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Everything posted by HairKlepto

  1. Bosley is total crap. You are better off traveling for your procedure. Spend the extra dough and fly to the best surgeons like hasson/wong,shapiro,rahal. Don't just go to one in your area. Bad idea... This is one of the most important decisions you will undertake. Umars hairlines look horrible. Never heard of the other doctors, but the 3 I stated are probably the best in the world. People will argue that and there are others, but at the very least they are in the top 5 or so easily. Im in southern california and I'm flying to MD to see Shapiro. I owned a graphic's company for several years and I can tell you the best designers are spread throughout the world.. There are only a handful that are truly great and 99% that suck. The same is with hair transplant surgeons in my opinion. You can't go to just anyone... You can't go to just the top 20%... You need to go to the very best.
  2. Not everyone gets great scars even with great surgeons. Saying so and so has a great scar doesn't negate the point of FUE and scarring. I'd rather have a scar though then the whole back of my head looking thin and see through which happens sometimes with FUE. And then people talking about losing grafts... I mean come on.. .You can't get as many grafts with FUE anyway, so what difference does it make. Unless you are going to go to body hair or something like that.
  3. Propecia is a good option if you don't mind permanent sexual dysfunction. Nanogen is the best covering agent and the safest from my research although I have no personal experience with any covering agents. I would be careful continuing to ask different surgeons until you get the "yes" answer. Eventually someone will be happy to take your money regardless of the long term consequences. The advice to wait 3 months is just retarded. Even if you got some regrowth with propecia, would you really risk haven't a permanently exposed scar? You could always go the body hair route with Umar but the result is unsightly in many cases. Might be better to just shave your head if you look good with it. I look horrible with a shaved head, so surgery with worth the hassle. It's a life long journey though and many cases not worth it.
  4. I'm assuming you've already looked into Latisse? I'm looking into it for myself and Roux coloring since mine are really light. I heard latisse works really well.
  5. I'm assuming you've already looked into Latisse? I'm looking into it for myself and Roux coloring since mine are really light. I heard latisse works really well.
  6. If you are determined to get one, then Umar might be a good choice. I responded to your previous post but forgot to follow up. Umar can use leg hair which will not grow as long and could be a better match than head hair in some cases. Even he says be prepared to always be trimming. Los Angeles Eyebrow hair transplant Repair It sounds like a major pain and if it looks bad its right on your face by your eyes of all places where everyone is looking. Drawn eyebrows don't look great either, but a bad result could ruin your life. The same goes for head surgery too though, but I think eyes would be worse because you can't even wear a hat or anything. I guess you could shave them off, but then you would have scarring. Most of the results I have seen look really weird. Also you are seeing their best results, and even those usually look weird. This coming from someone who wants thicker eyebrows, so I'm not trying to down it - just my honest assessment. I tell people the same about hair transplants... You need to be really sure its worth the hassle and the risk. I think most people would be better off without.
  7. If you are determined to get one, then Umar might be a good choice. I responded to your previous post but forgot to follow up. Umar can use leg hair which will not grow as long and could be a better match than head hair in some cases. Even he says be prepared to always be trimming. Los Angeles Eyebrow hair transplant Repair It sounds like a major pain and if it looks bad its right on your face by your eyes of all places where everyone is looking. Drawn eyebrows don't look great either, but a bad result could ruin your life. The same goes for head surgery too though, but I think eyes would be worse because you can't even wear a hat or anything. I guess you could shave them off, but then you would have scarring. Most of the results I have seen look really weird. Also you are seeing their best results, and even those usually look weird. This coming from someone who wants thicker eyebrows, so I'm not trying to down it - just my honest assessment. I tell people the same about hair transplants... You need to be really sure its worth the hassle and the risk. I think most people would be better off without.
  8. Good growth. Doesn't seem to be a lot of zig-zagging in the hairline though. It looks rather straight. Hairline seems rather aggressive for only 2500 grafts. Big improvement overall.
  9. Personally I think Hasson's work is much better than Wong's. They are both good, but Hasson's is much better in my opinion. I think Hasson's work is the best I've ever seen actually. I think Armani's work is impressive but people say to stay away from him and some of his results are not so great. I have struggled between Hasson and Ron Shapiro, but for my particular circumstances I decided on Shapiro (upcoming in July). Also with H and W you have to pay 12% tax because of CA, but that shouldn't hinder you. You may be in CA anyway. I followed a post about a bad result from H and W and it is laughable how crazy and illogical people are in defending their favorite clinics. I think because of their high density they are prone to get bad results. I think it's risky doing mega sessions if it's concentrated in a small area. If you don't have good blood supply you may get hardly any growth at all. But, I've seen poor growth with low density too from poor surgeons. Personally for me, i felt Shapiro was a safer bet. He is more conservative and doesn't go crazy on density. I think if you want to be safe, don't go too dense. Mega sessions are convenient, but if it doesn't go well,, you have lost almost all your donor. I'm no expert, but just my take. Anyway I only mentioned Shapiro because that was the only con I could find on H&W that drove me to stick with Shapiro. By con I mean some bad results likely from trying to densely pack on people that don't have good blood supply. Do your own research of course. But as far as quality, H&W is amazing and they are surely top 3.
