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Everything posted by rpachigo

  1. I think temple points need to be brought forward. It looks unnatural to me.
  2. Good luck. Keep us updated. I'd be curious to know your strip dimensions.
  3. I've had two prior transplants in the 90's. My latest was one month ago. I have kept about 2/3 of the hairs and they have already started to grow - I feel stubble on my head (a very weird feeling). I'm happy I kept these grafts but I know it doesn't affect long term results.
  4. My only guess is the other inert compounds in Avodart is what was making me nauseous. Also I was wondering if what I'm buying is actually the same Avodart only in generic form - I haven't taken it to a pharmacy yet to get it analyzed. The only I way I can determine this is that I have no hair shedding like I used to and the hair is a bit thicker - nothing definitive however.
  5. Your pain sounds not too dissimilar to what I see with trigeminal neuralgia - sometimes we inject long acting anesthetic/steroids to relieve this inflammation. Here is a good article I found for you - I would probably caution not to inject steroids or sever the nerve permanently at this juncture. http://www.answers.com/topic/occipital-neuralgia
  6. I took Avodart but it gave me really bad nausea and stomach cramps. I switched to generic Avodart (Dutasteride) that I buy online (Dr. Reddy's formulation I believe) and I get no side effects with that.
  7. 25 rupees per graft. That works out to like what 50 cents a graft. Great deal when/if the results turn out.
  8. Hair Log up. Any comments appreciated. Will keep everyone updated on results.
  9. Yeah, why is your mom sitting on your lap. But seriously, great result.
  10. Pretty small considering we remove rather large basal cell and other cancers from scalps all the time and perform various flaps and usually no long term complaints. Here's one example I found that we sometimes come across (forehead here but applicable other areas of scalp): http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/876972-media
  11. I'll have microscopic slivers send my photos and then I'll post 'em. I want everyone's opinion during my progress. I will keep everyone updated. The more information, the better. Thanks, Ravi Pachigolla
  12. I have an interesting HT history. I had two procedures done around 96 and 97 by someone in Houston not sure. I was an ENT resident and was 25 and 26 and didn't do any research - went for the cheapest price on a resident salary. Dumb move. Needless to say, it wasn't quality work, very thin up top and funky hairs and significant temporal recession not addressed and crown and vertex thin. But the worst part was after the second procedure, my donor strip dehisced (fell apart) after staples were removed (they severely misaligned my wound edges). That happened that evening after staple removal. My roommate at the time who was a general surgery intern basically stapled it back for me after I took a couple swigs of whisky. He used a surgical stapler not office depot. Of course the wound widened and left me with a prominent hairless scar of about 5 mm to 1 cm in diameter in different areas. I came to Dr. Arocha first to get the scar excised and then whatever grafts he could get to give me some density. We can add more density later on. He is an excellent caring physician and his support staff is excellent, Craig and Maria. He was able to excise about 95% of the scar and got me about 1850 grafts a little short of what we wanted but I can live to fight another day. Most importantly, the scar should be resolved now and I can get more grafts with my next procedure. Procedure itself went smoothly, minimal pain, swelling, using graftcyte and iamin gel and everything is healing appropriately. Dr. Arocha's music rocks btw. Hopefully Craig can post some photos. Any questions let me know. Ravi Pachigolla
  13. I have an interesting HT history. I had two procedures done around 96 and 97 by someone in Houston not sure. I was an ENT resident and was 25 and 26 and didn't do any research - went for the cheapest price on a resident salary. Dumb move. Needless to say, it wasn't quality work, very thin up top and funky hairs and significant temporal recession not addressed and crown and vertex thin. But the worst part was after the second procedure, my donor strip dehisced (fell apart) after staples were removed (they severely misaligned my wound edges). That happened that evening after staple removal. My roommate at the time who was a general surgery intern basically stapled it back for me after I took a couple swigs of whisky. He used a surgical stapler not office depot. Of course the wound widened and left me with a prominent hairless scar of about 5 mm to 1 cm in diameter in different areas. I came to Dr. Arocha first to get the scar excised and then whatever grafts he could get to give me some density. We can add more density later on. He is an excellent caring physician and his support staff is excellent, Craig and Maria. He was able to excise about 95% of the scar and got me about 1850 grafts a little short of what we wanted but I can live to fight another day. Most importantly, the scar should be resolved now and I can get more grafts with my next procedure. Procedure itself went smoothly, minimal pain, swelling, using graftcyte and iamin gel and everything is healing appropriately. Dr. Arocha's music rocks btw. Hopefully Craig can post some photos. Any questions let me know. Ravi Pachigolla
  14. I also had a complex scar excised with my procedure. About 1850 grafts at the same time. When do you usually recommend scalp exercises and what kind. I'm laying off exercising or weights for awhile.
  15. I'm having my procedure done by Dr. Arocha and am very excited. I must say Dr. Verret in a few years' time may be one to reckoned with. I visited with him also but decided to go with Arocha. He has done many physicians' lately and saw two of his immediate results which looked excellent. He is out of his facial plastics fellowship about two or so years so give hime time.
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