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Raj Jayukdht

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Everything posted by Raj Jayukdht

  1. What a Journey and what an Experience of having HT from Dr Bhatti. There are many words that describe Dr Bhatti….but I will just use one word… AMAZING!! Over the last few years many patients have gone to Dr Bhatti for their HT and posted their reviews on the forums. I have decided to present my review a bit differently. I intend to make it simple and as user-friendly as possible. There will be loads of pics from my HT, including pics of Dr Bhatti's clinic that no one has seen before. Then there is a review of each of the 2 hotels that I have stayed in. I have also included my impressions of other HT clinics that I visited while I was in India. Background Info: I had my first HT about 4 years ago and that was FUT (1800 grafts to front scalp). Almost 3 years ago I decided to look around for other clinics for my second HT. I searched most of the hair forums to decide which surgeon was best for me. This time round I wanted to have FUE as I felt this method was best suited to me and it's healing process is also much quicker. HT Discussion with Dr.Bhatti I was lucky enough to meet Dr Bhatti back in June in Europe for a hair consultation and he suggested I would need between 2000 to 2500 grafts from hairline to mid scalp. I mentioned that I wanted some beard hair in my forelock area, making it heavy in density, Dr Bhatti agreed to this and I was told that that around 400 – 500 grafts would be needed. A hairline was drawn that Dr Bhatti and I were happy with. Day before my procedure I arrived in India a day prior to my HT. Dr Bhatti's driver Sachin (fantastic guy) picked me up from Delhi Airport and dropped me off to Altius Hotel in Chandigarh at 10 am on 20th October. He agreed to pick me up the same afternoon for my meeting with Dr Bhatti. At the meeting we discussed the final aspects of the HT procedure and also redrew the hairline. This was to mainly accommodate any changes that may be required. Meeting Dr Bhatti again at his clinic was immensely comfortable and he put me at great ease regarding the procedure. I was delighted to learn that the procedure would go ahead, as previously arranged, on 21st Oct starting at 10am. The clinic carries out 2 procedures a day, big procedure of 2500+ grafts starts around 7.30am and second procedures usually for under 2500 start at 10am. The day of the procedure As advised I arrived at 10am, had my blood test done first, once I passed this …lol then I was good to go. My personal belongings were put in a safe and I was told to change into an operation theatre gown. My hairline was redrawn and then Dr Bhatti gave me a lovely haircut, after this the nurses/techs took over and they washed my hair with special Shampoo. After this I was taken to OT for harvesting. I was told to lay face down in the operating chair so that Dr Bhatti could apply the anesthetic to the donor area. The pain of receiving anaesthesia was tolerable. Also, it wasn't too difficult finding a comfortable position while the grafts were being extracted although I was lying on my stomach and my head was being turned from side to side. While Dr Bhatti was making the punches, his tech picked out the grafts from the donor area. In the end, Dr Bhatti was able to get 1888 grafts from donor area. A local anesthetic was applied to the beard area, which I think was the worst part. I was in a lot of pain but Dr. Bhatti was very efficient and carried out the whole process without any issues. In total 465 grafts were extracted from the beard area. The harvesting procedure took just under 3hrs. Then slits were made in the scalp for the grafts to be planted from the hairline going back to mid scalp. While Dr Bhatti was making the holes, I was getting a weird sensation as I could hear a crutch noise for each hole that was being created, so I heard this over 2000 times…lol. However no pain or discomfort was felt. Then there was a quick coffee break and some lunch after which it was time to implant the grafts into their new home by the techs. I clearly remember that the implanting started at 3.15pm and we finished around about 6.45pm. During the process Dr Bhatti had to extract a further 200 grafts from the donor area. He also kept an eye on the proceedings by visiting the OT room every 10min or so. Dr Bhatti kindly enough planted some grafts to my FUT scar, around 50 grafts on each side of the scar. I must mention that the staff at the clinic are wonderful, each one knows what role they have to do from Admin Manager to Tech implanters. I believe the grafts implanter was Ms Parneet and assistant nurses were Tina and Pooja. I would like to thank them for being patient with me and for keeping my mind occupied while I had the HT procedure. My break down of grafts (I think this is right, waiting for clinic to confirm) Singles: 288 + 401 from beard Doubles: 964 + 64 Triples: 636 Total of grafts 2353 Once the procedure was over I was given explicit instructions to spray saline solution every 20mins to my grafts till midnight. I was told to sleep on a chair, as I could not rest my head against a pillow due to having some grafts in my scar. I was back in my hotel by about 7.30pm. Now after having to spray every 20mins I must have slept only for 1 hour. Next morning Sachin picked me up at 9am for my first hair wash and I was given medication for the next 14 days. Dr Bhatti also supplies other medication such as Botin, finasteride, Mintop (Minoxidil foam 2% and 5%) for about ?50 pounds, which will last 6 months. There is a very short video that Dr Bhatti kindly firmed of the techs planting the grafts in my scalp, hopefully I will have this soon from the clinic. Any questions please ask. I do not work for any surgeon in regards to HT
  2. Thanks David. I intend to make my post abit different where I will give my feedback on few hotels that I have stayed during my trip. Most importantly lots of photos from my procedure with my feedback and I will also show photos of Dr Bhatti clinic that no one has seen before.