  10. You said you had another procedure since then? Can we see photos? How was your yield vs. last procedure? I'm assuming much much better.
  11. I have often pulled individual hairs out I was unhappy with using tweezers. Or in cases where there was a 2-hair graft towards the front that was visible, I would remove the extra hair so it was a single. As far as scarring, not sure about your individual situation but I'd rather having some scaring than something obviously pluggy. I guess it would depend on how bad the scaring is. I've removed the entire corner before and it wasn't a big deal. I just looked more bald. But, I guess I have minimal scaring so it's barely noticeable if at all. I wouldn't laser them off. You can have them removed and replanted. I had 500 grafts relocated in my last procedure that were at poor angles or too thick. The nice thing about the tweezing is if you don't like it, it will grow back in 6 weeks or so. You mentioned contemplating this already, so sounds like the scaring is holding you back. Is it just red or do you have pitting? The redness should fade away. Thinning them out might be worth trying if not.
  12. DONT let them redo it. I've never understood why people get a poor result from a clinic only to let the same clinic go at it again. Telling you to wait 18 months is such bung. You would see most of your growth around 9 months in most cases. You might get some extra growth from 1-2 years, but maybe the remaining 5-10% or so. These are rough estimates of course. What is concerning is still having redness at 10 months. The redness should be gone at 6 months tops. Luckily you don't have a pluggy result. It doesn't look too bad other than lack of growth and the redness. Perhaps you are a slow healer. I am pretty slow myself. I have heard of people taking longer to see growth, so who knows, maybe in the next two months magic will happen. But, it seems even the doctor seems to think the result was poor so that is concerning. I hope things continue improving for you. If you decide to get another procedure, don't let distance hinder you from getting the best doctor possible.
  13. Good luck. Looking forward to following your journey.
  14. Looked rough before. Looks awesome now bro. Hasson is probably the best I've seen. Him and the Shapiro's (MN) are my favorites.
  15. Overall good result but the right temple looks a bit odd to me. Perhaps the angle of the grafts? I'm not sure. Huge fan of Ron Shapiro but that right temple (left in photo) is throwing me off a bit.
  16. Be careful with propecia... It can give you permanent ED. I would say stay away from it personally. I used to take it but stopped after I read the horror stores and was experiencing my own decrease in sex drive. A lot of people say it made them sterile as well but I think it's harder to pinpoint that unless you have before/after lab work. You are pretty young and from someone who has had 5 procedures over the past 11 years, I can say that unless you hate the way you look with a shaved head, don't even bother with it. I got work done because I have an ugly big head and looked bad with a shaved head. But, some people look good with a shaved head and have nicely shaped heads etc. To those people I say it's not worth the stress and constant upkeep which you will likely have with your aggressive hairloss. If you do decide to move forward, go with a conservative hairline with a great doctor like Ron Shapiro who is good with modest hairlines with aggressive hairloss (from my own research). If your result is not good you will constantly worry about what people are thinking every single time you talk to them. You will also worry about your scar every time you do something active or get your hair wet unless you do FUE. I love having hair but it is a hard long journey (and very expensive), so don't do it unless you REALLY don't like having a bald head.
  17. Most of the research I've done in regards to eyebrow transplants is negative. Patients say it looks unnatural -- even the doctors say it looks unnatural. Also the hair will grow the same length as your regular hair so you will have to constantly trim it or you will end up with eyebrows like the guys in the kung fu movies.
  18. Looking at other procedures of the similar size should give you some insight. Check out: Hair Transplant Photos Hair Transplant Gallery - Hasson & Wong. Sessions: 1. Grafts: 5475 Most of the results I've seen with that many grafts are pretty dramatic. Your top looks pretty thin for 6000 grafts. When your almost completely bald it makes more sense to have more density and go with a less aggressive hairline. Going to a local surgeon just to see how much donor you have left might give you some insight into what was actually taken although it would depend on what your donor was to begin with of course. At the very least you would know if you even have donor left. I've learned from my first 3 procedures that you shouldn't even bother getting a transplant unless you go to one of the top five or so surgeons (hasson, shapiro, rahal, etc). It's not worth the stress of a bad result. Glenn Charles made some major improvements to my hairline after my first procedures although there was still some parts of it I am unhappy with. I have another procedure with Shapiro in July.
  19. Yeh, I stopped taking it after I heard it can give you permanent ED and make you sterile. It was also killing my sex drive. Take some maca in the meantime. It is amazing stuff.
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