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Everything posted by eddiemunster

  1. Federer is neither a genius nor is he the best in the world (he's currently 3rd). Rahal, on the other hand, may be both. He's in the top 2, in my opinion.
  2. hate to nit pik, but the hairline at his temple closure looks a little odd. once you start getting close up, it's apparent that something is unnatural there. jotronic, is there anything that can be done about that?
  3. that's an unacceptable result IMO, and I'm sure Dr. Feller and his team would agree. They should, at a minimum, offer you a complimentary session to provide the intended result.
  4. thanks bonker for your reply, but I disagree that my question is impossible to answer. I understand that every situation is different, but I am asking for the "average" sprout timeline. many clinics provide any average "growth" timeline, and as explained above, the growth timeline incorporates both the sprouting and maturation averages. I'm looking for just the sprouting information. again, can anyone weigh in on the average sprout timelines (per month) for grafts?
  5. The "growth timeline" information that I've seen takes into account both the % of grafts that have sprouted and how mature they are. For example, I've read that at 6 months, approximately 80% of the grafts have sprouted, but they are only 30% mature, and thus the 6 month result is only about 50% of the final result. The 50% figure takes into account both sprouting and maturation. My question is, what is the average timeline strictly for the hairs to penetrate the skin? In other words, at 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, etc., what is the average % of grafts that have sprouted? thanks!
  6. Rahal. I've had face-to-face consults with both, and have reviewed mostly all of their results. to me, it's Rahal, and it's not that close.
  7. TC17 - I think its somewhat inaccurate to call this a "lowering of the hairline." based on the pre-op drawings, it doesn't appear that Dr. Rahal brought the hairline any lower than where the frontal tuff already began. Rather, he brought down the temporal recession to be in line with the frontal tuff. that's a big difference, IMO. I'd appreciate hearing from Dr. Rahal's office on that. In any event, it's an outstanding result, especially for one pass.
  8. Dr. Feller - just two cents from an observer - you're making a poor impression on this thread. I find Corvet's points to be pretty reasonable, and you're coming off as defensive and somewhat boorish.
  9. I would describe my surgery as virtually painfree, and the aftermath as only somewhat uncomfortable. it depends primarily on your surgeon, IMO. I had ron shapiro.
  10. Adrian - any shots with the hair pulled back to show the hairline? it's difficult to assess the result with the hair combed forward.
  11. and what about when a significant other goes to pat your "buzz cut"? I don't see how this is a practical alternative.
  12. "Dr. Rahal and his clinic made no threats or claims that they were planning to take legal action against you" Really Bill? c'mon. they ask him to remove the post, stating that they discussed the matter with their lawyer and it is an actionable offense. Yes, they didn't explicitly say "we'll sue you if you don't remove your post", but the implication is clear. The responses from doctor reps and moderators to negative posts like this are disappointing. 1000 positive posts fly by each week, but the rare negative post gets beat down. IMO, it hurts the credibility of this site.
  13. Ron Shapiro and Paul Shapiro are brothers. Both work at Shapiro Medical Group (SMG) in Minnesota. Ron Shapiro is certainly more renowned. I believe he taught Paul. They both do excellent work, however.
  14. Adrian, is this true? Did RHI's lawyers really threaten legal action against DavidEur because of his post? If so, that is very disappointing in my opinion. Private threats of lawsuit against posters is something I associate with the Armani clinic, not an "elite" coalition doctor like Rahal. That kind of activity (if true) does far more damage to your clinic's reputation than DavidEur's post.
  15. if only it were that simple... (sorry, couldn't resist)
  16. why would anyone choose to go to Dr. Loria? the guy is a joke. I hope, for the posters sake, that this is fake.
  17. looks great Janna, he must be very pleased. btw, I'm impressed how you have time to post all these updates, given that I just left there an hour ago:)
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