  3. Had about 2600. Will get break down time. 400 was beard hair.
  4. I just had my ht today finished about an hour ago. Back in the hotel now. I will post pics and hopefully video(s) when I return back home in November.
  5. I just had my ht today finished about an hour ago. Back in the hotel now. I will post pics and hopefully video(s) when I return back home in November.
  6. Thanks pisces ...I'm at his clinic as I'm trying this message. Waiting for Dr bhatti to finish off with a surgery and than he will do my hairline and hopefully have my ht tomorrow
  7. Only few days to go for my HT...cant wait. Flying to India tomorrow, few days of sight seeing and than the BIG DAY. I will try and add few photos of my HT while Im in india but I will do my final write up with lots of photos/videos when I return home end of October, as I would like to give brief and direct story of my HT. My video meeting Dr Bhatti back in the June 14...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2suE-ESBzwo
  8. Can I make a point that 6 weeks wont be enough if your having FUT, H & W scar goes from ear to ear and you will have shock loss around your scar aswell meaning you wont be able to hide the scar unless your wearing a beanie hat or some kind of hat that covers the back of your head.
  9. Thanks for your feedback. Dr Bhatti has recommended the same hotel to me aswell....if I'm not happy I will talk to him and change my hotel. I'm regards to my hairline I'm hoping to do this day before my ht.
  10. Jetset you must remember this point..IMO there is no such thing as having 1 HT that will fix your hair loss. Patients will need more than 1 HT to fix the on going hair loss problem. Im having my second HT this month and my first HT was back in 2011. I believe when you have your second HT (hopefully with Dr Bhatti), he will address any further loss and will add more grafts to your crown. From talking to Dr Bhatti he is always thinking of the patients future hair loss.
  11. I also believe you should of left the crown till your next HT. Anyway its done now, chill out and relax and let the grafts grow. Dr Bhatti has done a fab job with your hairline. Have you got any pics show your front scalp before your HT. Im having my HT this month and I cant wait to meet Dr Bhatti again.
  12. Here are some photos of my hairline drawn by Dr Bhatti when we last met in Europe, any feedback would be greatly appreciated
  13. This is my humble opinion.* It was clear that the expectations of Ethernal were beyond what could be achieved with one or two surgeries taking into consideration his limiting factors such as his hair loss, poor donor and hair characteristics.* One could consider his result a triumph relative to where he started when he came to Dr Bhatti Whether or not this be due to unrealistic expectations or poor donor.*Counselling a patient into the right approach can be a lengthy process, I remember my consultation with Dr Bhatti was almost 3 hours long and hopefully I have understood what my expectation will be after my second HT. As a surgeon they can only remain honest and transparent about what can be gained for the individual with surgery…..does he want coverage over a large area or density over a smaller area.....You may not be able to achieve both but in patients mind this is what he expects. Densedream and*California are right in saying what do you expect with about 4500 grafts for a NW7 patient and I believe*its too early to judge your second HT after 5 months. From what Ethernal was before HT and what he is now is a great improvement but his expectations are telling him something else. The Surgeon is only good as his tools and the grafts that he has in front of him!!!!! You have given Johnny as an example but few things you must realise: - Your head and Johnny's head is different size wise , so the grafts may have been packed more closely on Johnny's head compared to yours. - How many 1,2,3,4s grafts did you guys have each? - Im sure your hair characteristics are different swell!! Ethernal I wish you happy growth in the coming months.
