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Everything posted by California

  1. Mikeey, I would be willing to "debate" you any time and any day! Again, you painted a "blanket" statement over an entire country and then you tell me that "we are not discussing countries here". Every HT Surgeon has unsatisfied Patients at one point or the other. To say the least, the percentage of "Dr. Bhatti unsatisfied Patients" is extremely low. If that is not correct, please search this Forum and come up with a List of those Patients! This Patient got his procedure done on Dec 12th, 2014. For us he is as important as our other Patients and we would make sure that we provide all the information that we should. At the same time, I do believe that the Patients also have the responsibility of making sure that they have given enough time and space to the Doctors Clinic before they take such issues online for the whole world to see. Again, the issue here is not an unsatisfied Patient (with the HT Procedure) but a Patient that got the impression that the Clinic has not provided him pictures and other relevant data. Again.....all this is happening 1-2 business days after this Patient's procedure. Dr. Bhatti makes it a point to respond to each and every Patient email himself within 12 hours or less. In this particular case, I will reach out to this Patient and make sure that he receives all the information that he has asked for. We do not want the Patient to feel that he is not important to us. He deserves our full attention and respect and if he has felt let down, I will apologize to him. As far as "multiple" surgeries go, our Clinic performs 2 procedures a day, one bigger (around 3000 grafts or so) and one smaller (about 1500 grafts or so). ALL the graft extractions and implantations are done by Dr. Bhatti himself. Our Clinic has 4 Operation Theatres and it would be super easy and super profitable for Dr. Bhatti to hire more HT Surgeons and cater to more Patients. BUT he chooses not to do so. His belief is that he will only take on Patients that he can work on, HIMSELF. Because he is a world renown HT Surgeon, he gets calls for opening a Franchises in India all the time. There is a reason that Darling Buds has ONLY ONE CLINIC and ONLY ONE LOCATION in India.....because Dr. Bhatti wants to take care of each and every Patient that comes to our Clinic, HIMSELF. Now, if you want to call this a "HAIR MILL", be my guest! The medical industry in India is not as regulated as the US, but then that would not be a fair comparison to start with. We cannot use the US as a benchmark for the rest of the world. Let's not compare apples to oranges. There are very clear and precise medical laws in India. There is an efficient process in place and most of the doctors do follow the protocol. 70% of Dr. Bhatti's Patients come from North America, Europe and Australia. This has been happening for years now. There has to be a REASON (besides the cost factor....since you can get FUE procedure done at some places for 1/4th of what Dr. Bhatti charges) for that. Again, it is easy to write off the doctors and the system in an entire country. BUT the question remains.....is that FAIR? We stand behind the quality of our work, customer service, ethics and professionalism. Thank you, California
  2. Hello fisherman4man, Thank you. We will be providing the information to the Patient directly. We do respect the privacy of our Patients and do wish to maintain that protocol. Thank you, California
  3. Thank you. And I emailed you back:) I am on it. Will get back to you soon (when offices open in India). Thank you, California
  4. Thank you. I will look forward to your email and will make sure that we get this resolved ASAP. Will also try to find out what happened here. Thank you, California
  5. Hello Confused123, I am very surprised by your email and the issues that you have brought up. Never, ever had this happen before with our Clinic (Dr. Bhatti/Darling Buds India). I am not sure who you spoke to when you called the Clinic. I request you to email me at darlingbudsusa@gmail.com. I will take full responsibility for getting you the information that you are looking for. We take pride in taking care of our Patients and making sure that they are totally satisfied with our Clinic before, during and after the procedure. We do not want you to be an exception. Again, I will be happy to help you now and anytime in the future with your HT questions and/or concerns. Thank you, California
  6. Hi Mikeey, I respect your opinion and agree that you have every right to voice your opinion. I am not trying to discuss countries here.....just responded to your statement "Other Doctors from India .... I will Surely NOT Touch them from a Mile .... Just Marketing Hair Mills ..... Runnnnnnn"........ I thought that that was a blanket statement over ALL the doctors from India. In regards to Dr. Bhatti, yes, we absolutely stand behind and back up every HT procedure that we perform. A "full refund" if results are "not satisfactory".......that is a pretty open ended statement. I do not know of any HT Surgeon anywhere in the world who can make that promise. An HT result might be "unsatisfactory" from the Patient's point of view (depending upon how realistic the Patient's expectations are). Again, just clarifying our stand on this and not trying to get into an argument. I respect your opinion. Have a wonderful day and Happy Holidays. California
