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Everything posted by Thehairupthere

  1. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/162644-dr-true-3-106-graft-fut-nw-4a.html There is an example of a case where someone has a donor scar, I believe it's the last photo. If that's a scar that bothers you, you shouldn't do it. It's very difficult to notice. If you plan to keep your head shaved like yours is now than don't do it, doctors wouldn't suggest you do it, because it's so short. Both FUT and FUE are great and they both have their place in certain situations, so in your case FUE might be best since you don't want to grow your hair out, if you plan to grow it out than FUT is not a problem because it won't be seen, you only need about 1/2 inch of hair to hide it.
  2. yes in the donor area. They are very difficult to see.
  3. I have no idea as I don't work for them, but it's possible. Many doctors offer a discounted rate as a standby if there is a rescheduling or cancellation, but they would be on very short notice. Give them a call and ask.
  4. In your situation I would suggest using monoxidil or finasteride for 1 year before considering a hair transplant because you appear to be an early 5A on the Norwood scale and can certainly lose much more hair all throughout the middle portion of the top of your head. You could see a very nice improvement with the medication and if you only wanted to bring the temple and corners in a bit I would say you would need about 1000 grafts.
  5. Some doctors accept Care Credit, which offer several financing options. Check to see if they accept people from outside the US. If they do then it shouldn't be a problem getting financing if you want to go to the US, if that's what you were thinking.
  6. Francois1 if you haven't noticed I am a consultant and 3000 FUE is not done in one sitting, your research is wrong, like most of your comments and assumptions. No one has to justify any pricing to you, these procedures are incredibly difficult and that's why not every HT doctor performs them. It's incredibly precise and takes much longer to do than FUT; imagine taking out that many grafts and needing to trim excess tissue, clean them, create the incisions and then implanting them back. Good FUE doctors usually can extract anywhere from 300-500 grafts an hour and must take breaks ever so often as the devices they use cause a lot of arm and hand fatigue. Each incision has to be made so precisely and at the proper depth otherwise you can easily transect the follicle. So when FUT a difficult procedure in itself costs about 4-5 dollars per graft you must understand that this much more difficult procedure which can span several days will cost more. Also you are not factoring the cost of technicians salaries, the medication that is administered during the procedure (valium, anesthesia etc), equipment costs (many instruments are disposed after usage such as the blades to make extractions as well as the blades that make the incisions; this blades for incisions are usually made specifically for that particular patient), renting or paying a mortgage on an office (in big cities this can be quite substantial), and last but not least the doctor's liability insurance costs which have only gotten higher in recent years. So a case that is 3000 grafts for FUE would in most cases be done in 2 days so it's not 30k in a day but rather 15k still a hefty sum, but half the amount you're thinking. Also I don't believe they would charge you $10 per graft they actually stated earlier it was $7 or $8 per graft, which would make it $21,000-$24,000 in total so I don't know where you're getting 35k from. So summing up this argument you are making is nonsense if you do not like the price that this procedure is going for than simply don't do it, no one is forcing you. It's very clear you don't understand or appreciate the serious training these doctors have gone through and that's why they are considered the best and why other doctors in the world charge very low prices because that's the only way they will be able to attract uneducated, quick to make decision patients.
  7. "Matt why does Rahal or any other respectful Ht surgeon who is a master at their skill charge 30-35 k for ONE DAY of work ..... Can u please shed some light ? Cause the only reason I could come up with is Doctors taking advantage of deseperate Men" I think I should repeat my statement earlier, just to make people understand that 3000 FUE grafts are not performed in one sitting, it's usually done in 2-3 days.
  8. Not that I want to get involved in this thread, but just to clarify 3000 FUE grafts would most likely be done in 2-3 days depending on the patient's skin quality. Most experienced doctors can get about 1500-2000 FUE grafts in one day. So it's not quite that much in one day you're actually taking up potentially 3 days of work.
  9. Yes this result looks great, I was curious to see how the extraction area looked like directly after the procedure.
  10. Most people have a lot of numbness in the first few weeks in the recipient area, which is normal and not much pain should be felt. The donor area can be sore for several weeks but if you're experiencing intense pain, you should see your doctor and see if there is an infection, a stitch that wasn't removed (if you already had your stitches removed). Some patients do experience intense sharp pain on top and closer to the crown as the nerves in your head all come together at that area. This can last for a few weeks, but should subside by not touching it, and taking some pain killers.
  11. Most of the time when you see a white "bulb" at this point it's dry skin that's attached to the hair that is shedding. You will experience more dandruff like this for the next few weeks. Unless you hit your head severely within the first few days of your procedure than your hair should be fine and healthy.
  12. You shouldn't be worried, this all sounds normal. All of the hairs you had transplanted will fall out between 8 days and 3 weeks post op.
  13. You can start rogaine now if you want. You only have to wait to use rogaine until all your scabs have fallen off, which is usually 8-10 days.
  14. It is normal to see the transplanted hair fall out, in fact they all will fall out within 3 weeks of the surgery date. Your hairs are set and won't be damaged by simply touching your head, you'd have to seriously hit your head to cause any damage and at this point even that wont' necessarily harm them.
  15. If you have multiple procedures the doctor should be reopening your scar and taking another area above or below, leaving you with one scar. This can be done several times until the scalp elasticity is no longer able to do it. FUE is possible to be done with someone who has had several FUT procedures. It can be taken from the entire donor area selectively but depending on the size of the FUE you may need to shave the entire donor area to harvest that amount. If it's a small procedure than you may be able to shave slits (similar to the shaved slit from the FUT procedure which is later removed) and have your hair above combed over it (ideal to keep your hair longer to do this).
  16. Are you taking any preventative medication? You should definitely be using minoxidil or finasteride as you can regain some dormant hair and prevent further hair loss; this is especially important since you're still young. You look like a Norwood 6 and the top of your donor area in the back is getting a bit thin as well. I wouldn't suggest FUE for you as I believe you will need a large treatment of about 3000 grafts or more, and very likely need a 2nd procedure to give you extra density and fullness and FUT will be the most efficient way of getting you the best results.
  17. Follow the link above the video, that will lead you to all the pre and post operative photos including the donor area.
  18. Are you using any medication to prevent hair loss like finasteride or minoxidil? I ask because you are very young and are going toward a high number on the norwood scale, probably an early 5A at the moment but could be a 6 within a few years. This medication should at least stop the hair from continuing to fall out or you can even see some hair growth after about 1 year on the medication. I don't believe you should consider having a transplant until you use the medication for at least 1 year and see the results. If you go on to see a stabilization or regrowth than you can proceed probably with less grafts than you would need now, and if you go on to lose more hair even with the medication after a year than you should probably completely rethink how many grafts you need to use and for what area because you'll need to use them efficiently. Also for the size of the treatment that you would need I don't think FUE is the right decision, you probably will need 3000 grafts at least to get a very nice change to your appearance and you could very well need a second treatment to increase overall density from the first one.
  19. The crown is much higher than your donor area, so it's still taken from the same area. The donor area or safe zone is usually taken at the height of the top of your ear all the way around. This could vary higher or lower by a centimeter or so depends on where the density is best.
  20. It means you were possibly feeling the side effects and you could have developed gynecomastia.
  21. Doctors usually don't charge extra not to shave, at least not the ones that normally don't require it. Leaving the hair longer allows the doctor to see the lay of the hair and can give him or her a better idea of how to design the transplant. This is obviously also what the doctor feels comfortable with, but your results would turn out the same, without making a drastic change to your look.
  22. Shaving does not cause the yield to improve it simply allows the doctors see better. An experienced surgeon should be able to give you the same yield with or without shaving.
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