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Everything posted by MyNameIsRich

  1. And a doctor could tell if im going to be a NW 1-3 or 4 onwards for definite, even when I'm sporting a 'full head' of hair? I haven't seen a doctor or anything yet, through stress and what not. I guess hearing 'yep youre going bald' is something i never wanted to hear
  2. EOD is every other day, or? well there is that option, yes but for safety's practice it just seems a better idea to take it less, and if im not getting the benefits, then start to take it more? also the stuff will last longer then. /shrugs
  3. I might jump back on it then and see how things go. new year so new start, and im 22 in a few months too. I've read that many people take it bi-daily so 3/4 times a week and still get great results? whats peoples opinions on not taking it daily? My tablets are the 1mg finpecia ones
  4. what do you mean by onset of growth? If I need to then I'll start taking propecia again, my concerns are that I'm going to have side effects though, as i took it for a few weeks to test it, and i felt like i was getting watery semen, and i wasnt even up to taking it 7 days a week yet... was working my way up, though maybe i was just over worrying? bahhh
  5. dollars. completely different ball game. they won't ship to the UK. my source is used by many on this website, also
  6. I'd like to think that nape hair is a pretty safe gamble, as I have plenty of it and wouldn't mind using it to fund a permanent temple extension/donor hair for hairline in the future and Dr. Umar is the man
  7. Hey again guys. Want to say even though I'd love to not post at this forum, for the obvious common reason we all share, I'm very grateful and happy with the overall vibe and honesty that 90% of you share, it really is like a brotherhood and I really do appreciate your insight and opinions! That being said, I'll give a quick recap for anybody who isnt familiar - 21 Years old Currently on Rogaine, holding off on Propecia for the time being due to possibilty of side effects and observation of Rogaines usefulness Been recording video diaries every few months or when I notice something, as well as photos, for the past year or so now... Mothers side of the family pretty much all have full heads of hair, her father is 80 and only has a receded hairline, something I've always seen him have (photos dating back to 60YO or so) Father has MBP, but did not go down the receding hairline route, rather thinning out all over on the top, slow process starting from around age 30 to 43 and has since stabalized.. he is now 53 and hasnt changed in years, definitely suitable for HT as he still has a lot of hairs on his head, though would be classed 'bald' by public standards Personally, I have noticed a receding hairline over the past 6 months or so, the hair in the corners of both sides is thinning, less hair when i pull them back, short hairs also. Ok so, I'm going to carry on using the Rogaine all over, and hope for the best. Propecia is waiting for future years as I think I don't want to mess with my semen and risk having child birthing problems in the next decade. But considering I had nothing to worry about 6 months ago, based on photos, there is definitely something going on and I can't judge at how fast it will happen. if my Dad and Grandpa are things to base it on though, my chances of having noticable hair loss before 30 should be unlikely at worst, but this is happening... How often does a hairline recede a little and then stay that way for a long time, without futher or much more hairloss? And as im being sensible with recording my progress, taking meds, revising and preparing, etc, with my young age, would that make me a good candidate for a HT, should I desire one in the next, say 4 or 5 years, depending on how bad it is by then? It's managable atm, as I wear my hair downwards anyway, but I can't say how it will look in the coming years. I wouldn't get a 2000 graft transplant on my hairline as an under 30, I know that much is stupid but how often do people have smaller sessions, to maintain and 'slow' their hairloss, with plans of having many more HTs over their lifetime. It's just I dont want to have to hit 30-35, with a gradual loss of hair, and then say 'ok, im old enough and ive lost enough, ill have a couple HTs and ill be good again'. I'd rather treat the process many times so when I'm 50, like my dad now, I wont have gone through a huge portion of my life as a 'bald guy' and hopefully by then I wont be losing any more hair, thanks to HTs and drugs/future procedures. Sorry, I always want these threads to have shorter OPs, I guess that is beyond me lol Thanks for reading!
  8. well I'm going to continue using regardless of the next few months, but I don't see it as a good sign as even though I've been applying the treatment, there was no hairloss at all on the left side of my hairline, and now there is. the hairs are growing and theyre short (couple centimeters) atm, but its still hairloss and when theyre combed down or rest down when the rest of my hair is pulled back, you can clearly see a receding/balding area, same with the right side... this time half a year ago, i didnt have that on either side of my hairline, so im pretty scared to see where ill be half a year/a year/2 years from now? 22 in March, I really do hope rogaine and maybe propecia can keep this hair loss at bay for a few more years
  9. Geeeez, 500 a month? please tell me that cost isnt just for hair procedures? how long have you/will you be paying that amount?
  10. lol, no offense, but if you're silly enough to pay those prices then it's your own fault for not researching. You can get the generic drug a lot cheaper online. I bought a years supply for 200 pounds a few months back
  11. I've just seen so many awesome videos from dr Umar, so i dont see any possible problems?
  12. looking good, but im interested to see how thick and long the hairs will grow
  13. proof me wrong? Also, before you said it will not do anything at all, so where are you getting this specific 99% figure from? I don't need to prove anything, anybody can google 'Rogaine on hairline' and find tons of positive results from forums, videos and other sources. There is also plenty of places stating that they have only tested rogaine on the crown area, which is why they do not/can not advertise it for frontal usage. I'm currently using Rogaine on my hairline and it is definitely making a difference, after 3 months of usage.
  14. Why aren't more people doing this? What are the general opinions on BHTs?
  15. sorry, but saying Rogaine does not work on the hairline is rubbish.
  16. How old are you? also post pictures, theres very little advice we can give with the information you've dealt us unfortunately
  17. welcome! My advice would be to get on rogaine and see if it works its magic for you. I'm the same age as you and against using propecia for the time being...
  18. Forget where you live as you should be prepared to do many hours of research, consulting online and should be willing to travel to get the right HT. I don't think people here can stress how important planning and preparation is as HTs are non reversible
  19. I've read a lot of bad things about Soy products lately, that they are toxic and a big no no for males especially, as it fucks with their hormones and causes the production of Estrogen, DHT and therefore speeds up the MPB process... are their any other food types that I should be avoiding? Share some insight on this please
  20. how long do you wear your hair? I ask because there are so many ways of concealing hair loss, be it through products, hair styles, a Hair transplant... I guess a system could be used on a receding hairline, but if you wear your hair short, you may want to consider getting a hairline tattoo. I don't know how many supporters this method has on these forums, but it has been something I've always considered, even if its only as an 'in-between' option to let myself age a bit more, and lose some more hair/gain more stability in my hairloss.
  21. I shampoo once a day, when I wake up but sometimes skip it if I know I'm not doing anything at all that day, not having to leave the house. I know a lot of people say its bad to shampoo daily, but I don't see the problem, at least when it comes to hairloss issues.
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