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Raj Jayukdht

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Everything posted by Raj Jayukdht

  1. I feel that dr bhatti hairline is abit low but it all depends on your future plans, have you got enough donor, would you do BHT in the future?? As Traction mentioned, did dr bhatti split your face in thirds to get your hairline? how did the other dr get y our hairline?? Im not sure about your temple points on both drs?...dr bhatti temple line is going inwards and than out and other dr's temple line going outwards and back in............Maybe Traction can help you out here!!!!
  2. I would stay away from this clinic now. Why don't u speak to dr bhatti. You have every right to give your true experience of this clinic and that maybe good or bad. You are helping us with your feedback. I would never use these guys for my ht.
  3. Good to see patients from Dr Radha on this site...I will be following your progress
  4. i would wait few more days (so its been 2 weeks)...than I guess you can wear the cap
  5. I apply Rogaine 5% only to my crown every nite.....I believe it has helped abit.
  6. You are fine in the uk. It's the hot weather you need to be careful off.
  7. I believe its very very important to wait at least a year after your HT..so that u know what grafts have growth and how your HT result looks like and where the density lacks. You only have about 5 months to go??
  8. Ive tried contacting them via email...but never had any replies back Thanks Hariri
  9. not at all eternaldenied....you will have some growth there aswell. To me the front scalp is the important part as people see you from the front and its important to have strong hairline with density going back. You still have about 6 months of growth to go yet...each month the result will get better also I think you will benefit from having another ht in the future.
  10. thanks for the feedback...Im looking forward in seeing how the grafts look in your scar in few months time.
  11. Hi Augustya, I sent you a private message few weeks back, would you be so kind and response to it. thanks
  12. It's not bad...but it's only 7 months. Front scalp is the place to watch in next 4 months or so.
  13. its getting better day by day...thanks for the update
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