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Raj Jayukdht

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Everything posted by Raj Jayukdht

  1. Now this has put me off starting my Finasteride tablets Lawsuits have recently been filed against Merck & Co., the manufacturer of Propecia, claiming its hair loss drug has led several men to suffer from permanent impotence, an irreversible sexual dysfunction. These lawsuits claim that the manufacturer of Propecia failed to adequately warn US consumers of these adverse sexual side effects. Atkins and Markoff is an Oklahoma City-based personal injury law firm that represents individuals injured by pharmaceuticals; for more information visit Oklahoma City Attorneys and Lawyers | Personal Injury, Criminal Defense, Defective Drugs, Workers' Compensation, Family Law and Bankruptcy. (PRWEB) July 01, 2011 Propecia is a prescription medicine that is used to treat male pattern baldness. Approved by the FDA in 1992, Propecia was originally designed to treat enlarged prostate and was marketed as Proscar by Merck & Co. The main active ingredient in Propecia is finasteride. This medication is a member of a class of drugs called 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, which have been linked to erectile dysfunction, impotence, loss of sexual desire, and depression ("Persistent Sexual Side Effects of Finasteride for Male Pattern Hair Loss," onlinelibrary.wiley.com). In 2008, Propecia sales earned $429 million for Merck & Co. A recent study published by the Journal of Sexual Medicine (onlinelibrary.wiley.com) interviewed 71 men that complained of sexual side effects from taking Propecia. 94% of these men developed low libido, 92% developed erectile dysfunction, 92% developed decreased arousal, and 69% developed problems with orgasms after taking the hair loss drug for an average of 28 months. However, the most disturbing aspect of this study was the small percentage of men who's symptoms persisted even after the medication was stopped. Lead researcher Abdulmaged M. Traish, a professor of biochemistry and urology at Boston University School of Medicine, states that for some men "it's a life sentence." Almost every man that takes Propecia or Proscar experiences some sexual side effects ("Sexual Side Effects From Propecia, Avodart May Be Irreversible," medicinenet.com), but Traish adds "I am not worried about those who stop taking the drug and get their life back, [my concern is] about those who stop taking the drug, but they don't get their life back." The Propecia class action lawsuit (Case 3:11-cv-00641-GEB -TJB) was filed in New Jersey Federal District Court on behalf of Steven Rossello, of Harlingen, Texas, and Justin Herrman, of Las Vegas, Nevada. These men were both prescribed Propecia to treat male pattern baldness, and both have suffered serious sexual dysfunction, which has become permanent. The lawsuit alleges that Merck released warnings about the risk of sexual problems from Propecia in Europe, but they differed significantly from the label warnings for users of Propecia in the U.S, which failed to adequately warn of such side effects. The lawsuit over Propecia sexual dysfunction charges Merck with failure to warn, negligence, strict product liability, and breach of warranty. The two men are seeking compensatory damages in excess of $100,000, plus punitive damages and court costs for injuries from side effects as well as emotional distress and anxiety. About Atkins and Markoff: Atkins & Markoff is an Oklahoma Law Firm with a team of personal injury attorneys who serve consumers in several types of legal matters, including defective drug injury, product liability suits, medical malpractice, and accident injury. The firm has been handling these cases on behalf of American consumers for 15 years.
  2. I thought rogaine only work well on the crown area....I think I better start applying some in my temple areas now.
  3. Right I got a pack of finasteride tables 5mg from my GP today. The question is shall I start taking it, worried about side effects. How the hell do I cut the tablet into 4 or 5 pieces How should I start taking it....take 2 or 3 a week...slowly introduce it to my system? Do I need to take it everyday? Any advice would be grateful
  4. So Spex you have stopped taking Proscar and starting taking finpecia...apart from being a 1mg tablet, is finpecia better, you got any better results. If I was going to buy the proscar tablets, is it best to buy the tablets made buy Merk or buy generic proscar. Are generic tablets just as good as Merk tablets? Also before I purchase months supply of proscar or propecia, where can I get 1 or 2 months supply, as Im wondering if I will get any side effects?
  5. I have been talking to a member on this forum room about me starting propecia and he has advice me to buy proscar finasteride in a 5mg tablet and than cut the 5mg proscar in to 5 pieces then I will have 5 1mg propecia tablets, this is because people cut the proscar into 5 because proscar and propecia are the same price so you get five times as much for your money with proscar. He also advised me to buy the proscar tablets made by Merk and not to buy generic proscar. I would like to thank the forum member for his advice and I was wondering what other members of this site thought of propecia and proscar. I have also been told by a clinic “The 5mg of Finasteride in Proscar is not evenly distributed throughout the tablet. Therefore if you were to cut this into five pieces you may get 5mg in one piece and nothing in the other four pieces. You would get the drug in your system one day but not the other four days.”
  6. Is there hope!!! Cure for baldness 'could be on sale within five years' | Mail Online
  7. Since my HT back in feb. 11 I have been rubbing bio oil to my scar daily for the first 3 months and than Vitamin E oil (45,000 I.U) for the last 4 months. Its been 7 months now, should I stop this or carry on up and till my 1 year of my HT.
  8. Is Nizoral Shampoo any good to use after 6 months of having a HT?
  9. Use bio oil or vitamin E oil on the scar....I think vit E is better for scars
  10. Is it worth taking MSM and Biotin tablets after 3 months HT? and how does MSM help your hair, I understand how biotin works but MSM ?
  11. Its been 2 months since I had my HT and I was wondering taking MSM and Biotin tablets would help my hair/grafts grow better. Any thoughts on taking these tablets???
  12. OMG Frdtrtnv8, its also gone be six weeks in 2 days time when I had my HT. I had 1750 grafts and Im in the same shoes as you, as some of the grafts have fallen out, some are still there (they feel like crew cut). I suffered some shock loss on the top of my head but tbh I don't feel depressed and I don't even wear a hat when going out. When I had my HT, I was told not to shave my hair, so after my HT, Ive not had a hair cut (need one), my hair is curly and wavy, my donor area is healing nicely. Ive created a web site (Link removed by moderator - see Terms of Service) where me and my friend are sharing our experience of HT, I will post some pic's of my donor area and where I had my grafts by this weekend. Just relax man and be patient.
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