  7. Hi Mikeey, With all due respect, India is a country of over a billion people and there is no dearth of excellent doctors including Hair Transplant Surgeons and Clinics that are at par with the Western standards. I would encourage you to check out Dr. Bhatti (Darling Buds) who has been doing FUE HT exclusively for the last so many years. Just typing "Dr. Bhatti" and hitting the "search" button on this Forum would lead to scores of posts from Dr. Bhatti Patients and Clinic. Thank you, California
  8. The visa on arrival service for US Citizens visiting India has finally been implemented. Below is the link: https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/visa/tvoa.html Note: Applicants of the eligible countries may apply online minimum 4 days in advance of the date of arrival with a window of 30 days. Example : If you are applying on 1st Sept then applicant can select arrival date from 5th Sept to 4th Oct. Basically you can apply only 34 days before your travel date. Until now, for Patients getting an HT procedure done in India, applying for and receiving the visa has been quite a hassle. Not any more! Thanks, California
  9. Thank you, husqvarnawrk. Dr. Bhatti makes it a point to respond to each and every Patient email personally within 12 hours or less. I am glad that you are happy with the communication so far. I wish you all the best. Best regards, California
  10. Patient is a young Indian American male. Suffering from hair loss for the last few years and was diagnosed as a Type-3 hair loss Patient. 2472 grafts (FUE) were implanted by Dr. Bhatti in December 2013. The "after" pictures are from 11 months post-op. Patient took the pictures using his cell phone camera and texted them to me. I was hoping for better quality and quantity of his current pictures but sharing what I have now. Thank you, California
  11. Hairline definition is a much sought after pursuit by discerning young Patients today in an effort to continue to look young in a competitive work environment. Achieving natural looking hairline results with a youthful appearance is an art and to avail of this through minimally invasive FUE hair transplant, patients travel across the globe to our clinic in India. Dr Bhatti's Darling Buds hair transplant in India Clinic operated on this young gentleman for hairline definition and temple point restoration. A mere 1106 grafts restored his youthful appearance.
  12. This Patient initiated a post on this Forum saying that he had not received answers to some of his questions when he had emailed Dr. Bhatti. I was just being proactive and tried to get him the answers to his questions. Please read my comments again and judge for yourself if I was trying to "sell". I really don't need to "sell" anyone on anything. I gave two suggestions to this person: 1. Never choose an HT Surgeon primarily for the price/cost. 2. Do your due diligence and research, including searching on this Forum. How is that Selling. Didn't understand the part about "Business in India....oufffff".......was that supposed to be an insult on India as country? I hope not...... Thanks, California
  13. Hi Roots, Money/pricing could be one of the reasons but should NEVER be the primary reason when it comes to selecting your HT Surgeon. Take his advise and use the "search" button to research on this Forum. I would encourage you to also put Dr. Bhatti in the "search" field and see what you get. Do your own diligence and I am sure that you will be able to make the right decision. I wish you all the best. California
  14. Hi Roots555, Below is a response to your questions from Dr. Bhatti. I hope this helps. Please feel free to send me a PM with any additional questions. I will be happy to help. It is best to post all questions all together so as to maintain continuity and perspective. The existing hair cannot be retained in any manner. They shall ultimately fall if your genes have destined them to. However medications can help to postpone your balding but to varying extent. Yes, in case the hair falls off, you need another procedure. And there is no way to preempt this by getting the procedure done when it is not yet needed in areas other than what have been suggested by the doctor. Regards,
  15. Hi Rootz555, Please accept our apologies if any of your questions did not get answered. Dr. Bhatti makes it a point to respond to each and every email himself within 12 hours or less. With dozens of Patient emails finding their way into his inbox every day, there is a chance that a part of your email might have been missed. Now, to address your questions, here is my suggestion/advise (as a fellow hair loss sufferer). You could take Finasteride tablets and also apply minoxidil to your scalp post-op. Please research Finasteride to educate yourself on the benefits and the possible side effects. Other than these, I am not aware of any recognized medication/treatment available currently to "maintain" the existing hair. There is a chance that you might still end up losing the existing hair down the road and might have to go for another HT procedure. I wish you all the best. California
