuction, at least there is still a way to get out of it. With HT's its a commitment forever. And with Propecia which loses its effectiveness, I wonder what we ALL will look like in 30 years. It's great we have this site, but there is "something" missing from here, I think its mainly due to the overall satisfaction of a "fix it" mentality. Unlike just having surgery on a broken bone, where it's a one and done deal, it'll never be like that with HT's. Each one of us that has had a HT will always have to think of it for the rest of your lives on the bright side: Hairtransplantnetwork will always have a lot of veteran posters, hehe
  21. Thanks Serious Yeah, I've always wondered, I have a tendency to have acne and it seems as though I get a few on my head, not extreme though, but 3-4 pimples that make me scratch my head. I had a consultation with a Coalition Doctor a few months ago, but I was on Accutane so my body was pimple free. So that raises another question, if you are a person that is prone to getting pimples, and you get a HT, would you get a flare up of pimples because you're body is like that? If normal people get pimples after a HT, I'm trying to imagine what acne-prone people would experience after a HT
  22. I noticed after doing a search within the forum, that there are a lot of discussions and experiences with pimples AFTER a transplant. What about if you currently have pimples on your head? Can a HT be done? Would the doctor have to transplant around the pimple? etc...
  23. That is some information I find useful Considering Megasessions are pretty common, I could forsee myself getting 2 sessions and being happy for a very long time. It's like pulling wisdom teeth out, just take all 4 out and be done with it....
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