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Everything posted by Since21

  1. Propecia is more effective on the mid-scalp and crown and for that reason, I'd hold off on it for now. Mid to late 20s at the earliest. And who knows what they will have by then. No drug is going to save your hairline if you have MPB. Rogaine will help more there, but Propecia will not. The benefit of Propecia when it comes to hair transplantation is to spare the mid-scalp and crown so valuable donor hair can be used on hairline restoration.
  2. To Matt's point, I'm four-and-a-half months out and at 2 months had shock loss worse than your photos suggest to one area of my donor scar. At first I panicked, but then I educated myself and eventually stopped obsessing about it. I didn't check it for about another month and when I did, it looked like it filled in somewhat although I can still feel that it is thin around that area. They don't call this a journey for nothing. Every time something has come up for me - shock loss, acne, sensations or lack thereof, etc. - I either did a google search or contacted my surgeon and it's got me through. Most of what you experience others have as well and there are threads on them on various forums. You've already contacted your surgeon - perhaps she perceives you as a worrier and doesn't want to make you more anxious. Your surgeon should be a voice of calm and reason. They've seen everything. You've sought advice on here. I'd also suggest you do a google search and find others who have experienced the same thing. You'll see you're not alone.
  3. I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. How can you make such an outlandish comment without seeing the guy's face?
  4. Is the the high hairline due to MPB (male pattern baldness)? Or like you said, were you just born with it? If it's MPB, you might consider meds first - Propecia and Rogaine - but I'd try to hold off on them for a while, at least until your mid-20s. Personally, I think it's highly unethical to perform a HT on a young patient because the pattern and progression of loss is difficult to determine at that time. You don't want to hit middle age and have a ridiculously low 'teenage' hairline with a thinning mid-scalp and crown. You'll be left with a friar monk look and chasing your receding hair the rest of your life, that is if you don't run out of your very limited donor supply first. Hope that makes sense. If it's just a high hairline, then I'd maybe talk with a HT surgeon about your options. For FUE I'd only consider Bisanga or Feriduni for their exceptional hairlines. They're both located in Belgium. But it looks to me that you might have a bit of an Aaron Paul look going on - high forehead, smaller face. Works for him.
  5. I believe that's a bit of an overstatement and the tone of the claim reminds me of the hair transplant ads of yore. Personally, I would just let the results speak for themselves. It's a little chest-beating. While this may not be scarring, it does show evidence of FUE harvesting 15 months post-op: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/174514-dr-arocha-post-fue-2400-a.html
  6. It's pretty low quality and taken at a distance that makes it difficult to tell. You're not talking about the linear FUT scar, are you? This last procedure was FUE? I see some shock loss, but from this photo nothing that would lead me to believe your donor area is a 'complete mess.' We'd need higher quality pics to evaluate properly.
  7. I'm curious as to why you haven't posted any pics yet. You said you were going to in the other thread you started. Hard for anyone to give you an informed opinion without them. Here is a conservative growth chart:
  8. In terms of overall coverage with FUE, Lorenzo hands down. But in terms of hairlines, I prefer Bisanga and Feriduni.
  9. I wouldn't listen to the people who say you should be unhappy with your results. You results aren't in yet and it looks like you're just entering the growth phase. Listen to those who say to be patient. It appears you have quite a few grafts waiting to emerge. Here's what my surgeon's rep says about growth: Hair grows differently between individual hair follicles and zones of implantation. You will be have additional hair emerging into view with time, so it's best not to analyze anything too much until the 9-12 month mark. When it starts growing, it is initially under the skin and then often emerges baby fine and with little or no pigmentation. This slow and discreet process can be disconcerting, especially when other hair has emerged and become visible more quickly.
  10. Try to relax. It's looking great. Here's what my surgeon's rep says about 'uneven' growth: Hair grows differently between individual hair follicles and zones of implantation. When it starts growing, it is initially under the skin and then often emerges baby fine and with little or no pigmentation. This slow and discreet process can be disconcerting, especially when other hair has emerged and become visible more quickly.
  11. I might consider them for scar repair and touch up with FUE. But I'd leave the major FUE work up to the guys Mickey mentioned - Lorenzo, Bisanga, Erdogan and Feriduni. Mickey, I haven't seen any 'failed' FUE results from Shapiro. Do you have any examples?
  12. Facial swelling is a normal part of post-op. The saline injections used during the procedure move downward over a period of about 4-5 days - starting with swelling in the forehead, then eye area and eventually making its way down to the jowls. It is eventually absorbed by the body. Nothing to worry about. Use an ice pack on your forehead several times a day. It'll help. As for the wig, not sure I would risk it the first 9-10 days post-op, which is when grafts are secure. But others on here might have experience with that. I covered up with a loose-fitting ball cap.
  13. I've been using California Baby Super Sensitive shampoo on my recipient site since my HT four-and-a-half months ago. California Baby | Natural & Organic Products | Super Sensitive Shampoo & Bodywash It's expensive, but oh so gentle. I'll keep using it until 12 months. I use Regenepure DR & NT on my native hair.
  14. It's a great look for you. I enjoyed reading your story and seeing how enthusiastic you were throughout. Inspiring. While you're in that 0-12 month period, it's definitely a shared experience. Once it's over, a lot of people fade into the sunset. Good experience or not. You'll come across their stories from time to time and wonder what happened to them. So it's nice that you came back and shared.
  15. That is a great result. It seems your expectations were too high if you're not satisfied with that. It looks full and natural. I hope you have gotten past all the anxieties and worries you had and are enjoying life.
  16. Great documentation. Great result. Thanks for sharing. Fun read. Looks like you have plenty of donor hair left. Ever been tempted to go for another? Not sure what you'd do - maybe add density. Lower the hairline? Save for later, if needed?
  17. Konior is known more for FUT. There are many reasons why one might consider FUT over FUE, not gonna start that debate again, but it's interesting you choose the words 'top' FUE doctors vs 'typical' FUT doctors. That's comparing apples to oranges. Great results are great results regardless of method of harvest. I think it's more fair to say that 'top' FUE docs have comparable results to the 'top' FUT docs, or vice-versa.
  18. I believe that's why you see such good results from Lorenzo's patients and the guys out of Turkey and Belgium. They do a lot of cases with guys with coarser hair and a higher percentage of 2s and 3s. As Spanker said, that will change the outcome.
  19. He's solid. I might consider him for touch-up work or to add density, but for larger sessions and hairline restorations I'd look across the pond at guys like Bisanga, Lorenzo and Feriduni. Erdogan has been coming up a lot lately as well.
  20. Obvious improvement (I think) but…he looks like he already has a pretty decent head of hair, but it's difficult to tell because the pre-op photo is with wet hair. I'll reserve my 'wows' for now.
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