  16. Hi Mikeey, With all due respect, you are making some serious allegations and I hope that you have some solid data to back it up. Please note that Dr. Bhatti has a very high satisfaction rate with his Patients. When Dr. Bhatti's name came up for recommendation on this forum, dozens of his Patients contributed to that thread and NOT ONE of them had anything negative to say about Dr. Bhatti. Hearsay can be interpreted as facts by some folks. In regards to "raising the prices" and "taking advantage" of his recommendation on HRN, please note that Dr. Bhatti's pricing is at around $1.45 per FUE graft. Prices did go up about 20 cents per graft, but that was already planned regardless of the HRN recommendation. Prices go up for everything and I don't think that we are the first and/or the last Clinic to adjust our pricing. Last but not the least, we are proud of the HRN recommendation BUT Dr. Bhatti was booked solid 3 months in advance BEFORE the HRN recommendation and is booked solid 3 months in advance AFTER the HRN recommendation. If you want any data to back up all that I have said above, please feel free to PM me and I will be happy to share the details with you. Best regards, California
  17. Congratulations, Transformer. Over 5000 grafts.....that is a big FUE session! Thanks for sharing. Will be looking forward to your updates. I wish you all the best. Best regards, California
  18. Hi Blake, This doctor is NOT associated with Dr. Bhatti or Darling Buds. I tried to google "Clinical Darling Buds" and only Dr. Bhatti and Darling Buds comes up in the results. I honestly don't think that there is a Hair Transplant Center in India by the name of Clinical Darling Buds and if there is.....that would be strange....and borderline plagiarism. Best regards, California
  19. Hi Transformer, 5000 FUE grafts in one shot, sounds like a very interesting case. I am sure that the members of this Forum would love to get details and pictures from your side. Looking forward to your post. Thank you, California
  20. Hi SPF, Are you still in Chandigarh or did you leave? If you are in Chandigarh, you can go back to Dr. Bhatti's Clinic and we will help you. If you have left Chandigarh/India, I would suggest that you should not stress about this. Even if you did lose a few grafts, that should not affect your final results. I do understand that it sucks to lose transplanted hair. Please be careful for the next few days. You must have received an over sized hat from the Clinic and they must have showed you how to put it on and how to take off. Please follow those instructions. You will be fine:) The good hair days are coming! Best regards, California
  21. Hi Jay, Congratulations on getting your HT done. Your review of the entire HT process is very thorough, detailed and helpful. Thank you for taking the time to go into such minute details. Folks like yourself are an asset to the HT community. I am sure that your experiences will benefit a lot of the Forum members. Knowledge is power and you have gone out of your way to share your knowledge. Thank you so much. Looking forward to future update from your side. I wish you all the best. Regards, California
  22. Very nice! Very happy for you. And the good news is that it will keep getting better:) Thank you for sharing and please keep the updates coming. Best regards, California
  23. 26 year old Patient from Cameroon. Wanted to get his hairline restored. 876 scalp grafts were implanted. The "after" pictures are from 15 months post-op. Thank you, California
  24. Hi U2rock, Yes, absolutely. We take all Patient feedback very seriously and try to use it to make our process/service more streamlined and efficient (wherever necessary). As I have said many times, like everyone else, we are not perfect. At the end of the day, we want to do whatever we can to have happy and satisfied Patients. We are definitely not planning to turn our Clinic into an HT factory. That said, please do note that when the Clinic has only one HT Surgeon (Dr. Bhatti) and he handles all the Patient consultations and emails himself, sometimes some Patients might feel that all their questions did not get answered. It is rare but it can happen. The other solution would be to "outsource" these tasks to some other members of our staff but Dr. Bhatti wants to provide personalized service. I monitor the forums constantly and make sure that all our Patients and potential Patients are getting the information that they are looking for. Thank you, California
  25. Hi Saiyed, The punch that Dr. Bhatti uses for graft harvesting is good for a 100,000 graft extractions as per the manufacturer. BUT, we do not use a punch (sterilized, of course) for more than 2-3 procedures, that too after counseling the Patient. We provide all the information and let the Patient make the choice. In regards to the email responses from Dr. Bhatti, please note that he receives dozens of emails every day from Patients all around the world and makes it a point to respond to each and every email personally the same day. He ends up staying at his office till late evening responding to Patient emails. If you feel that any of your questions did not get answered, please feel free to use me as a resource. My email address is darlingbudsusa@gmail.com I will be happy to answer any questions that you might have and if I don't have an answer, I will find it for you. Lastly, I do not believe that a dental procedure (root canal) etc. about a week about your HT procedure will negatively affect your HT. Thank you, California
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