  14. After the success of my first hair transplant a few years ago I have decided to embark into having another hair transplant. I have been researching forums for almost 2 years, spoken to some of the surgeons from around the world, after a lot of deliberation I have finally chosen Dr Bhatti from India for my FUE procedure. I was lucky enough to meet Dr Bhatti in Europe for my hair consultation. For my second procedure I wanted to add more density to my front scalp and to cover my temples. I was particularly interested in having beard hair to add density just behind my hairline. After almost 3 hours of consultation with Dr Bhatti we finally came to an agreement on my hairline, my goal for my procedure and the date for my hair transplant, which will be in October. I will document my procedure in my next video, showing you photos from my hair transplant and my experience of having FUE procedure with Dr Bhatti...hopefully this forum will allow me to show the video. If you have any questions you can contact me here on this forum. My video meeting Dr Bhatti back in the June 14...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2suE-ESBzwo
  15. Hi California Do you know if Dr Bhatti is attending this conference? I know Dr Bhatti attends conferences aboard, just wondering if will attend this one.
  16. I believe Dr Path is more of FUT rather than FUE surgeon??? They both are very good, I know Dr path FUT work is outstanding, Dr Bhatti FUE work is very good aswell. Im not sure what Dr Path charges for FUT or FUE but I guess you cant go wrong in choosing either of them. Just do your homework in regards to FUT and FUE scaring.
  17. I would say add Dr Bhatti to this list aswell. But it all depends on your budget and how far you are willing to travel.
  18. To begin your search, you might contact a consumer organization that selectively screens skilled and ethical hair transplant surgeons. Next stage to find a surgery is by word of mouth, talk to another patient or form the hair forum sites. For me the hair forums are the best place to get some advice from patients and surgeons. At the Consultation make sure that you are actually being evaluated by a physician – the one who will be performing your actual surgery – and not a senior consultant, if that is the case than I suggest you leave the consultation. Although it is fine for a non-physician to answer general questions, your examination should be conducted by the surgeon and he or she should be the one to make all treatment recommendations. Next, ask how long they have been working with their team. The larger clinics have a much higher staff turnover rate, so it's usually best to go with the smaller individual practitioner or group. Make sure to have a good examination, including having your density checked with a densitometer and your scalp assessed for laxity. Beware of the doctor who takes a quick glance at your head and exclaims. Does the surgeon take a holistic approach to hair restoration? Your surgeon should help you evaluate all your options, surgical and non surgical. Be sure that the surgeon is focused on a long-term plan. A good doctor will be thinking about where your hair loss is headed many years to come and consider how a procedure performed now will affect your future. It is important to think what the hair restoration will look like 5, 10, 20 years down the road as you may lose native hair with age. Is hair restoration the primary focus of their practice? Outstanding results require a surgeon and a full staff who perform hair restoration surgery on a regular basis. Doing hair restoration as a sideline, along with other cosmetic procedures, may hinder their ability to do large sessions of highly refined follicular unit transplantation. Choose a hair restoration clinic that is patient focused rather than commercially focused. Some clinics emphasize revenue, speed and volume rather than dedicating the time and individual care needed to produce optimal results. Once you have decided to have a hair transplant is whether to have the surgeon to harvest the donor hair through a long, thin strip via Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) or as individual follicular units using Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). There are advantages and disadvantages to each, so it is important to have a good understanding of both techniques, I believe there is a thread about this topic on this forum. Can the surgeon provide a minimum of 12 sets of before and after photos taken at the same angle, the same background, and the same lighting? These picture specifications are important to ensure that there are no possible discrepancies when looking at individual cases. Be sure that the photos provide a clear view of the hairline, as well as the mid scalp (the top between the hair line and crown). Also, ask if the surgeon can provide you with photographs of donor scars (FUE and FUT), which are left behind on the back of the scalp after surgery. Ask for the names and phone numbers of at least 5 patients you can contact to discuss their experiences/results from their hair transplant, try to see them face to face as you would be able to see their results. Ultimately, the most important measure of a hair transplant surgeon’s work is their patient’s level of satisfaction. Find out what patient’s think of their surgeon work by visiting discussion forums or by viewing hair loss blogs created by patients. Overall in my opinion I would try to remember this list as this helped me when I decided to book my HT with Dr Bhatti: • How long have you been doing this procedure? • How many patients have you performed? • May I see photos of your patients • Are there any of your patients I can talk to? • How long after surgery was the photos taken? • Do you perform FUT and or FUE? • How many grafts are usually done in a session? • How many sessions will I need to achieve the look I want? • How much will the entire procedure cost? • Are there any preparation fees or other costs besides the per-graft charge? • Describe the HT procedure • What risks are associated with this kind of procedure? • Are you board certified and which board certified you? • What part of the surgery do you yourself perform and what part is performed by your technicians? • How many surgeries do you perform a day?
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