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Everything posted by ArochaInfo

  1. This patient in his mid 20's wanted to restore his hairline. Dr. Arocha performed a 2189 FUT procedure. He is seeing some early growth at four and half months. We look forward to keeping you updated with his results. Click HERE for the complete album.
  2. Mick, Looking good so far! I'll look forward to the updates. ~Kira
  3. Here are some additional high-resolution views of this patient. We look forward to seeing him back in the office for his followup visits in the coming months. You can view the complete album HERE.
  4. Hello GB83, Not a problem. Yes, Dr. Arocha does see a decent amount of patients who do not take finasteride. This particular patient, given the scenario you described, would have ample donor to do two to three additional procedures. Bowl 81, Thank you! Updates on him coming soon ~Kira
  5. Hi GB83, Thank you for taking the time to view the result. Here are the answers to your questions. He was miniaturizing in a NW 4V pattern (retaining hair in the forelock and bridge), so his hair still effectively combed over when he wore it longer. Comb overs, like hats, mask hair loss. Without the benefit of his transplant eventually he likely would have developed into a NW 5 or 6. He has enough donor in reserve to do 2 to 3 more procedures plus FUE if needed. Let me know if you have any other questions! ~Kira
  6. Orangehair, Great result for the amount of grafts!!! I agree with Janna, he has a great head of hair! ~Kira
  7. Hi hdude, I just contacted him to bring him back in for a followup visit!!! We can't wait to see how he looks now! Once he comes back, I'll update the photos. Thanks for taking the time to look. ~Kira
  8. This gentleman was in his early 40's when underwent a procedure with Dr. Arocha. He has early growth at just four months out. He wanted to restore his hairline and had a 3422 FUT procedure. The set of photos depict some immediately post-op, one month out and four months out. He is on a medical regimen of Propecia. We look forward to seeing him back in the office as it continues to grow in. You can view additional photos HERE.
  9. Blake and Mick, Thank you! The patient was just in last week and was so happy with the results! Kira
  10. Orangehair, Nice change for one procedure and number of grafts used! It's so nice to see him wear his hair long now, just because he can! ~Kira
  11. This 24 year old male with NW 3/4 had a 3544 FUT procedure to restore his hairline and frontal area. The first set of after photos show robust growth of his transplant and were only about 9 months post TP. The second set of after photos were taken a little over a year post-transplant. You can view the complete album HERE.
  12. Thank you, irishsailor, spanker, spex, aaron and alex for taking the time to view his results!!!! Aaron1234, I do believe that the patient does dye his hair. ~Kira
  13. This patient came to Dr. Arocha in his mid-twenties seeking to restore and enhance his receding hairline. He received a 2300+ FUT procedure. The after photos are taken 11 months following his procedure. He has elected not to pursue pharmacological therapy. You can view his complete album HERE.
  14. Irishsailor, Thank you, we are very excited to have him come back in for future updates. I wouldn't say that he has coarse and wiry hair; however, his hair isn't fine either. His hair is in between the two. ~Kira
  15. Janna, this is a nice improvement for this patient. I'm sure he is happy ~Kira
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