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Everything posted by Rothki

  1. I spent most of the time during mine sleeping, I thought I better use the time wisely!
  2. i take 1/8 of proscar tablet each day, pretty hard to cut up but i manage to cut it up into roughly 8th's i havent noticed any sides from this dosage, not too sure if it is doing anything for my hair but im sure it must be doing something
  3. awesome progress man looking very good!
  4. Yeh but the hair kinda makes you look mid to late 30's Bt a transplant would be a big help
  5. Hey mate, you have more hair than me but honestly I think you have lost a bit, now don't take this the wrong way but your hair makes you look a bit older because it is so high, but still it looks ok. I don't think women are that worried about the hair to be honest, proberly more how you see yourself than anything
  6. looking good man, that hair transplant is well worth it. you look heaps different already
  7. haha, focusing on my car and house! Don't worry dude not really thinking about the hair much!
  8. Just over a month since the hair transplant, i have been taking 1/8 of a proscar tablet per day, which is bloody hard to cut into 1/8 portions but i am managing. Havent noticed any sides yet. i would say atleast 90% of the transplanted hair has fallen out, but i can see plenty of very small black dots on my head where the hairs should be. My hair at the back of my head hasnt recovered to the same extent that the hair in the centre of my head has, but still it is coming along i guess. Overall im feeling quite good, the scar on the back has mostly healed and im back to running etc every day now which is good.
  9. I have seen this video before, and I hope that it is not real because I have just forked out 14k haha, Wy don't you give it a go and keep us updated!
  10. DHT is a pretty important thing, it is what makes us men well Men! but still im taking 1/8 of a 5mg tablet, so i am going to monitor things and see how i go. if i don't notice any change in morning erections etc then i will keep on it and if i do i think i will go off it and just continue with the minox. I will post up some pictures again in the next few days, since it has been 2 weeks since my transplant! some shedding, everyday i notice a few hairs each time i rub my head, i think i counted about 30 today but there appears to be plenty there still! My old hair is starting to grow through on the top of my head now so it is starting to look darker.
  11. Hey Dude your hair looks awesome! good job there mate. Is that last pic of your hair really a photoshop? pretty good effort if it is
  12. Ok, went and got the prescription filled, and took 1/8 of a tablet last night, I'm thinking of weaning myself onto it, really it scares the f**c out of me after reading the sides
  13. Hey mate, Not taking any meds except minoxidil at the moment but I have been given a script for proscar I think, MIght be propecia, but I'm a little scared to take it because of the potential sides. I was going to wait untill my healing from the ht settles down and then maybe try taking it,
  14. Hi, I have noticed one thing reading these forums, and that is everyone is always talking about their temple points. Now for as long as I can remember and after digging up heaps of old photos, I have never had temple points. Is this possible? Does everyone have them or am I just a freak? Cheers Tom
  15. What do you mean by conservative in regards to her placement? Also how would I know if I knocked a follicle out apart from blood?
  16. is it normal for them to have a little black dot at the bottom of them aswell? it is going to be so sad to see them go
  17. it has been 8 days since my transplant and i just thought i would post up an update. I gave my hair a good wash tonight in the bath, as i was starting to find scabs falling off my head during the day. i did notice that a few hairs fell out in the bath with the scabs, i think i lost about 5 hairs. i was trying to be gentle with the scalp and 4 of the hairs that fell off came with the scab but 1 hair concerns me, as it fell off with what looked a scab, but also the hair was in the shape of a J on the end with a little black bulb. Is this a problem? Cheers Tom
  18. As hard as it is I would just wait until you start to see little or no more loss before you get a transplant, just so you know where you are, as you may need to get the whole top of your head done in a year or so. Currently you don't look too bad, although there is hair loss, it might just be your normal hairline. I understand you not wanting to take meds, I'm too scared to take fin because of the potential sides, but I know people who take it no problems? Cheers Tom
  19. Post up a picture of your hair dude, doesnt sound too bad if you think you are only at stage 2??
  20. Hey there is a seccond link at the top of the page! This one Hair Restoration Journal for rothki - Close up of the Transplanted hair it is under my hair restoration journal, close up of the transplanted hair. that is all im up to so far!
  21. Haha same same, were all going bald
  22. Yes, born and bred Aussie! i ended up paying around 14k for my hair transplant, and ended up getting extra graphs (for free) . I found during the surgery that Dr Jennifer and her staff were keen on getting as many hairs in as possible, to the point that i think they spend an extra hour and a half on me. They werent trying to rush me out the door kind of thing. I really do appreciate the work that has gone into mine and i hope it comes out looking good! I dont know why they are not recommended on this forum, but i assume that it is just that there must be a smaller number of people getting transplants in Australia and we are more expensive than other countries. Good luck with your transplant either way when have you booked it for? Cheers Tom
  23. Hey Wade, personally i was far too scared to leave the country, i believe that if something does go wrong that we have better medical procedures here, and also it was on recommendation of my mums hair dresser who is a very respected hair dresser in perth, who has at times viewed the work done by Dr Jennifer and recommended her. if it all grows and looks as good as it does now i really will be happy but only time will tell!
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