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Everything posted by tacolinowest

  1. so ur tellin me that the only diff between mine and yours is .5cm? if thats true than you pull it off very very well my friend
  2. im not very happy about how high mine is, id like it to be 6cm, but unfortunately thats not possible right now, maybe in the future when they have hair cloning i can have it lowered
  3. i would say ur true hairline in the blue line, but when you go for your ht he will most likely put it on the red line, can you take a pic with your eye brows in it so i can get a feel for what it looks like
  4. spanker, after looking at your pics there is no way you are 7cm, looks more like 5.5-6
  5. i just measured mine, its exaclly 3 inches or 7.6cm,, measured from in between my eyebrows ,, kinda high for a 25 yr old but i guess i can live with it
  6. tacolinowest

    From the album: 1 month

  7. tacolinowest

    From the album: 1 month

  8. tacolinowest

    From the album: 1 month

  9. tacolinowest

    1 month

  10. i think it was an average result, and what the average person who dosent do research can expect from an average doc, im starting to think this whole ht thing wasn't such a good idea for my future
  11. Nobody gets fut cuz it's cheaper they get it cuz the yield is better and you get more grafts, fixing the scar is the very last step after you max out via strip, going into strip I knew that it needs to be fixed down the line and it's not a big deal, u went this far
  12. At this point I think meds won't do anything really for him, lucky guy, beard hair is better than chest hair because 1 it grows very long like scalp hair and 2 the yield is higher
  13. It's funny how these ppl are so rich yet uneducated about goin to the right doc, cuz money obv isn't an issue
  14. it would be much easier to answer if you post some pics
  15. future, why is it that they say people that have no hair loss lose about 100 hairs a day, but when they shower and wash their hair, nothing comes out, for example, you have no hair loss really, when you shower and shampoo your hair, how many hairs are on your hands when your done shampooing it, im curious, cuz when i do it its about 4-10 hairs each time,,, like i will shampoo for a few seconds then look at my hands, 5 hairs, then wash them off, rub my head some more, look at my hands 6 hairs,, ill repeat this process a few times, all in all about 40-50 hairs in 1 shower give or take,, how about you?
  16. if you apply sun screen to the area thats just as good, and if your meeting clients cant you wear a professional hat , like a black fidora
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