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Everything posted by tacolinowest

  1. this link will prob get deleted but heres a better video of him post op, still pretty thin but better than before
  2. i like how the hairline comes to a point, much better than round
  3. im done with propecia,, i have the same prob and i keep hearing ppl say this, im gonna stop using it for a while
  4. A strip from 10 years ago? I'd love to see it can you post some pics?
  5. im having the same prob, same amount of hair is falling out
  6. Nah Man U look fine, it's a high hairline but it dosent look bad, better than if it was diffuse, look at Vince vaugn , he looks very good with his
  7. im 7 weeks post op, im curious to see what it looks like can you post some pics?
  8. i think your hair looks good, little bit of thinning in the crown, if i were you i would get on propecia and see what happens, your hair still looks normal
  9. and i dont think your hair loks bad, shit i wish mine was more like yours, y dont you measure your hair line, start between your eyebrows all the way to the tip of your hairline , its prob around 7.5 cm like mine
  10. lol not saying you look old at all, but you resemble him, you look about 26-29
  11. my plan is to use the 5k for front and mid, and then 3k beard in crown
  12. i have 5000 in total and i used 2000 already, also my hair to graft ratio isnt that good, for my first procedure i had 50% 1s and 50% multi, so im relying pretty heavily on beard hair for the future
  13. I guess you guys are right, plus with the whole BHT now even people like me with little donor hair can get a better result, I only have 5k available and will progress to a nw6 , for where my hairline is (high) I think I'll need 7-8k grafts for ok coverage , so ill have to take 3k from my beard and put it in the crown, I'm thankful bht exists
  14. i think maybe because ht are not good for long term for most people
  15. yes this was posted a few months back, pretty crazy, id love to see it in person and to know who his doc was, also i think they may have taken his strip to low, if you look at the pic you can see it
  16. congrats! im very happy for you and hope you get even more in the next few months, hopefully ill be there soon 2
  17. I'm taking fin and the amount of hair I lose is exactlly the same, but I'm only taking half pill every other day, might do 1 pill MWF
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